Reviews for Moving Day
Guest chapter 5 . 6/6/2018
Loved every word
Great job
I'm Widget chapter 5 . 4/29/2018
Yes! I got to finish. Love this! Great story. :)
I'm Widget chapter 4 . 4/29/2018
Oh, yeah. Love this so much. But now I have to go. Bummer. Will read the end later. Sigh.
I'm Widget chapter 3 . 4/29/2018
Wow. Love this. Now I have to read one more. lol
I'm Widget chapter 2 . 4/29/2018
LMAO! Oh, bless their hearts. Talk about bad timing... lol. Well, dang. Now I have to read one more chapter. :)
I'm Widget chapter 1 . 4/29/2018
I love Longmire and have just discovered Longmire fanfic. I don't know why I didn't think about it before! Anyway, I'm devouring as much as I can each day. I should be able to read one more chapter today before life calls... Love this story already! :)
untapdtreasure chapter 5 . 10/16/2015
Aww. I absolutely loved it from start to finish. It just melted me on the spot. It was so in character and so perfect. So glad you landed in this fandom.
EarsNWhiskers chapter 5 . 4/14/2015
You truly got both of them spot on. I loved everything about this story.
Guest chapter 5 . 11/1/2014
This is the first Longmire fic I've ever read! It was awesome. Romantic, in-character, and gr8 dialogue!
TheGodmother2 chapter 5 . 9/23/2014
Loved your story. I especially enjoyed this last chapter. Your characterizations were really spot on. Thank you for sharing your mad skills. I look forward to reading many more Longmire fics from you. #LongLiveLongmire
lovemesomelongmire chapter 5 . 9/23/2014
LOVED, LOVED,LOVED this story! Thanks so much for doing such a wonderful, tasteful job with these amazing charactors and for staying true to who they are and thanks for writing this story and sharing it with the world!:)
waltxvic chapter 5 . 9/23/2014
You are an amazing writer - loved all of it, but the Cady scene was the best;)
susan1770 chapter 5 . 9/23/2014
I really liked this story - the flashbacks especially. The epilogue was really good and well written. Taking Vic out to where Martha was laid to rest was beautifully written. My favorite line belonged to Vic - how she knew Walt would always love her, just like he still loved Martha. Wonderful!
Longmirefan chapter 5 . 9/23/2014
Guest chapter 5 . 9/23/2014
So very good! Your romance is wonderful without being cloying and your characterizatios are spot on. I could just imagine that smile on Cady's face!
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