Reviews for Summer Girl (Old Version)
Maaz1748 chapter 1 . 5/12
just read your story for the first time. Pretty much binged it to the finish, I hope you're doing good in these rough times and I wanted to let you know your story helped me out a lot personally when I was feeling rough. I hope you do continue to write and just wanted to let you know that this is absolutely phenomenal.
some place chapter 1 . 4/5
This is beautifully written, please update.
Zek chapter 23 . 3/24
I made the biggest mistake ever when reading your rewrite chapter. I left on my Spotify music. For some reason the last chapter and “paving the runway” by JJ Heller put together hit me real hard. On a different topic, I would highly encourage you to not rewrite this masterpiece over the old one. For explanation I’m reading in 2020 and the impact that this book presents, even in its unfinished form (btw with slight alterations too the last chapter or one more chapter in the story you could call what’s already there a finished book) can and will touch readers even years after it was last updated. Old readers have likely gotten an alert that you updated (if they still watch the platform) and new readers will still be able to find the book in its original state. Either way I absolutely loved the story and if you do write over it I’ll be visiting the waybackmachine at least one more time a year. Thanks for writing this :)
Nemisis chapter 21 . 12/23/2019
What do you mean by losers?
Guest chapter 19 . 12/23/2019
Holy Aphrodite! Y did ya do that! Come on! Sheesh
Guest chapter 23 . 12/17/2019
This is sad, and I have NO clue why the heck it is. For some reason, I just really wanna cry after reading this. You are a very, very talented writer, and I hope you keep up the good work!
Gabi chapter 23 . 12/12/2019
BELLA! BELLAAAAA!I AM LOOKING FOR U! It’s been years but I am ECSTATIC to hear you are working on this still! Oh my gOD! Idk if you remember me I used to pop in a lot to review wayyyy back when I actually read books LMAO,,, you were always one of my absolute FAVORITE writers,,, you always melted my heart! I loved your portrayal of the characters and the stories you set them in. I’m slowlyyy getting back into reading and Percy Jackson is definitely on my must read and catch up list! I’ve been thinking about you on and off when I remember my intense love and passion for the series and I general like,,, cool people I used to interact with,,,, you’ve always been super sweet and your work is phenomenal! Yesterday was a big buzz about a possible Disney show in the making of our fave heroes? :’D so I’ve been cONSUMED with the ABSOLUTE NEED to find you again! I’m not sure if you’re on tumblr anymore,, I’m nOt I went over to Twitter cinnidulce for my book twt rambles :0! I stopped using tumblr so long ago JFJSNF it was light-em-up-im-on-fire! I MISS YOU I LOVE YOU I CANT WAIT TO HEAR FROM YOU AND SEE MORE CONTENT 3
Guest chapter 16 . 12/4/2019
As an Arkansan some of the things you said were offensive but hilariously accurate. Fun to see my state represented since it rarely is in ANYTHING lol. Also Arkansas has wet, humid heat in the summer. Nevertheless love this story;).
LoversReunited chapter 23 . 9/29/2019
Oh my god I love this story so much! It’s hard to find a story that has an actual plot with depth in it, much less with correct grammar! I really hope you’re continuing to keep the characters going in the new story. Can’t wait!
justaguest chapter 23 . 9/19/2019
I’d just like to say that when I first read that you were picking this fic back up again I actually shed a tear, like I’m seriously crying currently. Although I loved this story and would’ve loved a continuation of it I’m just so happy you still came back to it, even if you’re rewriting it. This was one of my favorite fics like ever bro. Can’t wait to see the new story!
Guest chapter 23 . 9/1/2019
I loveeee the story it’s amazing
Gogeta12345 chapter 23 . 8/18/2019
legit just read this story for the past two hours. please send me a pdf with the old docs so i can re read whenever i want
BzibziBebo chapter 23 . 8/14/2019
i'm really glad you decided to re write this story, it was one of my favorite , so thank you so much and have a nice time with the writing
Jduf1321 chapter 23 . 8/13/2019
I’m also excited when will the story be out again I’m excited to read more I got stuck in your story and couldn’t stop reading
SkyThorn15634 chapter 23 . 7/29/2019
I love this story! Can’t wait for the update!
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