Reviews for Ashen Waters
kayono chapter 1 . 10/6/2014
Wow, yes, horror genre is accurate. Very well written. That little twist at the end is delicious! And yes, that word was definitely chosen intentionally. I hope the challenges help you get over your writer's block, but if the result is anything more like this, I know they'll be enjoyable to read.

I know you said the prompt said "dystopian", but a lot of the imagery you painted here looked very similar to some run-down, old fishing villages I've seen (and even some not so run-down: if a ship is still seaworthy, however it looks, it gets used). On the other hand, the sheer dirt and grime of it all and the really, really unhealthy circumstances were excellently communicated.

I am curious as to what the "strange metal tool" the man on deck was holding. I assume something regarding Byakuran, er, fishing them out of the water? Also, all those little comments on Reborn: it's so nice to see him being a hellraiser for Tsuna, even as a lionfish. I think this was the best piece I've read in a while. Kudos!
Guest chapter 1 . 10/6/2014
This is dark.
Is it 1827? If it is I'm going to dance and fangirl.