Reviews for We Both Remember
Speedy1236 chapter 20 . 2/15/2019
Hello old friend. It's been forever. I missed your uploading of this story, and I apparently missed your departure. For all it's worth, I did catch up with this story now, and it's just as delightful as all your adaptions. You took this kind of chaotic, crazy story and made it so much better.

I'm one of the few people who actually like this game, I play it fairly frequently, and for all its flaws, I think it's easy to see the potential it had. You sure showed that off, too!

Loved how you added in more parts for Sonic's friends. The levels Sonic does with Tails and Knuckles feel like Sonic Heroes all over again (the banter!), and when they end up in jail, it's priceless. I was never an Elise hater, but you made her more interesting and relatable, too.

In good old Child fashion, you made an adaption that's so true to the game it calls up lots of memories of playing the levels that makes me want to go back and play it again, added the characters' witty and unique perspectives and peppered everything with humour and a sprinkle of not-taking-anything-too-seriously. (I laughed so hard about the Sonic Boom references here and there...)

Anyway, another wonderful adaption. Nobody does them like you. And even if it might've been your last one, thanks for all the fun and you're doing great, whatever you're up to these days. Take the best of care, and, you know, Sonicspeed, Child. Stay true to your , Speedy
ShadAmy1Fan - Shylah McVey chapter 20 . 8/18/2018
Woah. I can definitely say this has made me put 06 in a new light. I never truly hated the game - just certain plot aspects - and you’ve really outdone yourself by stepping it up and creating this jaw dropping story from the pieces left behind.

First off, I want to apologize for not leaving a review on Shadow’s story. I loved his version and I love how you’ve evolved him as a character. Shadow’s one of my favorite characters besides and to see him to excellently taken care of makes me proud and excited and happy. I loved his relationship with Silver - I think that was one of my favorite parts. When he helps Silver after fighting him.

As for Sonic’s story - well theres just so much! I absolutely loved his perspective! I was a little disappointed that we had elise’s POV for sonic’s First fight will Silver (until near the end that is) but the other parts I wanted in Sonic’s pov were there so it’s cool P and I appreciate how you made Elise. And I ALSO appreciate how you made the love one-sided some things are just too weird. But in the end I ended up really liking Elise - you really rounded her character off well. I actually cried a little bit at the end where she had to lose Sonic as a friend - and THATS something I definitely never did in the game. So congratulations! Your writing really does create miracles XD

The only other thing I have to “complain” about is that I feel like Sonic wasn’t scared out of his wits enough when silver tried to kill him the first time. But *shrug* I’m just a sadist like that so I can’t fault you XD

I also liked how you portrayed Mephiles. I feel like in the game it wasn’t very clear WHY he was doing any of this, so your interpretation of events really just made the character and the whole plot come together. I hope you’re proud of your achievement ) it’s not easy pulling off a confusing game like 06 XD and I found your allusions and references to other games hilarious - and I also thought Sonic’s aversion to side missions was hilarious, I REALLY wanted to see the “conquest of love” one or whatever - but when he just scoffed and breezed by it with barely a reference I laughed so hard. It was true after all. He didn’t have the time XD

I know you haven’t uploaded anything in forever, let alone any Sonic fan fictions, but if you ever get back into writing i’d Totally read your sonic stories! You’re a really talented author and it must take a lot of hard work to get where you are now - I mean you’ve improved so much from your original stories! It’s incredible ) I would love to see a Forces and Lost World adaption by you (i didn’t even like Lost World - although the plot had potential - but I think you could turn it around and make it work! After seeing your Colors rendition I believe you would make that truly awesome!).

Additionally, if you don’t do game adaptions - I would love to see a story from you (au obviously) where we get to explore just WHAT happened to Sonic in those first ten years. You said you believe his fear of water stems from a bad experience, and I’m having a hard time pinning that POST recalled memory. Writing an original story is hard but you did that Shadow one shot so well that I’m sure you could do it if you want to! Although if you prefer for it all to remain a mystery just to add to the feel of the Sonic stories - that’s cool too. But I would totally read it if you made one P

Anyways - hope you’re doing well. You haven’t uploaded in years so I can only assume you’re tackling life head on! If you ever get into writing again I’ll be here, but I also hope you take care of yourself. ) thanks for all these sonic adaptions all the same!
Guest chapter 19 . 8/13/2018
Knuckles: "Don't hold back. Let him have it, Silver!"
Amy Rose: "Silver, please! Protect everyone's future!"
Rouge: "You can do it, Shadow!"
Eggman: "Shadow, I'm trusting you to do this!"
Tails: "Don't let him beat you, Sonic!"
Elise: "Sonic, I believe in you!"
Guest chapter 19 . 6/24/2018
Hey, Shadow. Knuckles was meant to say, "Don't hold back! Let him have it, Silver!"
Guest chapter 18 . 5/25/2018
Tails: We were best friends, brothers even! I don't know what to do without you. Please, Sonic... come back!

Omega: Must find the Chaos Emeralds so this world doesn't end entirely so we can save Comrade Sonic.

Knuckles: Despite our bickering, you were one of my pals. You taught me about teamwork and opening up to others. sonic, you have to come back!

Silver: I'm so sorry, Sonic. I didn't want to kill you to start with, and I really want to see it come to this. But... I promise to save and make it up to you.

Rouge: Why did you have to go like this, Sonic...? We may have not have been that close, but you've left a big impact on me no less. Hang in, Big Blue. I'm coming.

Amy: Sonic! Oh, why did you have to die? We didn't even get to properly date... I'll save you, no matter what it takes.

Shadow: Damn you, Mephiles! You get away from me and what next? You kill Sonic! You're going straight to hell! *sighs* Sonic, we need you more than ever... despite fighting, you've come through for me, and I will for you. That's a promise.
Guest chapter 1 . 11/22/2017
I'll be looking forward to the Sonic Forces adaptation called "Fist Bump".
D.J. Scales chapter 1 . 3/14/2017
Strong start so far. Keep it up
Somebody chapter 4 . 12/17/2016
"Maybe I should wrap my entire arms and legs in bandages- then I'd look REALLY awesome!" Hooray for Sonic Boom references!
Ways chapter 20 . 6/20/2015
A really good ending.
It was sad to see everything turn to almost nothing. Following Sonic and Elise through this journey made me really like the character. She changed so much throughout and made an amazing friendship with Sonic. I loved it, you created such a good relationship for them. Seeing that go away was sad. You hit the emotions just right on that one.
The one word I'd use to describe Sonic's portion is poetic. And I think it couldn't have been handled in a better way. It was a good note to end the story on.
Great work.
TheBlurredLine23 chapter 20 . 6/18/2015
Child! It's about time I got to review something, since you left lovely reviews on my writings...

Okay, let's get the nitpick out of the way first... Err, it bothered me when you kept using "-insertname- and I" when they weren't the subject. Like in chapter fifteen, when Knuckles says, "Tails and I aren't going to let that happen..." Then that's fine, because Tails and Knuckles are the subject doing the action of "letting" the object, "that" ("Elise's death") happen. But later in the chapter, when Knuckles, Sonic, and Tails are going through the underwater base, you say, "he grunted under his breath, pulling himself over the edge and finding Tails and I careening down some stairs." It doesn't work here because *Knuckles* is the subject and he sees the objects, Tails and Sonic. Just take out Tails... "Knuckles grunted... pulling himself over the edge and finding I careening down some stairs". Does that sound right? So it should be finding "me" so in this case it should be "Tails and me". Is the speaker doing the main action? Then use "name and I". Is someone else watching the speaker? "then use "name and me".

Sorry again for the nitpick, buddy, but it just happened so many times I thought I should point it out.

Okay, on to the real stuff now! I just gotta say, this is actually the first time I've seen all of the levels in the game and such - that is, I've watched some of the cutscenes (I've watched the beginning cutscene and last story goodness knows HOW many times) but I've never experienced the game itself. Maybe that's a good thing. I'm certainly glad I have this lovely novelization to go through, since I can't play games worth anything. XD

I've said it before and I'll say it again... I love how you've fleshed out things here while still keeping it close to the game - the way you keep the original lines more or less, while adding some things to make them less... awkward, heh. Especially that last bit when they all see Sonic dead - I was pretty offended in the cutscene when Tails doesn't even CRY - and how you added "and the world" to the end of Elise's plea... Makes her more forgivable.

That being said, I don't like Elise much (Does anybody?) but she's a lot more... relatable the way you wrote her. I know I'D be screaming my head off half the time if I was being carried by Sonic. XD And how you said she was crying because of how despicable she was... That broke my heart for her too, because I have felt that way and cried because of it (for different circumstances, but yeah). There's actual character growth for her in this story, and seeing her perspective, well, yeah, I can see why she fell for him.

I thought it interesting how Sonic said we have to find the perspectives that are different from ours, and through this trilogy we get to see everybody's (except Eggman?) 1st person POV...!

Oh, and Sonic's magic of cheering people up. YES! I loved that flower scene with Silver, and I skipped over to that scene in Absolute Dreams too... Silver's reaction was great, because I got to see how profoundly a few simple words can affect someone... That's also why I liked seeing Elise's, and what I'm looking forward to seeing in Absolute Dreams and In the Shadow of a Doubt - seeing other people's perspectives on Sonic, especially those who -maybe- don't like him so much; without the "starry eyes of those who love him" so to speak. XD

Now I'm really pumped for the one-shot I was PMing you about. Can't wait to post it and see what you say. :3
Ways chapter 19 . 6/18/2015
Great chapter.
The battle with Solaris was awesome. I loved the different attack styles. It was very fluid and I'm glad that each hedgehog could make their own contribution to the destruction.
The characterization was also very good too. I enjoyed Silver being the sort of voice of reason, Shadow and his usual moodiness and Sonic being a goofball all good stuff. I very much enjoyed the banter between the three.
As for problems? None that I could see but I will admit you could've done a better job on defining that it was first person because it really just felt third overall.
But still very good job.
Ways chapter 18 . 5/21/2015
This was in fact an amazing chapter. Favorite POVs for me had to be Omega's and Knuckles. And the action was great too.
But the ending is what floored me. This is one of the few cutscenes I've seen from Sonic 06 and you just made it so... much better! Sonic died and everyone just was kinda like " Woah... Super Sonic..." You however actually made it real, with their perfect reactions, smiles and tears. Shadow and his honor too, yes! Brilliant!
I also loved Sonic's POV as well. Especially starting with: "Holy Rings, who turned on the lights…?" I laughed a little too hard at that... But yes, just GREAT!
Great job!
Ways chapter 17 . 5/18/2015
Time travel and it's massive plot holes. I know it's not your fault and you tried to fix them but they're still there.
No aside from that, fantastic chapter. One of the best ones in this story.
Sonic's death came so quickly, it was so sudden and so fast it surprised me. Sonic's fall and his last thoughts were great. It felt so... Sonic.
As for Elise's reaction, it was perfect. Once again, I felt so much sorrow for the girl and it was fantastic.
Then there was Mephiles' little part. I loved it, it was so creepy and rang the current atmosphere of incoming doom.
Then there was everyone's reactions to Sonic. Those were just so... perfect. I felt every little bit of it and it was great.
Emotion in this chapter wad just perfect and I'm excited to see where this goes.
Ways chapter 16 . 5/18/2015
This was a nice chapter. The battle between Sonic and Eggman was great, it flowed very well and was quite precise all at the same time. It was quite exciting and was overall fun to see the give and take between Sonic and Eggman again. But I think the better part in this one was Elise's. The sense of immense danger was definitely there and it was a blast to read. The ending was really nice. To put it in one word, touching. I love the way you write Elise and once again I felt really sad for her in this chapter, having to leave Sonic again. That whole little bit at the end was a mess of laughter, sorrow, smiling and sadness for me. Well done.
Ways chapter 15 . 5/14/2015
Good chapter. I noticed a few gramatical errors like "we've be waiting for you." But there were very few. I didn't realize I had missed the banter between Sonic, Tails and Knuckles so much, seeing it again here was pretty nice. I also loved the different character's points of view and I think Knuckles' was my favorite, especially with the way his part ended. The action was great, especially in Tails' part with the slingshot. I really liked the end of this chapter too. It was a nice send off and a good note for the chapter to end. Well done.
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