Reviews for The Fiddler's Daughter
No One chapter 6 . 8/30/2019
As greatly as I enjoy phanfictions that do end with a happily ever after for Christine and Erik, those *always* require a great deal of character growth and change should they start out with a relatively insane/manipulative/abusive Erik - more often stories that could stand on their own as original pieces.

Unfortunately, I have very so often encountered my fair share of happily ever after stories that deem Erik as "perfect the way he is": obsessive, abusive, murdering and all... and Christine often just comes off as unbelievable or indeed a person with Stockholm. (I find those writers scary or naive. O.O...) In turn, I *greatly* appreciate this story for not trying to force a happy ending - all the more considering it is using strong themes from the original novel.
As it goes: Brava!
darklordcthlahlu chapter 6 . 8/21/2017
I like less but also more if that makes since. I too am a sucker for a happy ending but the way you were heading was only meant to be deliciously dark.
darklordcthlahlu chapter 3 . 8/21/2017
I like a lot a lot
darklordcthlahlu chapter 2 . 8/21/2017
I like a lot
darklordcthlahlu chapter 1 . 8/21/2017
I like
QueenoftheNight82 chapter 6 . 11/13/2016
Wow, that was amazing! Bittersweet but the tone of your story is more appropriate than the fluff, at least in my opinion ;-) . Well done!
Lucyole chapter 6 . 8/5/2016
wow that was a dark dramatic story very good written and exciting too it was good that wou not elaborate too much with them it wouldn't maybe to healthy to oneself's mind poor Christine
really she was happy but one damn kiss from some guy broke it all and then Erik loses his marbles
to what a obsession can do to you is really sad and terrifying but it think we need that to really great story. *cookies for you*
the girl with the red scarf chapter 6 . 7/23/2016
I dare to say, you have written a masterpiece. I could say I love "fluffy" or "happy ending" fics more than I Iove dark fics. But Deep down inside me I know I enjoy a Lot the dark twisted fics, and truly this is the best dark fic and the most realistic Erik I've read. It was so painful and sad, and what I liked the most about Erik is that he made me feel I was reading the Erik from the Leroux book. It would be amazing If you write another EC fic because you are truly a excellent writer
Thanks for sharing this sublime story!
CharlieBoneFan chapter 6 . 7/3/2015
I enjoyed the story, really I did. I love the idea of Erik being crazy but completely and clearly sane at the same's just. Not that I didn't like the ending. It was perfectly dark and I love that even though I do enjoy happy endings more...I just feel that even if your version of Erik was an insane genius, I feel he wouldn't murder his children even if they were deformed. I know he thinks of himself a monster and would do the same for his kids but I don' think he would have killed him since it would make Christine upset. He was obsessed with her and making her happy so killing her children wouldn't go with keeping her happy. I feel it is a little contradictory. But overall, the story was good.
FreudsGone chapter 6 . 6/21/2015
I have been reading a lot of Phantom of the Opera fanfic for a while now, but your story has the darkest Erik. I like how you saw Eric for the cruel and selfish person he really is, you didn't try to soften him like other writers have. "My Erik is a selfish bastard with an an obsession and control issues. He is unstable without a true sense of morality." Great story.
NineAria chapter 2 . 3/24/2015
Amazing! Absolutely wonderful! Your fanfiction is really one of a kind there. And your grammar isn't bad, and I like how you develop the story so far. You have to keep it up and write more fanfiction please!
Bonpetitepoodles chapter 6 . 3/17/2015
This story alas if we all are truthful is probably the correct set of circumstances. Well done
darkraistlyn chapter 6 . 10/15/2014
Wow, that was insanely dark. But with the way you portrayed him, I could see it. Good job.
Igenlode Wordsmith chapter 6 . 10/4/2014
Congratulations for taking this to its logical conclusion; right back as far as Chapter 2, when Christine was still a defiant and unbroken child, we saw Erik's insane temper and possessiveness and Madame Giry's warnings about his intent, and in a story where there is no Raoul in danger of death for whom she can sacrifice herself there is no potential for the Phantom to understand the true nature of love and find redemption in releasing them... I have to confess that fanfics where Erik kidnaps and mistreats Christine until she somehow realises that all this merely proves *how much he loves her* and how misunderstood he is are a particular bugbear of mine: you have depicted the likely actual outcome of such a scenario in all its suffocating disaster.

What we have here is an Erik who systematically destroys Christine's independence and spirit in order to have her to himself - and it's ironic but true to the tale that in this version his deformity is almost irrelevant to the outcome of their relationship: it's in his soul that the real distortion lies. (It would be interesting to know whether it would have made any difference if this Christine had learned of her guardian's face when she was still very young - I think not.)

The story does have slight problems with wrong words appearing in the text, which is generally a sign of relying on a spell-checker to detect errors: for example, in Chapter 3 of the story you have, among others, "polish her gift until it shinned like crystal" where I assume you meant to type "shined" (though "shone" would be correct in that context), "the clamor or worried voices" where you meant "of", "too frighten to even squeak" for "frightened", and "manner house" for (I assume) "manor house". None of these are misspellings as such, but they're still errors and can only be detected by a second check with the human eye - automated tools can lead to odd mistakes :-(

(Also, if you want to use snippets of French, beware of problems with the gender of nouns: Christine is female, therefore she would be addressed as "ma petite" not "mon petit", and "mon petite" simply doesn't exist...)

As a violinist, I would take issue with any attempt to describe the sound of the instrument as 'a crystalline whine', which to me sounds electronic; the note of a violin is more commonly compared to the warmth of the human voice, and in any case a violin of that period would have had the original gut strings, which create a breathy animal tone. And violins certainly aren't riveted together: I'm guessing that you probably had the (wooden) tuning pegs in mind, but to a musician the image is a bizarre one :-)

Presumably Christine's string of babies born deformed and dead was a result of Erik's damaged genetic material... though it's ironic that he had so little tolerance for deformity in others. With ten children before the age of thirty-five, he certainly lost no opportunity of keeping her 'barefoot and pregnant' :-(

That soliloquy makes Erik sound very mad indeed: "No one else Knows as I do... I am more... some may call it madness, but I am quite sane". He claims not to believe in morality, but demonstrates that he believes himself to be above the constraints of all humanity, like every megalomaniac throughout history: he is different. He is superior. He will take what he wants, without care for the cost...

Having Erik murder Buquet because he is a rapist is not an act I feel that fans ought to be celebrating in tribute to his devotion to Christine (not least because in canon, the Phantom seems to kill Buquet for purely selfish reasons to preserve the secret of his lair; making the stage-hand a vile lecher is whitewashing a murderer). It's all too common for stories to produce random disposable muggers and rapists for Erik to kill off virtuously, and this doesn't make murder a good thing :-(
So I don't think that interpreting Erik as a dangerous lunatic based on that episode is something any character needs to apologise for. Example in point: what would have happened if *Raoul* had walked in on that scene? The assailant would probably have ended up flat out on the floor, lost his job, and/or been brought to court: that is the reasonable man's reaction...

What happens to Raoul (and Madame Giry, and the Persian), anyway? The world just seems to ebb away from Christine; presumably people give up looking for her :-(
Guest chapter 6 . 9/30/2014
This. Depressed me. No fair. Yes your story was well written . But i wish you could have just made a happy ending for them..because sometimes even the dimmest light can be brighter in a dark situaion.
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