Reviews for Maxwell
shinigami714 chapter 28 . 9/22/2017
This story was incredible! I thoroughly enjoyed reading it from start to finish. Thank you so much for sharing it...I loved your characterization of all of the pilots. They seemed perfectly crafted, and realistic. Definitely one of my favourite Gundam Wing fics to date!
Crazy as a Cheshire Cat chapter 28 . 10/20/2015
this ending was just way too cute, I love it lol
Starless-Ocean chapter 28 . 10/2/2015
Thank you so much for this awesome fic! There were SO many twists and surprises and a good portion of action, emotions, background and own story.
The characters were totally well portrayed and all in all it was a great combination of anything that makes a good story.

I esoecially liked the technology bits and how you integrated being gundam pilots and all into the plot.
disturbed-girl chapter 28 . 8/25/2015
Yay! Thank you for a wonderful story. Well written and fantastic job with the characters. A helicopter fight scene, whoohoo! Haven't read one of those before. The ending was smooth and made me smile. Well done!
Dyna chapter 28 . 8/21/2015
Great ending to a great story. Thanks for sharing your talent and stories with us. Love a Heero/Duo story, even if it's a bumpy one at times. Thanks again.
Pat chapter 28 . 8/21/2015
This story def one of the best out there. You rock as an author and cant wait to read more by you. Cant wait for the sequal!
Guest chapter 28 . 8/21/2015
Oh hell yes, bring it back mama! I want to know why Duo keeps dreaming of strangling Heero (maybe he is psychically connected to his clone?) and what happened to the clones that didn't get swept up by Prev, as well as the ones that did.
ni-san chapter 1 . 8/21/2015
I was looking for this all week. Since it has come to an end I m happy and sad at the same time. Enjoyed reading this story very much :) I will make sure to follow your other stories as well in the future! :)
Guest chapter 28 . 8/21/2015
Great story! I do hope we will see more.
disturbed-girl chapter 21 . 8/19/2015
Happy anniversary! Congratulations, you've been posting this story for a year! Thanks for the good read!
disturbed-girl chapter 20 . 8/18/2015
Your scenes are well done. You make me feel like I am a part of the action. Kudos!
ni-san chapter 27 . 8/15/2015
Damn it! This is good. I need to read the next chapter,now. I just hope Tro and Quat will be able to grab .'t imagine him dying there .!
Cylina Nightshade chapter 27 . 8/13/2015
You write such a riveting story I always hate to see each chapter end.
Hikaru Itsuko chapter 27 . 8/12/2015
OMG why oh why that's just mean from you, I think this is the worst cliffhanger... I just don't know, I hope you can update soon
disturbed-girl chapter 13 . 8/11/2015
You are doing a wonderful job with the characters. Duo's internal monologue is well done and the interaction between the pilots is great!
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