Reviews for High School memories: We are looking for a dancer - Make it to the top
Sandy9813 chapter 1 . 8/23
i want to know that sakura is half American and half Japanese and tsunade is sakura's mother sister which makes her an American so how she is Japanese knows Japanese culture etc . Does her friends know this , why her mother moved all way to Japan when sakura father doesn't want any relation with them,this is a bit confusing.
when are you going to update next chapters . I AM DYING HERE
Isha chapter 25 . 11/3/2019
The story is really coolllllll
Waiting 4 nxt episode
Plse upload it
Sandy9813 chapter 1 . 10/17/2019
hey i just wanna ask i was serching your accounts on wattpad it was not showing any stories just a profile with 13 followers and on AO3 it was showing no reasult .
And if any one can tell me where to read here this story full please tell me i really want to read it.
Guest chapter 24 . 10/5/2019
Too much explanation on a what they're doing and thinking in a situation. Not enough talking.
Aaron chapter 25 . 10/5/2019
This is not only the best fanfic but the best story i have ever read so far in my life. It gives me a feeling that u are a modern shakespere, because ur style of writing and describing the sceens in this fic is so much realist, it is a good mixture of seriousness with raw humour passionate love with stupidness and teenage romance with grownup adult romance that i have totally fallen in love with the fic. Every chapter is unique and after finising each chapter the thrilling felling in my heart kept on increasing. Pls continue riting this fic and i would advise u to give this fic as a script to any film or anime director because then u will be a popular famous writer in no time and will earn lots of money and will surely earn the award for best author of the century in time and kisimoto will surely be at ur feet for creating such an awsome fic on his charectors ,so Pls pls pls update it. And its a request can u end this fic with the best sakusasusara moment because u see i am a big fan of sarada!
Well again i am pleading u to pls pls find time to finish this fic and let my poor heart get a bit of fatisfaction. Ja ne!
Aaron chapter 12 . 9/4/2019
Although this fanfic is about sasusaku u have made me fall in love with tenten. Pls update soon. Cant wait for the next chapter
Guest chapter 24 . 8/24/2019
im going fucking nuts with all these cockblocks tbh and it's not satisfying op
avidreaderofyours chapter 25 . 5/23/2019
I miss you so much author-san. Im dying in lament. I know you wont abandon this story coz' you said so. Im patiently waiting for your update eventhough its been 2 years that you didnt up this fic. This story is one of my favorites and this is also one of the bests so.. we your avid readers will wait for youuuuu but please don't make us wait for too long Im dying too see sasuke and sakura have a veryyy veryy erotic detailed lovemaking hehhe (ammaclosetpervesorry) also is it ok for me suggest that they have to have a doggy style position? HAHHAAHA. by the way good luck in everything We love youuuuuu
Guest chapter 25 . 12/10/2018
Moooreee, plz
Guest chapter 2 . 10/14/2018
Honestly speaking I really like this fanfiction and I want to finish reading it but your grammar mistakes are making it so damn hard to understand a thing. No disrespect or anything but yuh need to fix.
Guest chapter 1 . 10/4/2018
Honestly I only just started to read this fanfiction and so far I'm f****** loving it and it has so much potential but honey you need to fix that grammar cuz that's a No-No
jasminave898 chapter 25 . 6/11/2018
Omg i freaking luv u and this story so excited for tge next chap! And the sasusaku developing! Yiiiiiiiiii please update soon we are still holding on to your promises
QueenBlossom chapter 25 . 4/8/2018
Please update soon. I cant wait and I feel excited about what will happen next. And thank you for this wonderful story.
Quen chapter 25 . 4/8/2018
Wow, honestly this story is amazing! I really appreciate so much how you write this story and each chapters were really long. And I enjoyed every bit of it. I was just sad about Sasuke being a manslut and slept with many women before but I know it's part of the story. I hope he has change after meeting Sakura and start a real relationship with her. I was expecting a lemon please do make one. I was still brokenhearted about the Sasori part. Goshhh I so love Sasori here in your story. The parting scene was so heartbreaking. PLEASE I HOPE YOU CAN STILL INSERT SASORI HERE. I MISS HIM SO BAD. Pleaseeeee. I'm begging you.

And about the dance audition please make Sakura outshine everyone even Ronja. I kinda don't like Ronja when I found out Sasuke at some point like her. If you make flashback story about what happen to Ronja and Sasuke I hope nothing deep happen between them coz I dont wanna break my heart again that Sasuke LIKED someone else before Sakura.
Quen chapter 20 . 4/6/2018
Sasori's departure broke my heart into pieces. I can't help but cry and felt so sad. It really tore my heart. If only they can be together. I wish Sasori and Sakura ended back together. I love Sasori's character, so genuine and I love his personality and how he loved Sakura so much its breaking my heart. I wish he hadn't had a child and no Guren. I want him to be with Sakura so bad

I love Sasori here and if I were Sakura I'd give him a chance than Sasuke who slept with many women and always hurt Sakura's feelings. I hate it when Sasuke is a manslut. I don't want the idea
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