Reviews for Greatest Gift
Guest chapter 1 . 12/12/2014
Omg this was amazing I loved this.
Polly chapter 1 . 9/4/2014
I loved this story - thank you for sharing it with us. The descriptions were very vivid - both of the setting and the pain the characters were in! I felt like I was right there with them. It was so wonderfully frustrating and amusing that neither young man wanted to admit to the other how badly they were hurting, because they didn't wan to be burdens: typical Jason and Pythagoras! I really did feel sorry for Pythagoras and when the arrow was being removed, I was almost holding my side, in sympathy! And poor Jason, too - what do you do when the healer is the one down? I *loved* Hercules coming to the rescue! And the image of the cowed Heptarian made me smile too, imagining what the queen may have said to him! Thank you again for an excellent story!