Reviews for The Royal Carriers
Darkness Death and Riches chapter 20 . 12/26/2016
I remember scrolling past this before like "Huh, that looks interesting" and never giving it a second thought.
I am now kicking my past self in the face because of it. (And my past self is punching my present self in the gut as retribution.)
This was beautiful! Thanks!
Darkness Death and Riches chapter 20 . 12/26/2016
I remember scrolling past this before like "Huh, that looks interesting" and never giving it a second thought.
I am now kicking my past self in the face because of it. (And my past self is punching my present self in the gut as retribution.)
This was beautiful! Thanks!
Zoe the awesome chapter 20 . 5/20/2016
That was so good sad it ended:(
Guest chapter 1 . 2/12/2016
do the babies come out there butt?
Guest chapter 20 . 1/30/2016
Now tell me this, how do you put a crown on a guy with a Mohawk?
Guest chapter 11 . 1/30/2016
Carry is a bit immature for a 10 year old
Jiffesseca chapter 20 . 1/20/2016
If Derek's king, can't he just change the law to allow polygamy?
Jiffesseca chapter 20 . 1/20/2016
Kane Constan chapter 10 . 9/27/2015
A male handmaid is called a manservant
Chasing Insanity chapter 20 . 8/6/2015
OMG this is amazing. I loved it and everything about it. At first I wasn't too sure but as I got into it I was really excited and tore through it.
Jess-love95 chapter 20 . 7/24/2015
This chapter is an awesome ending for an awesome story *-* I love Corny and Dora, love all the love ! D I'm a sucker for happy ending ;)
Elements1999 chapter 20 . 7/20/2015
ThatCreepyGothDragoon chapter 20 . 7/20/2015
Oh my word. This story. I remember when I first began reading it and I was so in love with this writing of the characters. Actually, I might not have even read any if Chasing Fireflies when I started reading this! I just fell in love with all these adorable people. Honestly, they're love stories. Yes they struggle and work and go through a lot, but love wins. It just makes me very happy. The idea that love can succeed under even the worst if circumstances is beautiful. You're very good at what you do, and it's been a joy reading this. These characters, this world, has developed so nicely. I loved it.
Your dedicated reader,
SunshineInTheGraySky chapter 20 . 7/20/2015
It was so beautiful! The wedding, the proposal. Everything was so perfect! And I can totally see Donny's wedding. I'm going to miss this story. But to be honest, I say that to every multi-chaptered fanfic you right. :D

KingJupiter chapter 20 . 7/19/2015
Babies, queens and only sixteen. They are still sixteen, right? Or maybe just Derek and Donny? I don't know.

This was my favorite out of this, Meet the diAngelos, and Prince of Olympus High. I demand a sequel, DEMAND IT. Eh, it's, of course, okay if you don't. Thank you for writing such a fantastic book! ~KJ (not signed in)
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