Reviews for Seer of Destiny, Spinner of Dreams
excessivelyperky chapter 13 . 11/2/2019
I remember the Robin Hobb books, too, and enjoyed them very much. But I'm glad that Rumple took the time to listen to Bey about his life.
multyfangirl21 chapter 13 . 7/16/2019
Now , we have two of the 3 sisters being courted will the 3rd one find someone different like her sisters have? And will Rumple have a brother or sister sometime after his adoptive parents marry?
How about some more time reading about our little pair of future love birds growing up and learning magic? Rumple still hasn't discovered that he can spin straw.
YamiYugiYuki chapter 9 . 6/30/2019
- Bey gets kissed- Oh my god - breathless whispers and claps twice-
multyfangirl21 chapter 10 . 6/25/2019
Well that was a great and entertaining fight, if you can call it that.
multyfangirl21 chapter 9 . 6/25/2019
Lol, I'm guessing that all three of the sisters meet their true love? Or at least possible true love by the end of the this?
Oh my gosh, you brought in the Sorcerer's Apprentice.
Oh this is one of the reasons that Once upon a time was a fun show. You could practically play bingo from how many stories were put into it.
I cant help but wish that this was longer. But then again I'm reading this on my phone and it doesn't really show me if its finished or not on the very top.
multyfangirl21 chapter 8 . 6/25/2019
Well hes not getting in trouble this time.
multyfangirl21 chapter 7 . 6/25/2019
I had a feeling back when Bey was showing interest and wanting to help Rumple and now it looks like it's more likely. I had a feeling that Bey would be drawn to Rumple's mother or one of his aunts.
multyfangirl21 chapter 6 . 6/25/2019
Well that works. I'm a touch worried for them getting to know Bey due to his past but he seems like he can help by being a mentor to them.
multyfangirl21 chapter 5 . 6/25/2019
I'm hoping something magical that will color code their misbehavior to show the rest of the village.
multyfangirl21 chapter 4 . 6/25/2019
Well that sorts that no good theif.
multyfangirl21 chapter 3 . 6/25/2019
Lol, you brought in Tom Sawyer into this.
I'm not sure how much he'll blush since the one he'll court is the other child in the story.
multyfangirl21 chapter 2 . 6/25/2019
Well that was full of cuteness.
excessivelyperky chapter 11 . 4/2/2019
Ah, small matchmaking children can move the world, at least their small part of it.
excessivelyperky chapter 10 . 9/13/2018
I want that cape for *me*! Seriously, that's a wonderful gift.

And the rules for kids are different than they are for adults, but's not going to hurt Rumple to be able to help defend Belle. If he had run for help, Belle would have been left behind, defenseless.
excessivelyperky chapter 9 . 7/11/2018
Yule looks to be a happy season for everyone (well, except for certain bratty kids, oops!). But I loved the story of the Sorcerer's Apprentice (which was done on a techno scale in that Nicholas Cage movie).

And Rumple can walk, however awkwardly, and I'm sure he loved the wheel, just like Belle loved her book of magical stories.
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