Reviews for Conflicted Emotions
N. A. Wennerholm chapter 6 . 6/3/2019
Fury needs to be spanked. And spanked and. Plus if Necessary Harry can also wipe Fury's memories and turn him into a bloody Vegetable. In fact Quite Frankly All of .E.L.D. needs to be turned into just that so that Hydra is taken out at the same time.

Plus Quite Frankly I hate Manipulators, Blackmailers, And power Hungry Control Freaks. And many of that type can be found in our Military, and Intelligence Community and many believe they can do whatever they damn well, please. And Quite frankly that goes for our entire Government in general. And many are even psychopaths and sociopaths and many contain both tendencies. And this believes the ends justify the means and don't give a shit that they are violating The U.S. Constitution and The Laws of God. Assholes because in the end, it will come back to bite them in the ass and they are going to be in so much trouble by the time they have to stand before the Throne of God.

You have no idea how many times I have wanted to ring that mans neck for his shit when watching the movies, reading the Comics or watching him in the Cartoons that were on the TV or that I was able to stream over the internet. Though a fictional Character he reminds me too much of the assholes my grandfather and uncle told me about during their time within our Government and military before they retired.
misswitlock16 chapter 7 . 7/22/2018
I love it can't wait to read more
Guest chapter 4 . 5/25/2018
You have offended (what was it again? Candia? Candolia? Candilanes?) Americas brothe. (A cookie for you if you understand the reference)
Guest chapter 7 . 7/7/2016
IGNORE THE HATERS (a certain d4rkf0x)
Mismatched Melody chapter 7 . 5/22/2016
dainystarkblack chapter 7 . 5/12/2016
seriously Tony, all you said is to pull bunnies out of a hat? Tony, you need to sort out your priorities.
i love this fic! i'll wait for the next updates! hopefully, asap.
KazaHaru45 chapter 7 . 5/1/2016
Hehehe. I can actually imagine Tony stark saying that. The pulling bunnies part, I mean. And please update!
moonprincess97524 chapter 7 . 4/7/2016
Wonderful. I love that Tony is being so accepting about this. I am eagerly awaiting the next installment to this wonderful wonderful story.
moonprincess97524 chapter 6 . 4/7/2016
I love Steve's answer to Harry's last question.
Roserayrose chapter 7 . 4/2/2016
Please continue to update this is amusing and I enjoy it :)
Guest chapter 7 . 12/1/2015
Love it
d4rkf0x chapter 5 . 10/25/2015
I left this story and will never read it again for three reasons.
1. Harry and Tony: Love? Har-Bear? They have been in a relationship for 2 days, not 2 months. Lay off the lovey dovey stuff. The entire relationship is unrealistic. You just don't tell someone that you were abused a couple days into a relationship. Maybe I was not paying attention and you time-skipped a few months or something, but the entire relationship is unrealistic. Not HarryxTony. The fact on how the relationship progressed.
2. ClintxSteve: What the fuck? Seriously? A little slash is OK, but you are making this out to be too slashy. I understand this is an AU, but Clint is married. Also, Steve and Clint do not know each other well enough to even have feelings, let alone be jealous. You are acting too much like a fangirl. The entire thing was a bad relationship/idea.
3. Harry: Harry is completely horrible. First of all, he is a warrior. His natural tendency is to fight. Taking that away is insulting Harry completely. Second of all, Harry will not act like that in any non-fangirl story. The entire story was a little fucked up. Harry was abused and was used as a tool of war. He will not just have a crush on Tony, and then will not react that way when Tony just randomly presses him to his side.
*shakes head* Please fix this story. It does not cater to anyone but yaoi fangirls (nothing wrong with that, btw) who have no interest in real stories.
A-stranger-in-the-world chapter 7 . 10/11/2015
Does the story about flappy bird is true? It's hard to believe. I love your story and I hope you will write again soon.
shadowswithouthope chapter 7 . 10/1/2015
Totally a Tony reaction :)
V. L. Crawford chapter 7 . 8/22/2015
I really like this so far. I can't wait to read more.
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