Reviews for A Night at the Coffee Shop
Ooyeteri chapter 2 . 4/16
Thank you for the story! It was beautifully told, letting the reader glean over the characters without having to rely on a lot of exposition. The loneliness both characters feel told from different lenses was sweet.

It was a lovely way to spend my time. I will now go devour your other stories. I hope more people find your writing to also enjoy!
ylsen chapter 2 . 6/1/2019
Me encantan los AU como estos. Esta historia no fue la excepción. Me ha encantado, cada palabra y cada pensamiento, en especial los pensamientos de Raven. Ya he tenido pensamientos similares anteriormente. En especial porque a mi también me gusta mi soledad pero hay días que quiero salir de mi zona de confort y ser espontánea. Por ello me ha gustado mucho la historia, puedo sentirme identificada con ella. Me ha gustado la trama, la reflexión sobre el destino. Gracias por escribir este two-shot. Saludos!
Viper5delta chapter 2 . 4/4/2016
This was beautiful, simply beautiful.
PrayerGirl chapter 2 . 3/29/2015
Awww this was sweet!
CleoArrow chapter 2 . 3/17/2015
This felt so... real. The first chapter had me hooked, and I was going to favorite then, but I wanted to read the rest. I'm so glad you continued writing it. Very well done!
Guest chapter 2 . 3/6/2015
This is number two on my favorite bbrae stories! You mixed all these facts with an interesting story, and it worked perfectly! And you kept them in character. Great job!
Jack Coffison chapter 2 . 11/9/2014
I have been steadily going through the ol' Teen Titans fanfiction archive, and so far I have to say that this has been an incredible stand out. The flow of the plot, the dialogue and the kind of underlying theme of serendipity and loneliness were all top notch, and incredibly impressive.
Although my love of fluff makes me want to beg you keep going, so we can see a little more out of Cyborg, Robin and Starfire, and how they relate to Beast Boy and Raven- I could certainly see why you might elect to leave this story as it is.
Truly awesome.
PS: I'd still like to watch those two work it out with each other, and go from friends to something more... But again, it's your decision. Have a good day!
JasonVUK chapter 2 . 10/1/2014
:D And then they got together? :3

:D Fantastic little story! XD
JasonVUK chapter 1 . 10/1/2014
:c This is so sad and so cute!
Zee chapter 2 . 9/27/2014
And as (from what I assume) is the end chapter, you've definitely saved the best for last. I may had shed a tear or two. Wonderfully written, possibly the best you've produced out of all your fanfics. It is certainly an emotional roller coaster falling in love and you've captured it brilliantly. Though, if you were to add another knockout chapter to see where Gar and Raven ended up, I certainly won't complain. ;) *Gives you standing ovation* THAT, my friends, is how you WRITE.
dj25taz chapter 2 . 9/27/2014
Will you continue this story
westallening chapter 2 . 9/27/2014
this story was absolutely breathtaking. serendipitious encounters are something i've always hoped for honestly, and the way you summed it up using two of my favourite characters?...
bravo to you. this was perfect.

Guest chapter 2 . 9/26/2014
hands down one of the best fanfics ive read in a really long time . thank you, never stop writing.
asarix-sarai chapter 1 . 9/26/2014
I didn't think it could get better, and then you went and made it better. All I can really say is thank you for this.
DeeJay chapter 2 . 9/26/2014
I couldn't have thought of an even more perfect ending. Goodness that was great. The first chapter was an appetizer, but that second conclusion was a full meal. Are you POSITIVE you don't wanna add just a teeny bit more? Ok, ok, that's me being greedy. Fantastic writing. Fantastic.
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