Reviews for The Trials and Trepidations of a Royal Omega
Guest chapter 5 . 1/28/2017
Am I like the only FRUK shipper here?...well thats kinda sad.
Lovetoday2012 chapter 4 . 10/26/2016
I am 100% pro AlfredxArthur, and on the off chance you pick this story up again I beg for USUK! Also Imlove the story and how you portrayed each character :)
Guest chapter 5 . 11/24/2015
Oh my god I love this I hope that this actually updates and I just think it's amazing. Please if this is still a story that you're continuing update soon. This is just absolutely amazing. I can't wait to read a next chapter if there is one. If there isn't that's pretty depressing...
LillyOfFire chapter 5 . 6/19/2015
Duh, only now realised you have USUK stories as well... Genius me. This one sounds just as brilliant as the PruHun one, although usually I don't like Omegaverse and currently trying to 'plot fix' it myself. So looking fwd to reading more of this (damn, gotta love Arthur with piercings ;))
Guest chapter 5 . 6/3/2015
Looking forward to the next chapter! - sad that Alfred had to go tho. :(
zoewinter1 chapter 5 . 5/31/2015
he so updates look pretty irregular for this fic, I was wondering when we might see the next chapter? (Absolutely love it btw!)
zoewinter1 chapter 3 . 5/31/2015
"I just... Alfred was the one" YOU'RE LITERALLY TWELVE YEARS OLD SHUT UP ((note: this not a criticism of your writing, I actually felt that you wrote whiny mentally and emotionally exhausted Arthur quite well))
Aurorawolf668 chapter 5 . 5/20/2015
Thank goodness I finally caught up! As soon as I read chapter 3 I had a feeling it was the other half of your pruhun story, please continue with it, as me and I'm almost certain many more love your writing. Keep up the good work!
Amelia F chapter 3 . 5/20/2015
Great chapter! Oh, I wanted Alfred to end up with Arthur, it wouldn't seem right for him to be with anyone else :( But, your the author so its up to you :D
catchmybreath86 chapter 4 . 4/30/2015
Yay. You updated, this is such a good read. I really should get to bed but your fic distracted me. Thank you for writing.
Lemons In My Life chapter 4 . 4/21/2015
Please do keep going I can't wait till the end! Your characterizations are perfect and the pacing is pretty good :) One of my favorite Omegaverses
RussianChinaDoll chapter 4 . 4/18/2015
I really want it to stay UsUk. As much as I like FrUk it can be annoying. I was going to put this on my followed list but upon seeing it may turn into FrUk, I might as well stop reading now unless it stays UsUk
Kuro.Suu chapter 3 . 3/27/2015
Hiyas, a really good fics this one and also you got me there with this: "Who should Alfred end up with?" that's truly a disturbing question; Well i'm an USUK fan and also i wish them to end up together so asking me that freaking me out, even if it's not related with the story.
But either way a nice story ;)
AoiCherry chapter 3 . 3/5/2015
I like how the story's going right now, and I love Omegaverse AUs (Lol, and I also like the US/UK/Fr triangles!) :D I hope you'll update soon. _ I'm more of a USUK fan, so I'd love for USUK to be endgame, but I wouldn't mind if FrUK was endgame either.
BW chapter 3 . 2/22/2015
Who should Alfred end up with?

What do you mean? O_o

The end end or he meets someone he back in America before he meets Arthur again?

Neither is a pleasant thought to me... I think Al would pin to Arthur after you built up a solid background for them like they are mean to be... It is disappointing if he just give up his 'mate' like this - even though they are not but it should count something when you spent half your life (to a 13 years old and a hero) with someone that you think he is the one. This even worse than I found out this is a FrUK eventually... Oops.
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