Reviews for Pull You Back
monkeybaby chapter 13 . 7/29/2018
Love this story!
alysegxx chapter 13 . 10/17/2017
please update!
lorelai chapter 13 . 3/12/2017
update soon please :)
narelclollie chapter 13 . 1/6/2017
First off i want to say don't feel bad about the lack in updates your health should always come first. I hope your doing better!

I loved this chapter! I can't believe Staggie is finally together. It was definitely worth the wait! Poor Maggie having to see Derek and Jennifer getting dirty. God, Maggie is going to be so crush when she loses Boyd. I'm really looking forward to how she reacts to the Void-Stiles arc. Thanks so much for updating!
Guest chapter 13 . 1/3/2017
Hey glad that your back, this was a good chapter. Glad to hear you are doing okay and working on helping yourself. Can not wait to read more of the story.
BrittWitt16 chapter 13 . 1/2/2017
I was so excited to get reading that I forgot to open this in a new tab so that I could type. YIKES. Okay back to the same party, just like it was yesterday. The same day actually. Boyd and Isaac being little wounded cuties because GROSS I don't want to see stiles like that. The pack parents are having sex that's gross lalalalala. HOW FUCKING DARE YOU SIT HERE AND LET BOYD SAY HE'D DIE FOR MAGGIE. I hate this so much and I'm so glad you're here in person so I can yell at you. GOD. OH cora my bae leaving your cousin some condoms what a wingman, what a legend. I'm in love with Lydia Martin. I hope she does take to grilling Maggie about her love life. Maggie needs someone grilling her in a girly gimme-the-details way. I want her to have that bit of normality. GOD I LOVE LYDIA AND MAGGIE. I LOVE THEM TOGETHER AND I LOVE THEIR FRIENDHSIP AND I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS. Okay and there's some doubts and Stiles is like "I WILL LITERALLLY SHUT YOU UP WITH MY MOUTH YOU DUMB SHIT I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU LETS HAVE TEH SEX" " S" "ALWAYS" ALWAYS A L WAY ST ALS WAYS SLA WASY good. sorry this is probably gonna be a short portion of the review because I'm too busy reading to come over here and remind you that I'm dying a slow death every time they touch each other. If you want to know how I'm handling it, you should be looking up as bri and I read in unison and cry. Cheers. But also, highlights: Blown out pupils (i gotta use that caus FUQ), his heart might explode. good look for you. E. I'm trying. Breast you. Gays. Cool cool cool cooolc ool cool cool im dead inside cool he was just getting pretty good at that i hate you you are the best at being the worst and when i am finished with this point of view i'm going to hug you. my laptop is trying to escape me as i type but i'm typing too fast to fix it so shush we must READ. I'm so in love with boy. Slips into like a Reid factual moment as he slips into Maggie literally. "Common misconception" you fucKING DORK. "I'm dead inside" -Briana. "I'm dead inside." -Me "But also, I am at peace." -Me. *pause for hugs as promised* Okay, Scott's POV. Super Scott is here to put scared and broken Maggie back together. I'm so pleased. I'm obviously upset she feels that way but also not because she has Scott and she has Stiles and she has Derek and people that love her and that's beautiful. Scott kissing her knuckles and I'm in love because who deserves Scott McCall? Like, no one. No one deserves him. Too pure. A moment in which Scott McCall is me. Literally just grabs maggie by the face and says "NO YOU ARE GOING TO BE HAPPY STOP DOING THIS DUMB SHIT" I LOVE MAGGIE HAVING FRIENDSHIPS OKAY? I DO. Oh okay things are about tog et real. I was with you ehn you wrote this. This is the car accident thing. Got you. Mom and Maggie working in tandem as healers I love it i love it i lov eit. Listen, Ethan and the whole "Now we know it's Lydia" has always been a really important line to me. But in THIS STORY? Stiles is that for Maggie and Lydia for you? GOD I AM SCYDIA AS FUCK. I hope we can pursue that a bit in your story. Obviously Allison and obviously Kira, but also...shit I'm so scydia. Lol at Stiles making it all sound so easy and she's buying it. Like, dream team. And I love that Maggie gets to spin him the shit he was peddling in season 2, like "if you die i will go out of my mind." It's such a genre role reversal and the fact we get that with your story is one of the many reasons that you are my fave. Scott is SO READY to talk to Stiles about what went down. (him. he went down. sorry) he's like DUDE I'M DYING GIVE ME THE DEETS. YOU'RE MY OTP AND MY SHIP JUST SAILED. Like, the canon equivalent of Briana and I sitting here and reading ravenously. Incredible. I like that Stiles just straight up tells his dad "thanks for cockblocking me jerk" inspiring. That's right, pummel him like the weakling he is. But I'm loving all the sex jokes. I thrive. Bless you, Maggie. Stop cheesing up the room with all your caring love and healthy advice stiles. You're gross. and Ashlea, Maggie, and I all love you. oh my god oh my god it's time to talk about derek. I'm so psyched. Oh my god. Step off Maggie's dick Jennifer, you're not the real physics teacher. OOOOOOOOH all caps. OOOOOH harsh harsh harsh witch vision. yikes. i feel you bro. You just watched your cousin fucking your teacher. That's real yikes. I'm with Stiles. That's disgusting but also like hahaha your life sucks. One, how did Jen get there so fast? But also this is about to go so yikes and I'm so excited. Yeah Derek that story is weak AF. You don got boned and didn't call your family. Jerk move. Horrible horrible jerk move. Nice topic change maggie. Lets not talk about anyone having sex with anyone. TIME TO READ FROM THE POINT OF VIEW OF THE LOVE OF MY LIFE. Cora is incredible, inspiring, beautiful. Damn right he adopted some werewolf kids. All the werewolf kids. Derek is the batman of adopting ragtag kids. STOP IT ASHLEA. STOP IT. WITH THE TEACHING HISTORY AND THE DEREK HAVING KIDS AND IT'S SO DOMESTIC AND I'M IN LOVE WITH IT AND I LOVE IT. She's goading him, expecting him to get angry, adns oftie derek hale just softens right up and reminds her he loves her. i am dead inside, truly. Derek pulling the receipts, he gives me life. What an awesome end note. I'm so in love with Cora, and Maggie, and Derek, and Stiles,a nd Scott, and Lydia, and people having friendships and havign sex and being awesome. I love that Maggie's gotten to a little bit of happiness, even if I know it's shrouded in all this other darkness we have to look forward to. I love you, and you're the best, and I'm so so so so so sos o proud of you for finishing this chapter. Here's to many more and your beautiful face in the future.
alizabethirene92 chapter 12 . 8/18/2016
Whew! I definitely just binged this whole series! It's been quite the tumultuous journey for everyone, and I just wanted to say that you kick ass. Not just because you continue to post when you seem so disheartened, but because you are a phenomenal writer. I've come across so many stories where people just sorta add in an OC and think it doesn't change anything. You have done a wonderful job of bringing Maggie to life and breathing her into the TW universe. Thank you for that. Keep doing what you're doing, and I look forward to your next installment. :)
Guest chapter 12 . 7/31/2016
I love this story so much! Please keep writing it! AHHHH I cannot tell you how happy this makes me right now. Congrats on being a fantastic writer and thank you for sticking with it this long. You have such a good representation of each character and I feel that everything that you have written is exactly how they would react.
FreeTwoDayShipping chapter 12 . 4/10/2016
YOU'VE DONE IT AGAIN! That was the most amazing chapter of the whole series. I love how even when no one's life is in danger, I'm still sitting here in suspense waiting to see what happens. Seeing everyone get together when they're not in peril was so awesome. It captured each of their personalities perfectly! And the reveal with Derek!? Cue tears. And the stiles and Maggie moments!? More tears. That was the perfect scene. I thought after his talk with Scott that stiles was going to confess his love again, but Maggie taking the lead was GREAT! Perfect for them. I'm so excited to see where this is going! Don't worry about updating quickly. I love these long, well written chapters much more than short fillers :) I'll be waiting 3
PrincessMagic chapter 12 . 3/12/2016
Aww loved the family bonding at the end!
But feel sorry for Derek though!
narelclollie chapter 12 . 3/10/2016
I loved this chapter so much! It was amazing! I loved how family oriented it was! I loved the reunion between Derek and Maggie! I love how close Maggie's grown to both Cora and Lydia! I loved Boyd's talk with Stiles but I loved his heart to heart with Maggie more! And don't even get me started with the Stiles and Maggie scenes they were unbelievable good! I also enjoyed Nathan and Derek's talk about Maggie! All in all this chapter was incredibly good and definitely worth the wait! Thanks so much for updating!
BrittWitt16 chapter 12 . 3/9/2016
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHYEAH HERE WE GO. Maggie he's not dead. Awww but they sleeping together! I'm so please. GOD ETHAN IT WAS STILES I HATE THAT PART SO MUCH. DAMN RIGHT WE'RE NOT LEAVING YOU ALONE HELL NO. I'm proud of you for writing that Star Wars convo. Well done. DEREEEEEEEKKKKK IS ALIIIIIIIIIIIIVE. DA DADA DA DA DA DAAAA! YOU GAVE US A DEREK STILES HUG OH MY GOOOOOOOOD. I'm dead now. i hate you. I'm dead. CORA SLAYING WITH THE PERIOD JOKES I LOVE IT SO MUCH SHE IS MY HERO AND SALVATION. Lolol "you teleported...?" WE NEEED YOU DEREK. Okay Maggie isn't holding back on any of the details. That's some rough stuff. I didn't need to relive that but thanks beau. Wouldn't be your chapter if there wasn't something that made me want to cry. Mother Hen Derek is literally one my favorite Dereks. Mother!Derek, Sassy!Derek, and Scholar!Derek. THAT'S DAMN RIGHT BOYD YOU TELL HER SHE NEEDS TO BE WITH STILES. MOTHERFUCKING CHRIST MAGGIE NOT SEALING THE DEAL WILL NOT SAVE HIS LIFE YOU ALREADY CARE ABOUT EACH OTHER YOU'RE TARGETS FOR EACH OTHER AND EVERYONE KNOWS IT. NOT STANDING NEXT TO HIM AND NOT MAKING OUT WITH HIM WILL NOT CHANGE THAT SO JUST BANG HIM FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. I'M GONNA FUCKING SCREAM. THANK YOU BOYD JESUS FLIPPING CHRIST. Daw my Scisaac babies. AND NOW THE SCYDIA BABIES. SCEREK. SCOTT TELLING DEREK NOT TO BLAME HIMSELF. THIS IS SO WHOLESOME THANK YOU. YOU ARE AN ALPHA SCOTT OF YOUR OWN PACK JUST WAIT AND SEE. Derek don't you dare keep my otp apart damnit. WE'RE A FAMILY I'M SOBBING I HATE YOU BUT ALSO GOD BLESS YOU. AHHHHHHHJHHH. ohgoditsstilespointofviewidontknowifimreadyithinkimreadyohmygoddeepbreathokaymanletsdothis. God I can't believe I forbid you from killing a small girl so you killed her father instead. I'm just so - that's so you. I hate it. STILES STILINSKI GET YOUR ASS BACK INTO THAT ROOM SO YOU CAN MAKE OUT WITH MAGGIE. I'M. UDSHGBERWKUGVHR. Wow boyd great conversation opener. Thanks man. See, that's a good threat, Boyd. I also like the similarities it has to Cora's because they're besties. DEREK DRINKING A BEER IS JUST SO DOMESTIC I WANNA DIE. HE'S ROOTING FOR THEM. KILL ME. IT'S SO DOMESTIC I'M GONNA DIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. God such a perfect line from Stiles saying that he is gonna let Maggie be strong on her own. GREAT line. I've just realized I'm not emotionally prepared for this. Like I knew it was coming but I was not prepared. We are an epic story. I'm literally just gonna start crying and I'm not gonna be able to read. yaaaaAAAAAAASSSSSSSSS. KJGRVKWEBRKGRWKHBFKEWHBFKEHWKFHEWKHFEWHFKHEWKFGHEKRUWHNGKREWHNGKFEHNRWKDFVES. Ahem yes this appears to be all in order. You're right Maggie, his hands are perfect. They should continue doing the Lord's work. WOW THAT'S HAPPENING. I knew the vertical line was coming but I'm still just so pleased about it. Ah yes. Yes Stiles. I'm at peace. Lol Derek is like peace out dancing imma go get a drink. Parental talk man. nathan laying on the truth tea. Your medium cut V-necks, aw yes. WAIT I JUST REMEMBERED THAT NATHAN FINDS OUT DEREK GOT LAID. WAIT I'M SO EXCITED. God that was so great. That was great. WAIT WHAT I WAS NOT FORWARNED ABOUT A JENNIFER WAIT WHAT IS JENNIFER DOING HERE OH MY GOD WHATS HAPPENING I DIDN'T KNOW THIS WAS COMING WHAT IS HAPPENING I DID NOT KNOW ABOUT THIS WHAAAAT. NATHAN IS AN INCREDIBLE MAN. AHHHH DEREK'S GONNA BANG HER AGAIN?! WJAIFHGHVKUWEHN oh god oh god that was good okay i just didn't see that coming. you're an angel and letting staggie be together (even if I do know the future) is doing god's work god bless you and good night.
Senjaninja chapter 12 . 3/9/2016
I WAS SO EXCITED WHEN YOU UPDATED! This chapter was exactly what I needed today! It was so light and fluffy and wonderful and I am so so SOOO happy about Maggie and Stiles right now! It was about time! I know more drama will come in future chapters but thanks for this little breather. Amazing job as always!
Guest chapter 12 . 3/8/2016
Glad that you were able to update. This was a good chapter, can not wait to read more. Update soon.
FreeTwoDayShipping chapter 11 . 1/4/2016
Honestly, this chapter made me cry. I am so proud of you taking Maggie and everyone else to this place. It's so brave of you to talk about these dark subjects and be able to still speak eloquently. I still love the direction in which Maggie is going. She has a lot in her shoulders, but I feel like she finally believes she doesn't have to carry it on her own. I hope she continues in that direction, but I understand her hesitance in trusting people. This series makes me want to write my own fan fiction- it's that inspiring. I can't wait for the next chapter! All the love 3 Jenn aka two day shipping
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