Reviews for Forever yours
cigdem3000 chapter 2 . 6/27/2018
Being engaged in high school is irresponsible ... if you truly love each other, then you will still be together in 6-7 years. College graduate with a new job, knowing exactly who you are and know were you want to go from there you can say yes ... otherwise is just 2 kids playing home.
Surfer queen2020 chapter 1 . 6/20/2015
Your an amazing writer
Luckystarz910 chapter 3 . 12/10/2014
Wow I love that song and love that chapter!
ronnyangel88 chapter 2 . 10/16/2014
OH WOW i didnt think Sebastian would do that WOW
maybe-saveme chapter 2 . 10/16/2014
Loved your fic!
Finally a new smytheberry! Yeyyyy!
ronnyangel88 chapter 1 . 10/14/2014
omg thank you so much for writing this i have been waiting for someone to write Rachel and Sebastian as a couple. So i think with all of Sebastian's pairings it takes him a while to tell the other person that he loves them. So i cant wait to see where this goes. And i really loved the shooting star episode, it was so sad seeing everybody so scared and crying. I REALLY cant wait for the next chapter.
Smytheberry1726 chapter 1 . 10/14/2014
Yea I know. Still trying to work out which POV I want it from. Thanks for the feedback. And you're right its exactly what I tried to portray never anything left unsaid. Plus Deb regretting how he's been in the past and how roles could be reversed and could happen at yes he loves Rachel cuz she makes him a better person. If u noticed a little samchel in there too and blaine/seb/rachel friendship moments
Luckystarz910 chapter 2 . 10/14/2014
The shooting was extremely painful to read. Very very scary. I could only imagine being in that specific situation. You did a great job in portraying just how and scared everyone was. When I actually watched this episode I cried my eyes out. I like that you put your own twist on it with Rachel AND Sebastian. I could feel the pain and agony he was in when he didn't know where she was and how he felt the second he was notified that there was danger lurking at McKinley. It also shows that nothing should ever go left unsaid and that you should truly appreciate the people in your life. I loved it! Not bad for your first ff. My only suggestion is to either pick first person or third person pov and stick to it. :-)
Luckystarz910 chapter 1 . 10/14/2014
That love scene was seriously so hot and very well written. You can tell by the way that he talks to her and the way he's do attentive that he loves her. He may have not said it just yet but that guy is definitely in love. So sweet.