Reviews for Show and Tell
FireDragonStarLight chapter 1 . 4/17/2019
Awesome. Loved the way Lucy turned tables on Natsu.
bookgirl18 chapter 1 . 3/22/2019
This was great and really hot and I loved it.
Avalanche65 chapter 1 . 5/16/2018
Oh my gosh I love the ending. I honestly did not see that coming! Haha SHOW ME.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/18/2016
Would love to read a second chapter.
Good job!
Sydneste chapter 1 . 6/21/2016
Inexperienced Natsu is eager to please...and hot! ;D
OgaxHilda chapter 1 . 7/21/2015
this is sexy..wish ir was longer though
inactiveforeverandever chapter 1 . 5/31/2015
I'm very curious, what series is this exactly? It's really good smut! I feel like a perv though! *hides*

Anyway, very good writing! I really enjoy your one shots of these two in particular. I recently got into fairytale and I absolutely love it! I can so see NaLu more than NaLi but whatevs!

I hope you'll do more of these challenges! *blushes* Excellent writing! Have you thought about becoming a writer? You would be really good at it!

If you decide to pursue original work, please let me know! Also, your writing for fanfiction is incredible! I hope you'll make more of these! thank you for writing!
Snavej chapter 1 . 1/21/2015
I liked how Lucy turned it around on him, and I liked that it was realistic. So often you get fanfic written where everyone is perfect at sexytimes and that bugs me...
ghostbones chapter 1 . 12/3/2014
It's been awhile since I've reviewed on anything... I'm sorry since i've read and enjoyed SO much of your work!

But your smut is sooooooo amazing. You do such a fantastic job of creating ambiance and really getting the reader to feel the intimacy between these two. And I love how you write from Natsu's POV since i feel like it's a bit more typical for nalu writers to approach things from Lucy's. It's refreshing and I think you so him justice because it /feels/ like Natsu! It gives me goose flesh on my arms when I read you smut because it's just... oh my life. ; ;

I'll try my best to review all your work once I get the chance 3
randomteenager chapter 1 . 12/2/2014
Natsu you eager boy *A* Lucy you beautiful girl *AA* and TOGETHER , FKASFAHFDS SIZZLE EXPLODE

Dude, I loved this *AAA* I loved this a ton *AAAAA* SUPER well done!
HolyChihuahua chapter 1 . 12/1/2014
It was so accurate and playfully adorable! That's just how I hope their first time would be (kind of :v)
Anon chapter 1 . 11/23/2014
OH MY MAVIS! (This is so perfect. I have no words. Wait, yes I do.)
Their equally explicit enthusiasm, the wonderfully determined way that both of them wish to please the other partner (both for the lucky one's pleasure and to stroke their own egos), and the sheer detail in the imagery - I declare this as some high-quality PWP!
Poxxy chapter 1 . 11/23/2014
So hot. You're such a talented writer!
Brokenangelsely chapter 1 . 11/6/2014
As expected of Natsu! He's such a sweetheart. Although she may or may not have the experience herself, I always picture her showing Natsu the ropes! But Natsu is all (Dragon) instincts and that is very much great! So very much like them.
BakaRyuuChan chapter 1 . 11/2/2014
Haha you somehow managed to make it hot, sweet and funny all at the same time! I don't think everyone realizes how hard it can be to write mature content - personally I tend to get too wrapped up in the details of it and end up with 'and then, and then, and then' - but you make it seem so easy!

The more I read of your works the more I come to appreciate your style and pure insight into the minds of the characters. I'm a huge NaLu fan and let me tell you, I'm super picky when it comes to fanfic! Yet works like these are why I keep looking for more, because while it's far from canon and never will end up in the weekly magazines, the SPIRIT of their relationship is there, and I love it. :D

Heh, I do find myself cringing a bit when Mavis's name suddenly appear in the middle of a trail of thought. It's like, whoa what does SHE have to do with THIS!? Don't go thinking of her when you're busy being in love with someone else. xD I think it's sweet and amusing how people replace her name with 'god' or swears, though sometimes it's just... err, yeah. Not now.

Anyway! As always, keep up the good work! :D
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