Reviews for Struggle of the Proletariat
teharrisonfox chapter 3 . 3/17/2019
please continue!
teharrisonfox chapter 1 . 3/13/2019
please continue!
Traban16 chapter 3 . 8/27/2018
Reading this at 3AM a full 4 years after it has last been updated and wishing there was more. Really wish you'd continue this beautifully done story.
JEC00k chapter 3 . 2/16/2017
Great story, though I'm guessing we'll never see any more from it. Still, I loved reading what you had.
Guest chapter 3 . 1/21/2016
Aside from your writing, which I do find amazing, the best thing about this story is how their powers seem to fit them all so well. While Kenny's was of course a given, the way Cartman's and Kyle's line up so well with canon is impressive. And the Stan and Kyle interractions are cute as heck. I do think they would bond instantly even if they hadn't known each other for practically all their lives. Anyways, I do hope one day we can see a continuation of this :)
Echoing shadow chapter 3 . 1/7/2016
This is amazing so far I love your style of writing! I'm eagerly waiting for the next update keep up the good work! :33
Guest chapter 1 . 9/25/2015
The thing I love about cross-overs is the uniqueness of them. Taking two different universes and mashing them together succesfully takes skill and a wild imagination, both of which you seem to have spades of. From the very beginning the story introduces us to old characters that are different, due to their different backgrounds, compared to South Park. Your writing is great and the story seems to be heading somewhere unlike in many other stories. Continue your great effort.
madmadrox chapter 3 . 6/14/2015
this is such a great idea and really original spin on the x-men, i love it! it would be great if you decided to update again as the story was still in its early stages and im really excited to see where you go with it!
Guest chapter 3 . 3/6/2015
This is a really great story, but I'm sorry to see that it's been so long since the last update. Is this story dead? It would be a real shame to see a story with so much potential end unfinished like this. You've done a great job with this story so far!
Hammer n' Nail chapter 3 . 1/29/2015
This is really cool, and I like you a great deal for it. Surprised there aren't more crossovers, considering there was an entire story-arc about Kenny being a mutant/god/whatever.
Best wishes,
Hammer n' Nail
Guest chapter 3 . 12/31/2014
This story continues to be really great. You have an excellent grasp on the characters' personalities. I really like the way the characters met and how they interacted (Stan and Kyle quickly bonding and becoming friends as well as Stan, Kyle, and Kenny all hitting it off. I really hope those aspects will continue to be built upon. The Kyle and Cartman bits are spot on as well).

I also really hope that Kyle and Ike get more attention during the story. I really like the way you write them both and their relationship.

You're doing an excellent job with this! I hope that you are having/had a nice holiday!
shortstackedcheesecake chapter 3 . 12/21/2014
This story is spectacular, I know you're only just getting started but... God damn, it's brilliant. I love your characterizations, your inventiveness when it comes to the mutations and their canon links, the dialogue and the writing in general. I loved 'Alive and Warm', it made me blubber like a frickin' baby and I'm not just eagerly awaiting the next installment of this fantastic fanfiction (and did you say you were doing 30 chapters? Daunting, but good news for us readers!), but also some Kyman too. Anyway, I adore this story and I can hardly wait for the next chapter!
caulaty chapter 3 . 12/20/2014
Okay, sit down, this is going to be a long one.

I'm your fangirl. I've been for quite some time now, I even sent you a few messages on tumblr after I read Alive and Warm because, well, it's hard to get over that on your own. And I asked you if you intended to write more for the fandom. You told me this wonderful idea about Cartman and Kyle planning their wedding and I was jumping up and down like you had just given me ice cream or something. So, as I said, I'm a huge fangirl and that was probably the main reason why I had to read this story. If I had found your story by myself at random, given the theme and the fact that you won't spoil the pairings (I knew there would be Kyman because it's you), I don't think I would have given it a chance. But I did, simply because I'd read a medicine bottle if you had been the one to write it. I've been meaning to read your story since October, but you know how the world works at the end of a semester, you just don't have the time to do shit. Well. As soon as I had the time, I jumped into this fic to the point where I would ignore people around me at a party because I couldn't stop reading it on my phone.

You're still setting the rhythm up, which I absolutely love, because you have this amazing concern with the universe you're creating. That is so necessary and also so neglected by a lot of authors. You're writing scifi here, with a huge care for the psychological aspects and the background stories. I love that. Stan's moment with his mom is one of the most beautiful things I've ever read, because it is so truthful to their quiet characters and to what would be like to leave your son in a place like this. I also couldn't help but compare in my mind the prejudice that they suffer for being mutants with the real oppression that homosexuals suffer, even in today's world. I think you set that tone on purpose by bringing out the camp and Bradley's suicide. Bitch, that hurt. That hurt so much. It was a brilliant insight, I have to say. I think it makes the reader feel more sympathy for their condition. Since we're dealing with something supernatural here, it could be easy to forget about the human aspects.

What made me devour this fic in a day is the fact that you know how to make it interesting, how to give the reader just enough to be intrigued and you made me want to know right away how the boys would meet and relate to each other. The choice of each of their powers is incredible, it fits them perfectly. I'm so excited to see how you deal with other characters too! You're creating something really beautiful, funny and enjoyable here. I hope to see more of it soon. Happy holiday, darling!
PartiPooper chapter 3 . 12/10/2014
I just get more and more excited the more of this story I read! The writing and characterisation is always beautiful (and it's fine that you're more comfortable with dialogue, because you're really good at it and I enjoy reading it), and it's really getting to the good stuff now that the characters have all met, and friends are being made and personalities are clashing. :) It's so cool too, seeing them with all their powers, and just, gosh! How hasn't anyone thought of this genius crossover before? Well, whatever, at least you've thought of it now, and I'm glad that you have. I really, truly can't wait for more of this! It'll kill me not knowing what happens next until January, haha! Nah, I'll manage, I'm sure. :P Until then, you have yourself a nice holiday too.
Guest chapter 2 . 12/1/2014
This is a really interesting idea. I wouldn't have thought about crossing South Park and X-Men, but it works out pretty well. I do really like the powers you chose to give each of the characters and the way they tend to feed off of some aspect of South Park canon.

This is great so far. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing where you take this idea. I hope that you plan to continue with this. It would be a true shame to see such an excellent story with so much promise never completed.
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