Reviews for Slave to a Shark
Violoveless chapter 13 . 11/30/2019
I'm 50 years late on reading this.

I've enjoyed this fic. I understand it probably won't be updated, but just know, you did a great job.
BlindJesus chapter 9 . 4/26/2017
Really don't know how I feel about the vampire thing, but I like hearing about Jared and what he's doing, I'm interested to see how everything turns out.
BlindJesus chapter 7 . 4/26/2017
Oh my God I love you, Itachi at the end of the story was amazing, that was something he would totally do. Because it was to protect his brother and his family. Nice job! It was very in character for him.
BlindJesus chapter 5 . 4/25/2017
You've done a good job so far making this story equal parts really interesting and also very uncomfortable.
Kusushi chapter 13 . 8/26/2016
WHAT? We need more, this is a masterful work and it would be a shame not to finish the story. We just got Jared and Shisui together! I wanna read about their date and see if Sasuke and Suigetsu develope any. Also what's going to happen now that Sasuke knows about vampires and see Jared again? TOO MANY HOLES MAN and they all need filled! PUHLEEASE keep working on this story. I will be anxiously waiting. Also get a lil more graphic with Itachi and Kisame. It's rated "M" for a reason, not NC-17
AnimeObsessed326 chapter 13 . 6/12/2016
Are you going to continue? It's really good. Never thought much about these pairings, but decided to give it a shot. Looks like I took a shot in the right direction. Hope to see more.
Guest chapter 13 . 2/5/2016
that was really good update soon
Guest chapter 13 . 12/25/2015
The story was good, but it changed too drastically. How come a man who has been a monster all his life suddenly become this... This thing. This is definitely not the story I fell in love with, and what it has become now isn't really fitting what I like to read. It's weird and it doesn't feel right.
dubsyb chapter 8 . 12/25/2015
This fic is going nowhere. The worst is, you know it.
GuestPopponponpo chapter 5 . 12/25/2015
HAHAHA! He even vomited. Great chap, but you made Itachi open the shower knobs twice.
MidnightRazorHeart chapter 13 . 12/23/2015
I loved your story so much and was very pleased with it. I could not put my phone down as I was reading in class. My teacher yelled at me. I told her I was reading. I got sent to the office for attitude. My vice principle and I got into a huge discussion with me about books and different kinds of genres and what our favorite writing style is. I got away with an hour of detention, in which I am allowed to read. It was a good time. But after around chapter 7/8/9, to be honest, I began to not enjoy it. Now before anyone gets mad at me or before you (author) feel upset with yourself, let me tell you the reasons why I'm not impressed and then things I do like about it. I do not comment with negative intent, simple respectful constructive criticism.
I feel as though you do not use psychology accurately in the relationship between Kisame and Itachi. I was very pleased with the first 8 chapters but since chapter 9 I feel that your style has drastically declined. You started out with Kisame being this monster that seemed to have bipolar disorder, when truly he was having internal battles over who he is, what is normal, what he should be, and his emotions. You continued with this and built up the rising action so much until you reached this big event where Kisame claimed Itachi (the rape scene) out of jealousy and anger. Then it seemed as though you turned everything into a different direction. You brought in that Jared is a vampire, which doesn't make much sense. How come there were never any hints beforehand or much foreshadowing. You stated how Jared vomited from the scene he had to clean up in Kisame's torture chamber. After being a vampire for so long and attending to Kisame, regardless of how awful the scene Jared had to clean up was, I don't think he should have lost his cool like that. Jared seems relatively human up until chapter 9 with nothing supernatural involved.
Moving on from that though, you change your psychology methods after chapter 9. Itachi is obviously terrified and has PTSD from the traumatic experience and all he has faced due to Kisame yet also feels conflicted because he has developed a sense of Stockholm syndrome (which I believe this love story is supposed to be). After that though Kisame becomes completely bowing to Itachi’s whim. Kisame agrees ad follows Itachi around like a lost puppy (when given permission to). I understand that Kisame has unimaginable amounts of guilt for what he did and he wants to make up for it and have Itachi forgive him, but it does not make sense in a psychological way how he goes about it. I feel as though Kisame should have begun to shower Itachi with gifts while keeping distance and then getting angry when Itachi did not accept the gifts. I feel chapter 11 was what turned me off to this story the most though, and continuing to chapter 13. The time skips are okay but everything moves too quickly. Itachi seems to just suddenly begin to like Kisame again without much confliction. Yes, Kisame is giving Itachi distance and taking things slowly, but even after 4 months, someone wouldn’t give into physical attraction or form mild trust of someone who had violently raped them (regardless of Stockholm syndrome) as is written. It seems very rushed and as though Kisame and Itachi were being forced together. Like two opposing magnets needed to come together somehow and you weren’t sure how to bring them together or to make a gradual change of one of the magnet’s internal components, so you simply turned it over and they connected. How did you turn the magnet over? It happened so quickly, like a flip of a switch. Despite Itachi still wanting to take precautions and not wanting to have any part of Kisame penetrate him, they practically jump into sexual actions and kissing and mild trust (regardless of not having love). Actually, the specifications that Itachi does not love Kisame yet still wanted to have romantic associations with Kisame makes even less psychological sense. This is where you ditched the Stockholm syndrome and PTSD from sexual abuse and went to happy ending mode. The story became overall confusing for me to grasp and frustrating.
I think you could greatly improve the story if you researched Sexual Abuse, Stockholm syndrome, PTSD, and Abuse Victims psychology in great detail and then applied more of it to your story. I have written a Itachi/Sakura/Deidara fanfiction where Itachi is abusive to Sakura. I have never been in this situation, so to make the story more accurate, I spent lots of time researching the topic and psychology and reading first hand experiences. I often refer back to the links I bookmarked when writing chapters for the story. I also think that you could improve the story if you either took out completely that Jared is a vampire or if you came right out in the first couple chapters foreshadowing and hinting and making it so the supernatural is not uncommon in your alternate universe.
Now onto good things; because there are some really good things that I adore about your story. Chapter ten, cow sex, I was the one groan of disappointment. Lol. …moving on O_O …. I LOVE Itachi’s NEED to protect Sasuke and how this drives Itachi to endure all that Kisame does. You write about Itachi’s want to protect Sasuke, desire to be near him, yet not wanting Kisame near him perfectly. His possessiveness and all he does simply for Sasuke is fantastic. It leads the plot excellently. Sasuke and Suigetsu’s relationship is a very cool addition to the story. Suigetsu personality with seriousness yet sarcastic ‘captain obvious’ humor is perfect. I love how Sasuke and him become friends and are developing a relationship of sorts behind the scenes that you hint at. Kisame’s conflicting emotions and how to act is excellent in the beginning chapters. He tortures and toys with Itachi as he has done with all his past slaves, yet takes care of his wounds and finds him captivating. Itachi is scared of Kisame and wants to get away from him as soon as possible, yet also has this strange attraction (which he does overplay so Kisame will play into his plans of escape) for Kisame as well. Itachi going blind and needing to rely on Kisame is a great way to make Itachi vulnerable. Kisame helping Itachi and being kind to him during the moment Itachi is blind will cause Itachi to once again be confused and find attraction/mild trust in Kisame (I think you should have continued to have Itachi be blinded for an extended period time however, then the trust would grow more the more Kisame takes care of and helps Itachi. Just way I think you could make the story make more sense and follow correct psychology). I think going to the political debates is a perfect way for Kisame and Itachi to bond more. Itachi’s want to be political because he thinks on a very high intellectual level and has many ideas is perfect, in the past he didn’t have the chance to be involved in politics. Through Kisame however, Itachi is able to indulge in his ideas and logical thinking about how his society is run. Kisame’s guilt and apologies throughout the whole piece are wonderful. Kisame doesn’t know quite how to be a caring person, but he does know you’re supposed apologize for something they do wrong. In order to try and fix things, Kisame apologizes extensively, although he doesn’t fully realize that the apologies do not mean anything. I love the plot of Stockholm syndrome, Itachi being a slave to this monster who isn’t always a monster, Itachi wanting to protect his brother from the monster, and trying to keep his sanity. All these different plots are all tied into one big plot, building up the tension and rising action leading to hopefully a great climax and then a concluding falling action. It’s fantastic. Kisame changes so regularly so each chapter/half chapter something new happens that makes the reader keep changing their hypothesizes on what will happen next, and that is what keeps the reader enticed.
I hope you continue to write this fanfiction and maybe rewrite some past chapters or at least add some things/change some things to them to improve them. This is truly a good base story and I hope that you use all I’ve said in a positive light and to your advantage.
SasusuiLover chapter 13 . 6/14/2015
Ive been waiting for another chapter and I'm so happy you updated! Clearly I like sasusui the most but I love all the other pairings too! Please update whenever you can because each chapter makes me wanting more! You have so much talent and I love this story so much!
AliceCambio chapter 13 . 6/4/2015
I like the multiple relationships. I like the chapter, too.
Guest chapter 13 . 5/28/2015
aaah I'm so happy you decided to continue it! I really loved it, especially the moment when kisame and itachi go to sleep togheter and Kisame touches itachi's hair, and him liking it omfg sorry I exploded with feels. I'm really curious about where it's going with suigestu and sasuke? I like this ship a lot. and now I'm scared that Shisui will find Itachi, because it would break my dream of having an ending where kisame and itachi trust each other and love each other. but otherwise I'm ready for it. thank you so much for this awesome chapter!
JigokuShoujosRevenge chapter 13 . 5/28/2015
The Jared thing was awesome. Brought a smile to my face and Kisame and Iytachi are getting on better.
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