Reviews for Perfect Couple
billyjbradshaw chapter 4 . 7/2
This is amazing. You have my heart aching for Serena. I'm crying for her. The fact is, everything that you've written is TRUE to the fandom. It annoys me that there are people commenting about you growing 'thicker skin.' I mean REALLY? What the hell. At the same time, they are reading your story, so you know they're invested. Some fans just want to read a story with the ending they want. Which is ridiculous, since the fiction is written by it's author. If they want to read a story about the way they see things, they should write it themselves. Ugh, reading your responses to some of these people have me up in arms. I've got your back. This story has all my emotions.

Please Please update soon. I really need to know how Serena and Darien handle this. I also wonder how the girls will try to reconcile with Serena, and if Serena will feel when they do. I also wonder about Rini. Her attitude is frustrating, she behaves so much like Rei. She should just go live with Rei instead (Huff!). She needs an attitude check. I hope someone puts that girl in her place!

billyjbradshaw chapter 3 . 7/2
This made me cry. My heart is breaking for her. All her insecurity and the way her friends put her just hurts.

billyjbradshaw chapter 1 . 7/2
Woah. That was a very emotional ride for a prologue. It was very very good. My heart fell into my stomach when Usagi saw them kissing.

vampygurl402 chapter 4 . 6/18
Please continue
mryann chapter 4 . 3/9
i just love the emotions and cant wait to read the next..
mryann chapter 3 . 3/9
i love it and i cant help but cry reading the whole thing..
Sarah Zitter chapter 4 . 2/2
I like this story update on this story please. I would love to know what happens next can Darien say sorry to Serena and become boyfriend and girlfriend and let Darien be a faithful and happy couple and let Darien tell Rini no it is Serena and me going out on a date please.
Guest chapter 4 . 2/2
I like this story update
Luna89m chapter 4 . 11/13/2019
Please finish this
GMA177 chapter 4 . 10/15/2019
This story is from 2014 and I could hardly read it in 2019, and I definitely loved it, I feel that in superS, THAT IS THE WORST SEASON OF SAILOR MOON OF ALL EXISTENCE! they treated the development and matures of serena like a joke, and to top it off they made a character that I had empathy in sailor moon R become one of the ones I hate most of all the anime, and I would like to see how in this story you will treat this , consequences, consequences of all constantly mocking serene, how rei seems to like to make her feel bad, how they treated her serenely as delayed, how moon or sometimes seems to want to serene, how Darien will learn that nor is he assured of the eternal love of serena and he does not cultivate it and rini learning that his mother is a human being, is a thinking being with feelings, and that despite all that everyone seems to enjoy making her feel bad, I would even like to see her mother feeling like she distances herself from serene for that reason, but in the end that will not be my decision, it will be yours, you will choose how to end this story even in spite of years and that we may not see it concluded, there is still hope, and I want thatknow that you helped me as a writer, and you made me have a good time, so thank you
pd: I speak Spanish and I had to use the translator, if something I wrote means something bad or is badly written or written, I'm sorry
misako princess chapter 1 . 9/30/2019
Hello, I just read PC fic. I do hope that you will find inspiration and time to update it. As for critical rewies, do not take them to heart. is a place when we all can join in our childhood passion and talk about our version of SM. And this is magic, that all of us have those feelings and make thoes stories . It is about sharing dreams not checking gramma or things like that. It is a happy place. Hope you will come back
misako princess chapter 4 . 9/30/2019
It is so good to know that many of us SM fana Feels that sth was not right with this epi. This dark Usagi is so out of charakter, but us you wrote- all of us have our limits. Hope that you will upade this story one day.
Sarah Zitter chapter 4 . 9/10/2019
I would love to know what happens next in this story please update on this story please. Let Darien say sorry to Serena and let Darien take Serena out on a date just the two of them please. Plus let Darien stop spoiling Rini and let Serena and Darien be together again and let them be happy and faithful to one another please.
The Grand Dragon of Light chapter 4 . 7/6/2019
The Fiction Gods must hate me: I find this *awesome* Sailor Moon fic and it’s been 5 years since the last posting ;-;

Even if this story has been laid to rest, I need you to know some things:

* I actually felt all the emotions you gave Serena in this fic, the disbelief, hurt, betrayal ALL of it. Your writing is that good!
* you made me want to track down the episode you referenced so I can try and see it from your point of view
* I was cheering inside (and grinning on the outside) when Serena vented about her insecurities with Rini, Amy, Raye, all of it! The little quip about not imagining her with Mina made me laugh cos I honestly believe it even though Mina is the Scout of Love!

But the one part that made laugh like a happy hyena? The scene with Grampa Hino, the poor old guy either had no idea what was going on (if he knew Darien was with Serena that is) or alternatively he was mentally planning to get him married to Raye asap!

And, as is usually the case in these fics, Luna was neither use nor hat-rack! ... and where was Artemis during all this? (Seriously did I read too fast and miss him?)

Just a great story, I can easily imagine what might happen next and that will be enough cos these four chapters are amazing.

Please say hello to my Favourites List and thank you for an amazing story!

Laters :)
sami1010220 chapter 4 . 6/5/2019
Im so sad there isn't more story, it was so good!
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