Reviews for The Sun And The Moon
nihongogakusei chapter 1 . 7/6
Like to see Supergirl with Trunks
The Last Z Fighter chapter 9 . 6/12
Late, but hope you continue this as its interesting to be sure. I'm really looking forward to what you have going here.

On another side, I will have to push back slightly to what a reader said about Sayains being completely immune to telepathy. For one thing, they obviously aren't and Vegeta and Goku are exceptional individuals to begin with. Besides that, King Kai IS powerful but he's not the creme of the crop when it comes to telepathy. So you can't use his feats, which are strong but not the best as a argument.

Bit side tanget but as a DBZ fan myself I do believe fans of DBZ underestimate other series, granted DBZ is up there for sure but the chars in it are not the end, be all. I only learned recently for instance how busted Manga Sailor Moon is in a respect thread and why a crossover section with them makes more sense.

Long winded aside what I'm getting at is, the balance is fine. Especially since DC feats all over the place for the same characters and since this isn't one particular version you can use which ever that is most balanced with DBZ.
Guest chapter 5 . 3/30
your handling of the androids, namek and the wishes was superb. absolutely top class
Guest chapter 1 . 3/30
good start, BUT scouters go on the left ear! also you wrote ear as hear haha
Guest chapter 9 . 1/16
9/10 is what you get for continuing this awesome story
MUGENSenji chapter 1 . 12/15/2018
is this ongoing or did you disappear?
Guest chapter 1 . 10/25/2018
when is the next chapter. probably never at this point
Guest chapter 1 . 6/23/2018
when is the next chapter?
Guest chapter 9 . 5/28/2018
Hey man update now will you
CrimsonRPer chapter 9 . 4/16/2018
My question is more of the battle between M'gann and Trunks. Saiyans or Saiyajins are considered practically invulnerable to mental attacks like Telepathy seeing as they themselves have it. Though they usually keep it between family members. And the Super Saiyan Transformation increases their mental durablity. Add on the fact that they so heavily practice Martial Arts on DBZ's Earth to the point that they train their mental barriors as well.

Goku himself has shown that no one can get into his mind unless he allows it. That is why King Kai, a God, asks Goku if he can hear him Everytime he telepathically speaks to Goku vs him just talking to the Earthlings. He asks Piccolo/Kami if he can hear him as well. Nameks and Saiyajins have veey heavy mental barriors. And it only increases with dedication to Martial Arts like Piccolo, Goku, Gohan, Future Gohan and Future Trunks do.

So why was M'gann, an albeit above normal mortal but a mortal nonetheless unlike King Kai, able to break his mental barrior so easily? Was it because of his distraction of Kara and the others well being? Or simply the unknown info of the Saiyajin Mental Barrior strength?
itheone chapter 9 . 4/4/2018
Great chapter, bro. Psyched for the next update!
Guest chapter 9 . 3/20/2018
Ignore Thugsbunny.. That Dude Never Made any Decent Fanfictions to Begin with and always lash out at those who criticize is bad writing.. He is literally Trump 2.0... Shudders.
Dude chapter 9 . 3/17/2018
Did you just kill deadshot? DID YOU JUST KILL DEADSHOT?

Lightning Ash chapter 9 . 3/16/2018
Ugh. A new DB movie. Fuck that. If it's anything based on DBS, aka Dragonball Shit, I'm not interested. I hold an immense disdain for DBS for being such a lazily written cash grab, from the retelling of two movies, to the recycled cookie-cutter tournament-arcs, exaggerated character traits, halfassed story telling (Really? Zamasu starts hating mortals because he sees two primitive dinosaur-like species duking it out? Lame as hell.) shameless padding and watered down tension; it's just such a poorly written show. Any movie to be released is simply DESTINED to be horrendous. You just can't have faith in the writers of Toei or Toriyama with the poo-poo they've shitted out for DBS.

I'm FAR more interested in the new YuYu Hakusho content that's gonna be released this year. Now THAT's interesting.

But I digress, great chapter as always. Great word choice. Your dialogue and descriptions were engaging. I especially liked the descripition "swiss-cheesed." That was cool. You've got the pacing down to a T. So much happened in this chapter, from Trunks' rescue of Hector's wife and kid, to his debriefing to Hector, to Kara and her team's infliration into the enemy camp, to Trunks' rendeznous with Kara and Co, the fights, and the escape. Nothing felt like it was going by too fast or moving by too slowly. It was all paced perfectly to create tension, suspense and relief, like it's own episode in chapter form! I thoroughly enjoyed it.

And the cliffhanger at the end... just the icing on the cake.

Can't wait for more.

I'm so glad you've found the incentive to revive this unique story, D'Shoes!
Touzoshin chapter 9 . 3/16/2018
Wasn't expecting an update so soon, this was a welcomed surprise. The news about a slight hiatus was slightly discouraging, but I'll make sure to check out your other story. But as for the chapter itself, it was good as usual. I enjoyed the fight scenes which were a nice switch up from the previous chapter. Based off the ending it appears Superman's mind has been altered in some way? I could be wrong though.
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