Reviews for Saturday Night, Sunday Morning
JamesLuver chapter 1 . 2/1/2015
John and Anna naked in bed is something that I’m never going to say no to. Loved the opening with the explanation of all the trouble that Anna went to…only for their plans to be changed entirely upon John’s arrival. Can’t really blame her for succumbing, I suppose. ;) I feel satisfied on John’s behalf that he was attentive enough to bring her that pleasure twice, especially with it being something that has never happened before, and I had to giggle at John’s objection to “nice” as the adjective of Anna’s choice. Anna’s answer to that was very…nice though! And I had to laugh at John saying that people would find it odder if they did keep turning up to things. Sounds very much like a bloke to me. :P I do like the exploration of both sides of the staying in/going out thing and the balance between. The Saturday night, Sunday morning quote is beautiful too.

I liked that the second part of the story fastforwarded to a different time in their lives. I think that made it even more effective and showcased the meaning behind the quote very well. Family fluff is always cute. So happy that Anna and John have three children together, and it was definitely humorous that they were interrupted just as things were beginning to heat up. It’s a good job that they weren’t any further along! I really liked the chaos contrasted with the Saturday night portion, but you just know they would never trade that chaos for peace because that’s what love is all about when you have a family. Immie is a little darling. I loved her introduction and how she’d already checked the weather to see if she could go to the zoo. She sounds like the spit of her mother, a little force of nature. This was such a wonderful, thoughtful piece. Loved it.
fuzzydream archive chapter 1 . 10/18/2014
Well, I've told you before, but let me say it again... OMG this is the most perfect thing ever! The first part is just so lovely - so sexy and adorable, of course Anna wouldn't be able to resist him and they'd have to completely skip the date - who can blame her? I love the intimacy you portray there.

And of course, the second part, starting out very nicely, very sexy and then... the children! Awwww. Immie, Daniel and Phoebe are just the cutest. I love the image of the five of them enjoying a lazy Sunday in bed - with a trip to the zoo later, of course, as John promised Immie. This was just adorable.

And of course, it goes without saying that I miss Anything Could Happen terribly, right? ;)
terriejane chapter 1 . 10/14/2014
Sorry it took me so long to review this. It is just the sweetest story! I bet fuzzy was thrilled with this birthday gift!
Awesomegreentie chapter 1 . 10/12/2014
This is so lovely from beginning to end. I'm sure I will read it many, many more times!
mr-and-mrs-bates chapter 1 . 10/11/2014
Awww this was just so sweet. I loved seeing this little time jump following up to Anything Could Happen :)
Mishka67 chapter 1 . 10/11/2014
And here was me just thinking that I might go back and re-read ACH. Finding this in my inbox was a treat! Two very lovely "cut" scenes.