Reviews for Somewhere Just For Us
Gemini011 chapter 2 . 4/29/2013
Usually when a fic says to be continued or otherwise appears to be incomplete, I'm disappointed. Honestly though, this one only needs what's posted. Great little two-shot.

Really enjoyed this. I don't know if you're still on the site at all, but thanks for writing.
Gemini011 chapter 1 . 4/29/2013
Nice FLCL reference there. :)
ArujeiGo chapter 2 . 2/5/2011
This wasn't quite what I was expecting, but that's a good thing. You've got a good thing here, just wish it was finished.
Greenfang chapter 2 . 7/20/2010
A very sweet, well written story. It genuinely made me smile and I hope that after all this time you consider continuing this, 'cos it's too good to leave unfinished.

Great story.


HopelessRomanticist chapter 2 . 2/12/2010
damn you. this is too good. FINISH THIS.
Crystalline Virtues chapter 2 . 9/11/2008
I don't think there are words to describe this... but then, it's art.

I've been depressed lately. What's the world for? Why is it so confusing? Why are people so confusing?

But this has helped.

Please write more.
justanotherguyathiscomputer chapter 2 . 10/23/2007
that *sob* was *sob* so *sob* beeautiful *sob* T_T T_T TT_TT

i hope you get the next chap out soon. T_T


-justanotherguyathiscomputer 4 president

-vote justanotherguyathiscomputer/ The Bunny '08


( \_/ )


(")_(") The Bunny will control the world someday help him. please.
werdfck chapter 2 . 2/15/2007
Damn good. I think I cried a bit .
ERROR809 chapter 2 . 12/4/2006
absolutely beautify, this fic is very worthwhile, hope u update it soon
dasot chapter 1 . 9/14/2006
there is no such thing as a perfect fanfic but this comes really close. with so many mediocre fanfics out there it is good to see one that is actually worth reading over and over again. job well done.
Mauricio chapter 2 . 8/6/2006
I really loved this story and i hope you put more chapters in. I will be waiting.
Tezza1502 chapter 2 . 7/19/2006
This is possibly the most beautiful and whimisical fic I have ever read. The rain gently washing away all the baggage those two pilots have been carrying and allowing them to come to an understanding, a way of coping with each other. I have read this one before on a earlier stroll through the back pages, and I felt I had to comment this time.

Once again, beautiful! T
Sho Nuf chapter 1 . 5/8/2006
Really great story man. The atmosphere was wonderfully dreamy...and I'm a sucker for that kind of needy romance.

BTW, were you thinking of the example about rainy days making you sad that they give at the end of the series? I thought that was a neat little tie-in. (And the FLCL thing too. It fit!)
That Other Guy chapter 2 . 3/19/2006
You know, you are one of the few people to affect me in any way in my life time. This fic was one of a select few which got me started as a writer. This very story brought my interest of the rain to full development, and this piece also opened a door to me. This was one of the first stories I had ever read, and as a result of reading it the day after I watched Eva itself, I took it to heart. I won’t dare go into the specifics of my life, but suffice to say that I had been quite dead without even realizing such was true.

Once I realized that I was a stagnant, rotting corpse of human waste, it was pretty easy for me to take my first breath as a living creature.

All in all, I want to thank you for playing your part and bringing the horrific pain of realization to me. Who I am now had made every instant of suffering in my life worth while, and it’s largely thanks to you.

Thank you. Really. Thank you very much.


See ya

That Other Guy
Hidari chapter 2 . 2/10/2006
Ahh, sweet waff... this is so BEAUTIFUL!
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