Reviews for Auld Lang Syne
madtad1 chapter 11 . 5/29
So well written, I really enjoyed it.
Guest chapter 11 . 1/22/2018
This was such a beautiful piece! It deserves way more reviews than it has.
Tim chapter 10 . 4/14/2017
Dude, my heart's not up for these types of surprises anymore! Thanks for not having her jump.
The nonymous chapter 1 . 5/18/2016
Holy shit. This is good.
I'm actually afraid to make my own "Sachi Lives" AU now.. This work is way too good to be legal.
dsty292 chapter 11 . 2/19/2016
A bittersweet and beautiful take. I deeply appreciate this fic's confidence in confronting darker issues with poise and a distinct lack of embellishment. As always, topped off by your excellent writing and characterization skills. Thank you.
Bright Man Akihiko chapter 11 . 12/14/2015
This. Is. Amazing.

It's also very Japanese.

This is one of the hidden gems of fanfiction. When writers are able to take something from a franchise created by professionals and make something as deep and profound as this...

Everything felt so natural, so perfectly in place. It had all the right scenes, and only the right scenes. It was so cohesive, just like a professional's.

I'm really just at a loss for words here. There isn't really the right way to describe it in full. It was just right.
PrincessArien chapter 11 . 9/2/2015
I've now reached the end of this marvelous little tale, and I have to say I enjoyed every single minute of it. It was sad, it was happy, it was serious...lots of good moments and well worth spending almost the entirety of my day reading it :) This whole thing was really moving, the epilogue was very bittersweet. Thank you for taking all of the time to write and share this with us. Good fiction is always appreciated by me.
PrincessArien chapter 10 . 9/2/2015
I've never really been clear on the whole timeline of the Aincrad story arc (IE, the part of the series *actually* dealing with SAO) so I'm never quite sure just when the side-stories are supposed to have been taking place...I don't know when the short "The Black Swordsman" takes place, but I'm guessing you had Sachi filling Kirito's role in that story and meeting Silica? It was nice to see her, however briefly.
You had me tearing up at the end of this chapter, especially with those verses of Auld Lang Syne thrown in there...but the bits between Kirito and Sachi at the end there, almost a real tear jerker...I wasn't sure whether you were going to have it wind up be a tragedy or not and actually have Sachi jump, a good portion of me didn't feel like you would since that didn't really seem to be the tone or theme you had in mind for this story.

As for the rest of the chapter, I never did like Lind or his guild, doesn't surprise me that they'd actively pull something like that or that Lind would actually stoop so low as to actually attempt or threaten a PK, good think Asuna was there...otherwise things would have wound up really messy and a lot worse than they did. Though it's too bad Lind got off the hook :/ Though I suppose probably not completely, as even if he didn't get thrown in jail or anything like that, word would be bound to spread and hit the rumor mill somehow, their guild would probably take a pretty big hit to their reputation because of the fight against Nicholas the Renegade...
And it's a shame that Hera wound up like she is, hopefully it's not too late for someone in the real world to help her heal psychologically, since I doubt anyone will be able to do it within SAO, it's probably far too late for that. Even if she isn't too far gone for help, she'll probably only be able to get it once the game is cleared. At least SniperX is a lot more mentally healthy and acknowledges what happened, he seems like he's ultimately a pretty all right guy in the end.
PrincessArien chapter 9 . 9/2/2015
It's interesting that you have Sachi basically taking over Kirito's role in the canon story "Red Nosed Reindeer" here in this fic, a cool little turn around.
PrincessArien chapter 3 . 9/2/2015
The earlier parts of this chapter really highlight just why, no matter how hard I try...I just can't hate Kayaba/Heathcliff. I'm not sure I can say that I like him, but he's someone I can't help but have an absolutely immense amount of respect for. For all of his negative qualities and misdeeds, like locking 10,000 people into a death game and ultimately being at least indirectly responsible for nearly half of their deaths, he has just as many good ones. He's a very well written character, and you're definitely doing Kayaba justice here, he feels very complex and multilayered.
But anyways, the rest of the chapter and the rest of this story, I'm really enjoying it, it feels very real. It's good that there's an at least amateur support and therapy group running around Aincrad now, it will ultimately be nothing but good for both Kirito and Sachi in the long run. Keep up the great work, I'm really loving every minute of this story so far :D
raketsou chapter 11 . 8/31/2015
This isn't my first time reading fics containing some AU's and OC's but still it took me by surprise... I mean I've read this fic for like 6 or was it 7 hours straight.. I kinda regret I've just found this piece of art very recently.. I'm a huge fan of sao and seeing fics like this makes me wonder what if this really happened... what if the plot moves the way it does on this fic.. would that reduce the hate the franchise have?.. I don't know but what I know is that this fic have inspired me to write once more.. It's a 10/10 on my book good job ! :D hope you write another for Sword Art Online

P.S The relationship between sachi and kirito here is so adorable... the way their relationship progress was not pushed for that I give it a 9/10 ( I would make that a 10 but the plot of the story says otherwise but I can't deny the fact that it's adorable especially on chapter 10 )

P.P.S if it's not too much to ask give me a heads up if you decide on another SAO fic ( if possible another kirisachi fic though that may be asking too much xD ) I'd be glad to share some ideas
allen Vth chapter 1 . 7/28/2015
Sachi stories always begin so depressing. Though I guess it's natural.
CrazyAce'n'PokerFace chapter 4 . 4/9/2015
i just want to give aurora a big, big hug. T.T also KMD annoyed the heck out of me. i sort of see where they're coming from on the surface, but wow, doubting the word of mentally ill people is really not gonna help them at all, and spreading rumors is even worse. then again, i could just be disposed to dislike them b/c i know what's coming. ugh. still, i think their distrust is just emblamatic of the problems that In Mem faced/faces.

ALSO: drunk!sachi is adorable. i loved the wholeinteraction between her and kirito. gaaaaah, kirito is just so in-character, which means his obliviousness and awkwardness when it comes to interpersonal relaitonships is off the scale. *mournful sigh*

fave line: "I think they have what it takes to see things through." SO DID I, SACHI, SO DID I. ughhh, i just really loved ezekiel and aurora, as individuals and as a unit, whether platonic or romantic, and i love that sachi had so much faith in them.
CrazyAce'n'PokerFace chapter 3 . 4/9/2015
this first look at in mem still makes me cry. it makes sense that there'd be a lot of people suffering from the same problems and feelings that sachi and kirito go through, and i just loved that they went out and formed a group to help each other through it. ughhhh, aurora and ezekiel. this moment. this moment when they were all just starting is when i knew i'd root for them til the end of the line.

fave line: "that would mean i started in the first place." KIRITO. YOU DID IT. YOU TOOK A STEP FORWARd. YOU TALKED. I'M SO PROUD OF YOU. SUCH A LONG WAY TO GO BUT YOU STARTED.
CrazyAce'n'PokerFace chapter 2 . 4/9/2015
omg, kirito, how dense could you get? this boy. i also just loved his and asuna's interactions.

also, i understood why asuna would have done that at the same time i wish she hadn't. it's her first raid and i feel she should've been eased into it more, not constantly tested. reading the first time, i was very worried for sachi, and even on the reread, i felt very sympathetic to her emotional distress and was curious where this fic would go from here.

fave line of the chapter: "you helped me face monsters and learn to beat them back. it's only fair i help you in return. that's what partners do, right?" i LOVE this girl. i do. also, kirito, i understand where you're coming from, but people can fall in love after one day together. time has a strange relationship to emotions sometimes. ah, well, his cluelessness makes me laugh, any way, and you need that in this story.
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