Reviews for The Changeover
rsaenz18 chapter 27 . 1/15
Hope you return to this soon!
VeraciousFFConsumption chapter 27 . 8/13/2019
Yeees! That's so cool! It's not common in Reincarnates to have another one with you, and having it be a cat is pretty awesome!
I gotta say, I hope Kaka does actually grow up into a decentish person, like he did in Canon, cause I can totally see him staying a prick if things are constantly going his way.
Also, I was nit expecting the 'obito's dad' twist! It seems like a very beneficial set-up for Bit tho!
That's all I can remember to talk about for now!
oh, wait! your grammar and spelling are generally pretty good, but I've noticed a few mistakes. Do you want me to point them out to you in the future? if so, how would you prefer?
Thank you for all the story so far! It has been great fun reading it! I hope you update soon, but it's no sweat if you can't!
VeraciousFFConsumption chapter 26 . 8/13/2019
Hehehehehe Great Cliffhanger!
Yaaay! I look forward to reading it!
VeraciousFFConsumption chapter 25 . 8/13/2019
Life Lessons Learned Life Lessons Learned Life Lessons Learned!
Thank you for the wonderful story! Every chapter is a treat! Even the short ones!
VeraciousFFConsumption chapter 22 . 8/13/2019
Hey, this is a better start than pure puppy love!
VeraciousFFConsumption chapter 20 . 8/13/2019
Woooooooooow. I haven't read much of a young Kakashi, but... um... He seems like a plotting creep... sorry. I just kinda get a mini orochimaru vibe off him...

Honestly, he might have been like that when he was younger? I don't know. He just seems really jealous and scheming here...
VeraciousFFConsumption chapter 17 . 8/13/2019
okay. This review probably doesn't count towards the 9, because of how late it is, but Hiiiiii!
This story has been pretty good so far! I like your OC, and the changes which her characteristics have brought about make a lot of sense! I'm really looking forward to seeing Obito , actually! Are you planning on having the other Uchiha (whatshisname...Hikaku!) on her team rather than Obito? That could be pretty interesting! Kushina seems to be pretty well in character, well done! It's also been funny seeing Minato especially as a teen! XD
Poor Mikoto!
I really like how you end your chapters! With the occasional goal set for reviews favourites or follows, but the consistent LEAF ON! That is especially fun!
Thank you for a really interesting story! I hope it comes off of Hiatus soon! Maybe before I catch up with the most recent chapter? Probably not, but one can hope! :) I hope your reasons for the hiatus have been sorted out as well as possible! I haven't gotten to the reasons yet, cause I'm still in Ch.17, BUT I know people have their own priorities.
fightingstoryaddiction chapter 27 . 3/31/2019
interesting story very good read will there be more ? if not could i know in a short summary how in your head it would have ended anyways i did enjoy it looking forward to finding out what happens next thank you for writing down you imagination on here
Guest chapter 24 . 9/16/2018
And why exactly, should she go? It's not like they have any sort of official capacity over her. And seriously? The Uchiha dueling an ACADEMY STUDENT. Regardless of the fact that she insulted their clan, I doubt they'd actually do that IRL. Just think of the damage their reputation will acrue.

Trash fic. I'm dropping this. (As much as it pains me to abandon Minato-era stories.)
Maxine chapter 27 . 8/24/2018
I don't have any fucking (excuse me) clue of what you just did there. You just killed Rin. Figuratively, of course. And a little bit of the plot. As well as my interest. No offense, but... WHY THE FUCK IS THERE A CAT- yes, a goddamn CAT that used to be human- REINCARNATED INTO THE NARUTO WORLD?! I don't know how that will fit in the story or what use it is for the characters. No offense, but it's just that you put me in a loop when you dropped that. Oh, and the Uchiha bit. Speaking of bits, why in the world is Obito's nickname Bit? As in B-I-T Bit? I think it would be better if Rin dubbed him Tobi. Or 'Bito. Or Tobito. I mean, if Kakashi is Kashi, then wouldn't Obito be Tobito? I don't know why I am ranting to a legit author who's better than me at writing. Aish, seriously, why am I like this? I'll leave you now. Sorry if I'm like this. Bi-polar much?


I'll take my leave. Ja ne!
Guest chapter 27 . 7/9/2018
It was great while it lasted
Mr. Meowington chapter 10 . 2/26/2018
IM concerned how they don't notice her presence easily?
Guest chapter 27 . 1/31/2018
Just letting you know that I love your story and I hope you update soon! I like to read about Kakashi being human...with feelings like possessiveness, jealousy and so on ;).
DarkViolet7258 chapter 27 . 1/1/2018
Well As Rin...damn it isn't a person I would like to reincarnate
Guest chapter 27 . 11/24/2017
I hope you update soon. It is cute to see a jealous and possessive Kakashi which you should have more of! This is really good.
And, happy Thanksgiving!
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