Reviews for Guardian
Auguruj chapter 68 . 7/20
Shoot, this was pretty drastic. I won't even try to predict what happens next, could be several different ways you go about this. Sh*t... what about Aeolus?! :(

Question: do you even need sandbags to protect you when you bombard your readers with a chapter that leaves them lying on the ground, weeping and so drained that even a thought of anger seems to be too exhausting to bother with?
Apfekiachal chapter 68 . 7/18
A rather short chapter but nevertheless I quiet enjoy everyone of your updates. But you are really the worst -.- That cliffhanger killed me...
Potato-Faye chapter 68 . 7/17
I'm sobbing in my bed and I'm in my bed sobbing~
RyannaRiddle chapter 68 . 7/17
... Well I'm gonna go cry in a corner now*sniff* thank you for that.
Now back to waiting a whole 'nother month for the next update, I said it once and I'll likely keep saying it again but you are an incredible writer and I look forward to reading the next update just maybe you'll be kind enough to not make my eyes as red during that update as you have for this one (although I severely doubt it) regardless you and Thranduil have fun hiding behind all those sand bags in your fortress I wish you both luck in the battles to come.
Addy White chapter 68 . 7/17
You Evil!
Loved this chapter, nearly made me cry. why can't he just say it! Honestly, Elvenkings and their pride *rolls eyes*
Now I'm just going to sit in my bed for a month and wait for the update, because that was the most evil thing you could have done, and u did it, so now I can't function properly until this story is finished. *sighs in frustration*
elsterBean chapter 68 . 7/17
That last paragraph was beautiful. Poor Thranduil please don't make him suffer through many more chapters like this! Or us!
minerrvas chapter 68 . 7/17
I love your last paragraph so much, it is pure art. And NOOOOOOOOOO

Not sure I can even begin to imagine what Thranduil is feeling.
Unexpected17 chapter 67 . 7/13
Now that I'm done with my finals I can finally continue with this story (WHOOOOO).
I didn’t expect to be as surprised as I was after reading this chapter, I personally thought that Thorin, Kili and/or Fili wouldn’t have died. But maybe I shouldn’t be so surprised because Fenna wanted to keep the story going exactly as it was supposed to be. I’m excited for the next chapter seeing how we haven’t heard about Bainor yet, so is it a final goodbye for Bainor or Fenna? I doubt we should be worried about Elbeth seeing how we haven’t heard about her for a while, did she even go to the battle or did she stay with her family in Mirkwood?
I also can’t wait to see what the reactions of Fenna’s elven friends are seeing, or do we readers have to use our imagination for that?
Let’s hope we don’t have to wait too long for the next chapter, now that my holiday finally started I have no other fanfic to read (unless you have some that I can read). Holidays suck when you have nothing to do, being introvert and no longer enjoying video games because of your mental health suck :(. Guess I’ll just have to be more like Fenna and start enjoying reading some books while I wait for the next update.
p.s. how is your novel coming along and what is it about? Just being curious because I love this story and if your novel is anything like it I will definitely give it a try if and when you make it public (wherever that would be)
veneciafm chapter 67 . 7/13
Update soon!
Auguruj chapter 67 . 6/22
YES! Aaand there has been a sighting! I got Firverior, I got Firverior, I got Firverioor! My, my, my... Who cares about the Ring when they have that silver eyed-black haired elf close by.

Although, poor thing, having to waddle through all that with the job he has. I actually had the compulsion to hug him when reading about his thoughts. But you should have seen the big wide grin that shot on my face when I first read his name! Especially after the morose end to the previous scene.

Hope Fenna doesn't die. That would just add to all he had to go through those few days after the battle.

Nice going with having Thorin and Thranduil kind of reconcile, and having Thorin see behind his facade. Thranduil doesn't have the best of days now, too :(

What I like about Firverior? I had to go reread (again, about fourth time now) the chapter starring him to be able to put it into words. Partly it's that he's so nice, calm and gentle with that profession of his, with a bit of refreshing cheekiness, commending Fenna's cursing ability. But what really distinguished him was the fact that he doesn't seem to fear Thranduil or have the slightly scared respect for him that other elves seem to have. He respects him, but doesn't seem to go out of his way, he treats him like just another elf - a well-respected elf and his king, but still simply an elvish being like himself. That's what broke the camel's back. And his look is just cherries on top - those eyes of his were focus catcher when you described him.

Hmm, I guess I serenaded about him for a while there. Not my fault - you created him, your fault :p

But really, thanks for letting him come out to play, I'm a happy Auguruj now - despite the fact it's 1:48 a.m. and I am having an earlier start tomorrow.

Looking forward to next chapter!
minerrvas chapter 67 . 6/11
Devious. I think I've been following this fic for at least a year now, and I'm enjoying your writing (content and style) so much. I don't think Fenna will die/I hope, but you're still devious. SEE YOU IN A MONTH 3 Thank you for this story.
crimsonangel315 chapter 67 . 6/11
Enjoyed it was! Ready for this next chapter! Hopefully the title does not mean that the story is coming to an end!
Apfekiachal chapter 67 . 6/11
It‘ gonna get worse? Oh nooo I don‘t know if my heart can take it...The last goodbye sounds like it will make me cry a lot.
GaaraSandNiN chapter 67 . 6/11
Oooooooooh that was so good! Thanks for sharing another wonderful chapter with us! Hope everything is well with you and yours. Happy writing!
z u k u s h i m i k a chapter 67 . 6/11
... I fucking hate you.
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