Reviews for Of the Night: Choices, Change, and Fate
Ghost320 chapter 26 . 9/18/2019
BlackRose0019 chapter 58 . 2/2/2019
Am I the only one who doesn't like the ship between Shade and Ash ?
kmreece chapter 63 . 9/7/2017
I didn't think I was going to like this story because even though it included Toothless, Hiccup, and Astrid, they weren't the main characters. But I was wonderfully surprised by how much I enjoyed getting to know the new characters here. This was a wonderful story. At least until the end. I was very disappointed to find this last chapter was just bits and pieces of the finished product. What was completed was good. I got the happy ending that I wanted. But I was still unsatisfied. Wonderful story. Just wish it was truly finished.
Conejo-sama chapter 13 . 5/5/2017
I liked this chapter a lot. We got to know a little bit more about Haku and his family. I hope to see a little more of his personality as I read on
Conejo-sama chapter 12 . 5/5/2017
I'm really liking this story so far. I honestly didn't know how to feel because the story focuses so much on an OC, but it's actually really good. Some people's get a little too carried away, but you did a good job and it keeps getting interesting by the second.

However, there is one thing that is bothering me: There's no way her parents could have told her all of those minute details when recounting the story to their kids. You have a habit of going into too much detail. Also, people don't usually think in third person (I know this story is already complete, but this is just a little advice for any future stories)

Other than that, I slowly loving this, almost as much as the first one.

;3 C-sama
Kelroe26 chapter 63 . 3/25/2017
Thanksgiving two years ago, I was reading this religiously. I have to say, it's held merit, and I reread this occasionally. I do hope you're doing well, and that your illness has been either cured, or that treatment has allowed you to live happily. Regardless, I wish you well, and sincerely thank you for this story.
Thunderbird 22 chapter 63 . 1/23/2017
Great end I love it well sorta hate it to you might understand this but I both love and hate endings i feel empty after reading an ending to a favourite story but I also love the closure they bring but everything has to end doesn't it I'll find another story I always do but good ones are hard to find and I thank you for that I might just have to reread the first one now

wish you luck

This Thunderbird 22 signing off ( for now I look forward to seeing your next batch of stories)
Thunderbird 22 chapter 61 . 1/23/2017
I remember that I stopped reading due to a bush life but man should have I stuck around a while longer your work never ceases to amaze and I love your shade and ash fluff but as I always say nothing's beets the original good luck my friend
Aska chapter 45 . 3/21/2016
Is Erik the Erik from how to train your dragon 2?
Cause if so his name is Erit. ( just so you know )
benyfromthenight chapter 63 . 3/11/2016
Hello there,
first of all, i've just finished this fanfic Just wow. I really love all the universe of Dragons of Berk, but you just take it on an other level to me. I coudn't expect it to be this way, but i was very pleased. All your characters are pretty developped, and even I was reading a short chapter or paragraph, I always dived in your world ! That was so f**king great dude ! Don't be mad at you for the end, it kinds of happen sometimes that you cannot really write what you want or in the way you want it (even if i never wrote anything in my life xD). I really REALLY hope sometimes I will have the chance to read the next part of it all.
Cheers, and keep fighting your illness, don't give up !
BTMFTW1 chapter 63 . 2/15/2016
Quite frankly, I'm just happy I made it to the ending! With limited time, I blazed through this in about six hours or something altogether, spread part two days :P I'm happy that everything resolved, to an extent, even if you briefly went into the hypotheses for Haku and the village of Heimme. Anyways, thanks for "Of the Night," along with all of its companion stories! Love them!
Harkonnen28 chapter 63 . 1/13/2016
Well it certainly has been a long journey. I can say with all honesty that I am thankful for you giving me the pleasure of reading your story. It always made me smile when I saw your story at the top of my alert list, made my day just that much brighter.

Although I am saddened for it to be over, it gives me the rare opportunity to remove a story I like that has completed from my alert list and onto my favorites.

I truly wish the best for you regarding your illness and hope you can recover and continue to be the creative person you are. This fandom would be less without it.

Thank you.
Vvarden chapter 63 . 1/12/2016
Thank you for this chapter MM. It may not have been what you wanted it to be but it was a great ending to this amazing story you have created. I hope your health takes a turn for the better soon and I wish you all the luck in the world with becoming published!

I love how you decided CCF was going to end. It was happy, yes, but still some things didn't work out for the better. I teared up a bit when I got to the part about how Ash had been carrying a hatchling, and how Shade said he loved her and would have loved his child and how he would want to try again for more hatchlings down the road. The reunion of James and Aeri was really great too, they deserve to be together after everything that they have gone through. I'm also happy that Svar and Shade were able to talk before Svar's death, it brings closure to their troubled relationship that may have been able to be fixed if Svar had survived. Surmata is no more, relationships have been mended but still need time to heal fully, and Berk has returned to normal for at least the time being.

I am so happy that I found you and your fics when I did. I read them when I was stressed out or sad, and I always looked forward to a new chapter or new mini-series. These amazing stories have meant a lot to me over the time I have been reading them and I am so grateful that you were able to create such works of fiction just to share with all of us. Thank you for everything mathmonkey. I look forward to whatever you come out with next, but until then I hope you start feeling better, good luck in school, good luck with your publication, and I wish you the absolute best in anything you do in life.

- Vvarden
Spirit of Fury chapter 63 . 1/10/2016
Even in this story's final hours on , and despite the fact it wasn't entirely fleshed out, I feel like hugging you. You remained detailed in your descriptions to the end, and I thought you should know just how appreciated your quality of writing is.
It takes a lot of work to create a tale as twisting and accurate as this, and it takes a brilliant, independent mind to hold together a plot this complex and deep.
I myself am very proud of your efforts, and of your determination to continue what you so clearly love, against the odds.
I would like to wish you the best of luck in your new adventures, and hope that the world treats you well.

May the blessing of light be on you—
light without and light within.
May the blessed sunlight shine on you
and warm your heart
till it glows like a great peat fire.

Onnea, rakkaat ystävät.
Spirit of Fury
QuiteARandomFan chapter 63 . 1/9/2016
I'm glad you could give us this chapter. True, it might be incomplete, but I prefer knowing how the author intended it to end (especially on such a good story) rather than having to imagine the ending myself. So I'd like to thank you for the effort you went through to give us this chapter.

Well, seems I was right about Ash... though overall things went a bit better than I'd have expected.
Poor Svar... they must've put him through hell too. At last Surmata got what she had coming. And poor Ash... what a horrible way to find out. At least she and Shade could finally get their problems sorted out. Hatchlings from those two would definitely be interesting ;)

I still enjoyed the chapter and think the ending is fitting for this story. Under the given circumstances I'd also think that the information in the chapter is preferable to the details in it, it doesn't lessen the quality of the story in any way after all (at least IMO).
CCF is still one of the best HTTYD fanfics I've read so far, i highly enjoyed it!
And I'd be looking forward to more HTTYD story material from you.

I wish you good health as soon as possible. Until next time.

See ya

P.S. Your remark about maps brought back some of the better memories from vocational school. One of our teacher's maps there were legendary. America looked like a banana and Europe was just... something. It was glorious every time again ;)
And the best part about his maps? You could still use them to explain where a certain place was (provided you ever saw a REAL world map of course)!
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