Reviews for Love, Actually
4Eva Dreaming chapter 13 . 4/19
Haha it’s been 3 years... PLEASE UPDATE!
Coolfire30 chapter 13 . 2/3
The fact that you still HAVEN'T come back yet makes me cry even more.
Coolfire30 chapter 11 . 2/3
Oh... dearie me~... the tears keep running down my face, yet I can't find a single bone in me to stop reading this story again for the...3rd time?

Also, the "And that kids is how I met your mother" was fucking hilarious!
where is joe chapter 1 . 12/29/2019
Sasuke Uchiha... you are NOT the father!

*music plays*
madmiko chapter 12 . 4/22/2019
The most intriguing part of this chapter was the reference to Inuyasha fighting with Kagome and the Allied Shinobi Forces. I am also curious as to why Kagome is not a shinobi. And I am wondering if what Sasuke did was to send her to the Feudal Era. I am very surprised that Kakashi actually loved Rin as more than a friend and that they had a few wonderful years together. I am still hoping that Kagome and Itachi had an intimate relationship, but now I am also wondering how/where Inuyasha might fit into her past. I really, really hope you will be finishing this story!
madmiko chapter 11 . 4/22/2019
How I met your mother. Brilliant! _
madmiko chapter 10 . 4/22/2019
I really enjoyed this chapter. Sasuke's Tsukiyomi is playing out very nicely. Your writing style flows so smoothly and I really like the way you choose to end your chapters.
madmiko chapter 8 . 4/22/2019
Nice chapter! I love the way that every time Sakura tells someone about Sasuke the story gets worse. Now she says he asked her for a divorce. Great job with the dialogue so she took everything Kagome said the wrong way because she wasn't truly listening. I wasn't expecting Sasuke to actually tell Kakashi. The "four syllables" threw me a bit. Moving right along to the next chapter.
madmiko chapter 7 . 4/22/2019
Just found this intriguing story and have been plowing straight through it. I wanted to stop and give you a review to let you know how much I am enjoying it. I haven't read your other version, but I think you are doing a great job with your characterizations in this. I liked Genma's name being tossed into the mix as a possible father of Kagome's baby. It certainly seems reasonable that there would have been someone else in the village interested in her in all the time she has been there. Naruto reacted exactly like I would have expected. It's interesting to see Kakashi so fired up and looking for the culprit before going to see her to ask her for the truth. I really, really love that you had Shikamaru figure it out but refuse to comment. That also seems perfectly in-character to me. Your Sasuke/Sakura part of the story is very good, though I have to confess I have always had trouble seeing them work as a real couple. Sasuke's thoughts and needs in his marriage ring true after all he has been through. I am really looking forward to reading all about Itachi and Kagome's story and Sasuke's guilty feelings. I am sad, though, that at the very beginning of all of this, Kagome left from her one night's indiscretion because the man uttered another woman's name. I know it is part of what makes Kagome such an awesome character to write about, but we sure do make her suffer. I see you have several more chapters done and I can't wait to read them. I hope you are still planning to finish this story!
Coolfire30 chapter 13 . 4/22/2019
*coughs wetly*... Ew that actually sounds horrible but... Eh.. Ugh.. Ah... It's true. I damn cried so hard... Fuck. Please continue this.
Coolfire30 chapter 11 . 4/22/2019
I've been crying for the past chpater or so and hah... Hahaha... Damn... Kakashi's last comment made me crack a smile.
grimmich chapter 13 . 4/7/2019
wow this is an amazing story. I hope you update soon and I am really looking forward to how you entwine the inutaichi and affiliates into this. I also really cant wait to see if kagome showed sasuke the memory of the morning after they slept together, I really want to see how kakashi reacts to what happened.I am also looking forward to him seeing all the moments that kagome showed her feelings for him- no matter how subtle- and him wanting to kick himself. anyways, please update soon!
grimmich chapter 3 . 4/7/2019
and did it never dawn on her to ask him? he seems to think of kagome as more of a sister from what ive gathered...
Genesis Perez Vejar chapter 13 . 1/15/2019
What kind of monster leaves this beautiful story without continuing :c please update ️
o0-SilverMoon-0o chapter 13 . 4/7/2018
This is really good! Please update soon!
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