Reviews for Crosswire History Contest
JC Rose chapter 1 . 2/12/2015
Hmmm? Fountain abbey, tjst new parody i am dying to watch some how online, talks about the Crosswire lineage right? How her grandmother started as a maid. Should be cool
Bophenbean chapter 1 . 10/15/2014
I won't be submitting anything, since I don't write (Michael Jackson-with-popcorn: "I'm just here to read the stories... and the comments.")

Anyway, my theory is this: Millicent was always the rich one (as seen in a flashback in "The Lousy Week") while Ed is the gold digger using her fortune to keep his business afloat. It's been made clear in various episodes that the Crosswires were poor until relatively recently (which changed when Ed married Millicent).

There will be an upcoming episode where Muffy learns her grandmother was a maid. I'm all for it because compared to the rest of the main characters, Muffy is still a blank slate, development-wise. The most underrated character in the series IMO.
BlackNeko20 chapter 1 . 10/15/2014
i thought you were posting this earlier...
thanks again to you and keith for the awesome ideas. this weekend was fun. it was nice to get out of the house and take time off work:)
TheUltimateCombo chapter 1 . 10/15/2014
Could you have made your double life any more obvious? XD
To anyone who reads this review, I'm just being crazy, xD