Reviews for Sword Art Academy
TheTACO chapter 1 . 3/25/2016
Hi... nice story u got here... 1 chapter an all... so nice... but uh... there is one thing missing... one small tiny little thing... IT HAS ONE CHAPTER WITH NO RECENT UPDATES! (im not mad just frustrated!)
mountedcombat chapter 1 . 2/6/2016
First of all: great story!
Second: you based it loosely off of the first episode? The only way it could have been closer while still being SAO is if the angel wing pendant had done something to save Kimiko! That sentence has a joking tone, not a derogatory one.
K chapter 1 . 10/26/2015
Dude this fic looks so sweet
You've written like most of the other SAO FemKirito fics that I've seen, and all of them look pretty cool!
Also, in the beginning of the chapter it seemed to resemble YuGiOh so I'm glad you said that it was loosely related cuz I would've gone insane if you hadn't. Haha
Anyways, I'm glad I get to follow this from the beginning, and please update soon ;)
Kagira Tachiki chapter 1 . 12/30/2014
That's one cocky Kimiko. It's too early for me to decide whether or not I like her, but I'm willing to see if you would just update some d&mn stories. I understand if you have writer's block, I really do but you need to say something! Maybe I'm being spoiled, I apologize in that case. Sorry. Anyhow, I'll follow this just to see if I can rouse you a bit. The story has potential after all.
ourchan27 chapter 1 . 11/2/2014
Excellent please make more
furrballnerd chapter 1 . 9/6/2014
Cool story. Who's the blond chick? Can't wait to see where this goes. Glad to see Kuradeel's gonna hate him again. XD
askasknot chapter 1 . 9/6/2014
Awesome just awesome I totally love this XD
give me more
ShadeInferno chapter 1 . 8/29/2014
Good chapter.
Agent 94 chapter 1 . 8/27/2014

Why the hell wouldn't you wear any armor? That's just ... stupid! Hey, you know how knights can wear armor for hours and hours? Because they're trained to do it! They're trained to run around, jump, climb, roll, wrestle in armor! So that means Kimiko here has not trained in armor. What kind of idiot doesn't wear armor to an official championship match? This isn't some duel for honor in Post Revolution France, this is a sparring match!

What kind of armor is Kuradeel wearing? Does it have gauntlets? Helmet? Breastplate? Grieves? Tabard? What? You did not describe the armor.

The point system is nonsensical. So it's either 'scratches' and 'direct hit'. Look at kendo and you'll see the points are awarded for WHERE you hit your opponent. Look at silat and the points are awarded for strikes, blocks and throws. Look at boxing, where the KO or how many hits you've landed are awarded as points. The problem with this system that neither 'scratches' or 'direct hits' are described properly. If I cut someone through the forearm, does that count as a scratch? Should scratching your opponents head count more than a direct hit through the leg? Nonsensical system.

'The blade passed right through his back. Such is the way energy blades work'. THEN WHAT IS THE FUCKING POINT OF DIRECT HITS AND SCRATCHES?!

How would YOU describe that? I direct hit? Because that's a direct hit to me. But then again if the energy blade can GO THROUGH bodies, what's the point? A scratch is when you're able to draw blood, a direct hit is not an actual term. A 'stab' is a term. A 'cut' is a term. 'Poke' is a term. 'Thrust' is a term. All these terms are something HEMA practitioners will understand and acknowledge. A direct hit makes no sense due to the nature of energy blades.

And what's the point of fucking armor if the blade goes through the armor anyway? In fact, everyone should be wearing karate robes at this point. THAT makes sense.


Well shit, Kimiko is a fucking Mary Sue. Some random ass chick can beat a teacher teaching a top-tier class. Mary fucking Sue. You don't see Harry Potter beating Severus Snape in his first year and I don't expect someone who doesn't even train in armor to beat an instructor in a high ranking academy.

'His blade enlarged by 50% percent'. Since you don't even bother putting fucking measurements, how the fuck am I suppose to vision how long the damn thing is? For all I know the sword is as long as a spear. No measurements, nonsensical.

'I raised my sword to block it, but as soon as my sword got in position, he hit it, then slid his blade forward and pierced my chest.'


Where did she block? Chest high? Head high? Is it in the Plow Guard? Is it in the Ox Guard? Is it in the Roof guard? How did he hit her chest if I don't know what position she freaking blocked it. Hell, why did she block, she should parry, diverting the energy AWAY from her.

Yeah no. She reached the blade from insider her coat, meaning her hand is very close to her chest, meaning she has no way to counter him hard enough to push him back. Go ahead, hold a knife just around your chest area. Now let me hit it with a sword, FULL FORCE. What should happen is that Kimiko would have impaled by her own blade because she's an idiot.

You know jack about swordfighting.


Let me slice you, you will either go back or block with your own weapon. And since you aren't HIGH RANKING INSTRUCTOR OF THE TOP TIER CLASS IN THE FUCKING ACADEMY, this would work. But no, Kuradeel is shown as an incapable swordsman despite being HIGH RANKING INSTRUCTOR OF THE TOP TIER CLASS IN THE FUCKING ACADEMY.

I can't stand this Mary Sue shit. This is one of the most Mary Sue things I have ever read. I can stand Mary Sues if done well but this is just crap.


Go study HEMA or kenjutsu or any martial art. Maybe you'll learn how to write better scenes.
AikenArrow chapter 1 . 8/26/2014
I love this idea! This is really good!
DrackNath chapter 1 . 8/24/2014
I will say two words, Totally Awesome!
I found your fics rather entertaining to read :3
Dont give a broken sword about yuri as long as the fluff is good dont really care about genders ;3
Anyhow I will be also taking a close eye on this one as well :3
Good job with this fic as well :3 Also I AM ALWAYS FOR Kirito x Sinon/Asada Shino so also will be rooting for Kimiko x Sinon/Asada Shino

Good day :3