Reviews for Stay Alive
Red Furry Demon chapter 1 . 10/21/2014
So, another awesome story? Sorry for not checking it earlier!
First off, your Dumbledore is the most Dumbledore-ish one I've ever seen in fanfiction. I don't know if you're drinking some kind of Lemon Drop Essence or something to keep him so in-character, but anyway, it works.
Self harm - good idea; I'm not sure if Canon Albus would do something like that, but here he's young and it was just an impulse. He would have no trouble coming up with a better idea - I think AK doesn't fit him, but for example some potion - Draught of Living Death overdose, perhaps? - or even inventing a spell that would kill him in a barely noticeable way (eg. falling asleep and never waking up).
"Whatever you want…. I love you very, very much, Harry, and whatever you feel would help you is what I will do." Oh my Merlin, the mental images (once you forget about the context)! If I ever write more AD/HP slash, I'll start with this line...
The scene in Albus' office is one of my least favorite parts in the books (I always skip it. Always.), but surprisingly your interpretation was much more bearable.