Reviews for Watch the World Burn
creativesm75 chapter 1 . 12/18/2018
yikes. Thank goodness this is not canon. A scary Korra
Chyme for the Rhyme chapter 1 . 10/17/2016
I think what's terrifying about this is that you still see certain elements of Korra's canon personality shinning through; her impatience, her love of bending and the physical pleasure of a fight, all the worst aspects of her temper, pinned inside a personality where her kind nature and more humane feelings don't exist.

I particularly like the last part where she shakes off Aang's guidance and his hand and thinks he 'looks nothing like his statue,' dismissing him as something smaller than the image that's probably followed both him and her around, in the form of stories and other memorials.

It's an interesting idea; the Avatar reborn into a body that is driven to achieve all the worst humanity has to offer. And 'laugh.' And it's very well done.
AvatarAang7 chapter 1 . 8/10/2016
This story always manages to cheer me up, mostly because when I read it, I can convince myself that I'm not the most twisted writer out there. Thank you for reminding me that I don't have to see a psychiatrist just yet :P.

In all seriousness though, I do like this one, and have come back to it multiple times, but never really wrote a review, for some reason. So yeah, thanks for writing something that is so much unlike anything else.
hork chapter 1 . 6/8/2015
Holy shit I'm sitting here with my mouth open after finishing this story lol
Very interesting piece about a korra wholly uninterested in being good, like in canon
I'd say the enjoyment she gets from bending that she has here, is definitely canon (though I don't think canon korra would have been so sadistic with it)
For a second I was afraid Amon would have actually take her bending, but now I see that that definitely would not have fit haha. It's very interesting that korra would forcibly invoke the avatar state like that, but it makes perfect sense within this fic.
zoopdedo chapter 1 . 3/8/2015
Whoaaaaaaaaaa, that was frkn BEYOND intense. I mean..jeez, crazy Korra is...REALLY REALLY FRKN INSANE! plus, u captured so well! U, my friend, deserve an applause. I'm clapping right now, jus for u. Awesome job dude!:D
Hpdwlotr24 chapter 1 . 12/26/2014
Woah...that was really intense! It was such an interesting idea, especially the bit with Tenzin, Lin, and Tarrlok recruiting Amon. An evil had never even considered's such an intriguing idea...and terrifying...This was really well done! Great job!
D3ath Mess3nger chapter 1 . 11/12/2014
"In retrospect, Mako thinks, this is the first sign they should start running and never look back" UNDERSTATEMENT OF THE MILLENNIA! LOL

Basically, Korra if she was Gregor Clegane's daughter with Diva from Blood Plus. And these two scare the fuck out of me yet makes me love their slaughter.

Awesome, scary and sick! LOVED IT! When I first started on fanfiction, it was about Danny Phantom, but I always loved Dark Fics of suicide, going insane, killing people(I was 12 and bullied at school, but then I started to like the macabre). Naruto and Harry Potter have some sick Dark Fics, but never did Avatar have one like this one! This is so cool!

Psychopath-Korra is awesome. I usually prefer sophisticated sociopaths, but I do have a fascination for gory, brutal and monstrous ones like Gregor Clegane, Diva, Ramsay Snow, Pyramid Head, Kratos and Alucard. There's something artistic about unadultered violence and bloodthirst. There's no rhyme or time to it, no motive or goal, just beautiful bloody death, it's spontaneous and vivid I think. Her stabbing herself to activate the Avatar State actually made me stop and think "Can they do that?! Damn, I never thought about it! That's scary, especially if they bloodbend!"
But say, what's the reason for her insanity? It wasn't just her mother cutting herself by accident(I assume that's when she became fascinated with blood and hurting, but not the cause for it). At any rate, loved it!
Souplog chapter 1 . 11/5/2014
Holy shit man, jesus. I mean, well-written and everything but damn. This was pretty dang cold. I remember when I first started reading fanfiction the very first ones I read were of Naruto . After a while you hone in on those weird ones where they make Naruto a psychopath or something, and its cool because you see a progression over a bunch of chapters of this new version of the character being all evil and badass, and how everyone else reacts to it.

This story made me kind of want that, only for Legend of Korra. That would be awesome. Preferably with a kind of gray moral code rather than total psychopathy, but if it had to be like total psychopathy then it'd be cool if it were a Hannibal Lecter situation, you know? Like her traumatic experiences with the Amon and Unalaq and Zaheer were actually very formative, and they make her into this warped serial killer persona. Would she have a weird morality like Dexter? or would she be completely inscrutable like Hannibal Lecter? Who knows!? But its a macabre kind of fun to think about.

Anyway, other than all the cool ideas you gave me (and if I can't find such a long-form serial killer Korra fic, then by god I'll write it myself), this was a pretty inspired story. Really messed up, though I think that was what you might have been going for (mention of charred bison carcassesheartbreak). Very good Halloween shenanigans on your part!

Thanks for writing!
starheart.fallenstar chapter 1 . 11/1/2014
In all of AU-Korra(Equalist-Korra, Red Lotus-Korra, Politician-Korra, etc.), this is probably the MOST terrifying one.

I really like it though, in a...sick twisted kind of way, seeing(reading) Psychopath-Korra enjoying her sadistic deed so much is kinda fun! And the way she activated Avatar state with by stabbing herself is awesome!

I glad you left(or forgot?) Asami out of this, I thought she going to hit Psychopath-Korra on the street and get beaten to dead with her own satomobile...

Anyway, I have to ask, I know that Psychopath-Korra is clearly have a mental problem, but is she start to gone batsh*t crazy just because she saw Senna accidentally cut herself with a kitchen knife?