Reviews for Rain
ProfessorMMAD chapter 4 . 5/5/2019
I love this and u wish there was more
KylieKyotie chapter 1 . 8/13/2018
A glimpse at a young Snape - before so much of him fell away. Lovely.
Guest chapter 4 . 7/17/2014
Just found it. will favourite it tomorrow- very sleepy.
It is brilliant, beautifull, poignant, wise.. and one of the best and truest pairings I've read.
Bravo, brava. and twenty more.. Thank you so much.
percyjchick chapter 4 . 7/10/2010
i loved loved loved loved IT!
Mariel Nightstalker chapter 4 . 6/29/2008
haha! the morning after scene was perfect!

anyways, loved the pairing (i'm an addict to anything new or unusual. they usually make more sense than the popular ones) and the plot was touching. i feel very bad for Severus, feeling responsible for little Fern like that.

Fin Ravel chapter 4 . 9/18/2005
Wow, this is a great story. I mean, this is a GREAT story. No, this is a GREAT story! Man, this is among my favourites! Man, this is GOOD! You're gonna continue this, right? If that was the end, then you need a sequel. I went on to FictionAlley and found your Snape/Hooche thing and decided to invite myself aboard the ship. Hope you don't mind. You're really talented and I hope to read more from you soon!

By the way, call me Chael! Or Commodore, or really anything you like, JUST ALLOW ME TO FEEL LIKE I'M WANTED! Sorry, lost the happy, but the happy's back!

Sarah A chapter 4 . 5/10/2005
Brilliant fic! Gosh, I can't believe you actually got me to like Snape/Hooch!
kaz2 chapter 4 . 4/18/2005
Just reread this and enjoyed it just as much. Thanks.

Polgaria chapter 4 . 2/12/2005
OMFG- not only did you pull off hooch just how I love her to be (zoe wanamaker is fucking awsome) I love that Snape and she got totally smashed together and wound up in bed. There will be more, of course?
Starkitty Angel chapter 4 . 7/27/2004
Brilliant! Bloody Brilliant! Another great story. This one makes me want to write Hooch and Snape story. I love the name you picked for her by the way. It suits her. So does her personality. I really enjoyed this story. Go ahead. Write a sequel. and by all means DO IT SOON!
yumi-no-baka chapter 4 . 7/26/2003

poor sevy
Lorena Snape chapter 4 . 4/24/2003
Shit. I think I shall never recover from this. I am scarred for life. I may have to pluck my eyes out. Damn. OK, you know I'm kidding, right? Well, sort of anyway.


I would never, and I mean *never* have wanted to see these two together, but the only reason I read it was because you wrote it. Well dammit, once again you have made me think on yet another unlikely pairing, AND like it at that!

I love the friendship, the sarcastic bantering back and forth, and I especially like that you didn't make it 'shippy' (their uncomfortable 'morning after' was great). I do wish she had called him 'Sev' just once more. ;-)

One thing though - you do have Severus say in chapter 1 - "We can't afford the luxury, Albus. We're training a generation to be ready for war." If they are indeed preparing for such then I don't think he would have the luxury of allowing himself to get drunk off his ass. What if he was needed (or if he's spying again, what if Voldemort summoned him?). He would have to be rather on his guard all the time. Just an idea, but all in all a very enjoyable read. Thanks!
Slytherin Sweetheart chapter 4 . 3/16/2003
oohh.. very nice.
Twisted Soul chapter 4 . 12/10/2002
oooh i'm liking this! . i can't wait to see what happens between those two. i'm begining to really like this pairing, you write it well. snape liking the sex pistols ::laughs:: that's great. .
Guest chapter 4 . 12/9/2002
roflmao! gorgeous! you write like i think sometimes. thank you.

more please, as oliver said to the gentlebeing dishing out gruel.

(ow, reminder to self, do not read these things in the same week as watching ice age three times. sore ribs.)
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