Reviews for Pictures Of You
Todaleche chapter 14 . 2/13
Wow, what chapter.
Todaleche chapter 7 . 2/13
Wow, what a chapter!
Todaleche chapter 5 . 2/13
Nice chapter.
Todaleche chapter 1 . 2/13
What a nice chapter.
PerlogAnnwyl chapter 34 . 12/6/2015
The rope untwines even more! Sorry, I hadn't responded to this sooner. Work, life, work and illness got in the way.
ShattereddAngel chapter 34 . 11/26/2015
I vote that Steve just kills Rumlow and Pierce, then goes home to help Bucky recover.
PerlogAnnwyl chapter 33 . 4/14/2015
Ouch Nat! Mean.

I hope they find Steve soon though, before anything dumb happens.
ImpalaAtNight chapter 33 . 4/4/2015
Nat… don't be mean to the poor little hurt puppy dog trash hobo… But I too am worried about Steeb
Hyper-Blossom Z chapter 32 . 3/7/2015
Well Steve's a complete idiot. He really needs to just talk to the security at the airport. Tell them that he was taken there against his will. Get Pierce arrested.
ImpalaAtNight chapter 32 . 3/5/2015
Goddamn Pierce. Goddamn fucking Pierce. I'm gonna hit him
PerlogAnnwyl chapter 32 . 3/4/2015
I believe in the combine power of Banner and Romanoff.
Guest chapter 32 . 3/1/2015
I hope Steve throws them off the plane without parachutes from 30,000 ft. Bastards! I really, really hope Bruce, Sam and Natasha can undo Zola's brainwashing and make Bucky see how much Steve cares, and quickly! I'm so nervous for Steve. Please update ASAP!
ImpalaAtNight chapter 31 . 2/20/2015
Oh no... Poor Steve and Bucky...
PerlogAnnwyl chapter 31 . 2/20/2015
PerlogAnnwyl chapter 30 . 2/20/2015
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