Reviews for Fate
regbride12 chapter 12 . 9h
The numerous times I have now watched Bones, it truly truly makes me sad for Brennan. Her life was changed the minute she was born to a criminal family. Her parents were of course loving and caring clearly, but sadly they were in many ways selfish and greedy. They could have given that life up when they had the chance. The minute she became pregnant with Russ was when they should have said bye bye to that life.
regbride12 chapter 11 . 10h
You know I forget that Booth really didn't have any buddies he hung many ways both he and Brennan were loners. It makes me happy to see how their colleagues actually became their extended family :)
regbride12 chapter 10 . 7/29
Booth! :) it was strange seeing Aldo here but we do know he quit the priesthood after Booth. It follows that he could be a bar owner this long.

I love also how much Brennan is worried about her future love. Always in his corner! :)
regbride12 chapter 9 . 7/29
Love the steady relationship...this is WHY I always loved Booth and Brennan's relationship...they started out as friends and then became each others' forever :')
regbride12 chapter 8 . 7/29
Hehe Booth, why did you tell Brennan it was okay when you know it wasn't!? ;) the ending I can picture Booth's reaction ;)
Hodgins btw lied...threw it away...grrr...still annoyed at him.
regbride12 chapter 7 . 7/29
LMAO the ending ;)
regbride12 chapter 6 . 7/29
Ohhh I do sense a change coming ;) I like this...a lot...
regbride12 chapter 5 . 7/29
Ok can I please smack Hodgins?! :( he had ZERO right to throw that letter away! I know Hodgins thinks of Brennan like a lil sister but that was SO wrong.
Side note: I always liked Goodman :)
regbride12 chapter 4 . 7/29
I love their interactions ;) I sense Booth will meet up again with Brennan soon!
regbride12 chapter 3 . 7/29
I am enjoying this lil adventure and the Booth and Brennan touches of each other :) so obvious ;)
I love Brennan wanting the gun hehe...
regbride12 chapter 2 . 7/29
I love how Brennan and a Booth are already bickering and are attracted very much to each other ;) I like John so far! Hope he and Booth are ok!
regbride12 chapter 1 . 7/29
I am starting a new long story :)
Very intrigued! :) :)
flowerkin chapter 133 . 4/14
Very sweet story. Thanks for sharing.
flowerkin chapter 83 . 4/14
I got a terrible feeling in the pit of my stomach at just the mention of that woman. Ugh.
flowerkin chapter 11 . 4/13
I love that you brought Aldo in early. It’s a unique look at his dynamic with his friend.
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