Reviews for Of Leaves of Gold and Petals Red: A Faery Tale
Guest chapter 3 . 7/15/2019
Old but gold, my all-time favorite fanfic back from when I was just starting fanfiction. Probably my favorite Tam Lin retelling (Sorry, Dianna Wynne Jones).
Just about everything here is perfect.
Deathherselfie chapter 3 . 5/17/2019
Thank you for this beautiful story! I love how you weave mythical elements in with realism and true emotion. Reminds me a little of Gaiman’s writing, although this is almost better because it has Fëanor in it, haha.
msg839 chapter 3 . 3/23/2016
Just WOW!

You made a perfect blending of Silmarillion myth, old magical folk ballad and modern days, including elements of catholic faith (btw, I loved how you interweaved these here).
I found very interesting your interpretation of Feanor's doomed fate after his death: rebelling himself even to Mandos summoning - you know, this would have been something very in character for him ;)- and as a result he ends "enslaved" by Ungoliant as some sort of self-punishment for his Oath, succumbing to his own the "everlasting darkness".

And after LONG ages we have a more humble and wholly repentant Feanor. What a delight to see this! I say this because imo this profound change of heart and mindset makes totally sense after a LONG, long way of suffering. And I like how you portrayed his deep sorrow. Who would have think that he, literally the proudest Elda, would sacrifice himself for "mere" mortals ? and even come to love them? the truth is that a young mortal woman is the key to save his very fea.
The last scene where he is transformed into all kind of creatures and ultimately into his very nature: a burning fire!... I have no words for it... this was marvellous!
I don't think that even Tolkien would have gave a better way of redemption for Feanor

Loved your OC Janet!
Glad I came upon this story :)
Angharad23 chapter 3 . 11/22/2013
Hi! I remember reading the story of Tam Lin in a book when I was about six years old-and it's been one of my favorites ever since. What an absolute treat to have it combined with Tolkien's mythology-a sweet little story that has angst, tragedy, comedy, romance, and courage all wrapped up in one. Lovely!
Kelenthial chapter 1 . 4/15/2007
I absolutely agree with the review lower:) I simply love this kind of fairy tailes... And this one is pretty well mixed... You inspired me. Perhaps I shall write a Silm crossover with some of Polish myths? :) I very seldom get inspired, so hurray for you:)
Klose chapter 2 . 3/19/2007
Just a quick explanatin - I've been reading old Silmfics again lately, and this one happened to be on my Favourite Stories list, so I couldn't miss it out! And I'm glad I didn't.

Excellent chapter - Feanor's clearly mellowed out slightly by all his years of imprisonment, and Janet's spunkyness is a wonderful foil for that. I've not been a terribly big fan of Feanor lately, but I do feel for him so much in this story, and I can see why Janet might be so charmed and intrigued by him (although a good part of her persistence has to do with the baby, of course!).

Chapter 3 (since I've already reviewed that chapter, and what an unworthy review it was!): Very nicely executed dose of serendipity with the falling books and turning pages! An omen, indeed.

And Janet referring to F. as "her Faery" makes me want my own Faery, darnit. :P

The depiction of Janet's confrontation with Ungoliant was gripping, and it did end quite satisfyingly! Janet isn't totally screwed over and Feanor gets a chance at redemption and reunion with his sons eventually, and they've both got a window within which they'll hopefully have good times and a happy family.

All in all, this has been a fantastic read, more so in this second time around as I've become more familiar with Tam Lin over the course of these few years; and also more appreciative of good fic in general, really. The combination of myth, ancient magic, Tolkien as well as modern realism and humour makes this such a great fairy tale. I agree with Dwimordene comments, but my only real problem with this is that it isn't longer! I know you've got your quibbles about this story, but this was a simply delightful read, and I thank you for writing this and sharing with us.
Klose chapter 1 . 3/19/2007
Hi Ithilwen -

In the scope of this one chapter, you've very fantastically established Janet as a headstrong, somewhat naive, but quite awesome heroine. And I was amused to read about her roommate, Deborah!

This plot bunny has certainly given way for a rather refreshing re-inepretation of postdeath!Feanor... Ungoliant, Queen of Darkness instead of the Faery Queen works rather brilliantly. I did enjoy reading Feanor with someone so very different from Nerdanel, and even if it's a minor detail, nice to know that Nerdanel's moved on and isn't moping around in Aman!
Muse of Madness chapter 1 . 12/18/2006
Nice story, interesting and well written, but I'm surprized to see Feanor so... soft.
Tell the Captain chapter 3 . 8/16/2006
When I saw the description, I nearly flipped! Tam Lin is one of my favorite fairy stories, and (of course) Silmarillian is one of my favorite books. This is very original and endearing. Good Job.


P.S. Have you seen the children's version by Jane Yolen?
Calvusfelix chapter 3 . 4/19/2005
I liked the flow of the story. And the emotional struggles. And the setting! I wonder what would happen if Feanor ran into Maglor?
Sorcha Cooper chapter 1 . 11/16/2004
This is a very good story! I love how you fit feanor into the modern world without any akwardness. Please write a sequel:(. It would be really cool to see how Feanor reacted to the modern world and where they would live and how Janet's roommate would react to the whole thing. Also the reaction of people to Allen, if he looks elf like or if it's even a boy at all.
Klose chapter 3 . 3/31/2003
Hey Ithilwen! I was just curious about this little story after you mentioned that time.

This was... brilliant. I mean, wow. So Feanor got a relatively happy ending and Janet got herself an elf for a husband (lucky girl, getting Feanor!). I imagine Allen will be handsome (in mortal terms) since he is the son of an Elda. (Though I wonder if the kid would really be a he?)

I liked the mingling of archaic 'Tolkienesque' writing with the modern style... the switching viewpoints of Feanor and Janet would have been hard to pull off in one mute style.

I'm not familiar with Tam-Lin (though I assure you, I *tried* my hardest to read the notes on the website Dwim mentioned), but I really enjoyed this. And seeing Deborah self-inserted into a story? Sweet! :)
Sothis Simbelmyne chapter 3 . 3/16/2003
Very well-written...It calls out like poetry to me, instead of a story. I love your title. Very beautiful.
lindoriel chapter 3 . 3/1/2003
Wow! I mean just wow! At first I thought that it was just gonna be another mary sue story with a girl meeting a elf and falling in love and living happily ever after, but I was so wrong. I can't express to you how happy I am that I read this story and didn't just ignore it as another mary sue. It got to the point where I was begging at the end of each chapter that there was another one and that i didnt have to wait! It was brilliant, just sheer brilliance on you're part! Congratulations on a job superbly done!
Lady Elleth chapter 3 . 1/23/2003
Oh my God, this was wonderful. The myth and magic in this tale are incredible and I love Janet. She is a great OFC, far from being a Mary Sue, even though she is the one to rescue Feanor.

I loved your depiction of him... he has changed a lot indeed, since his last breath in his first life. He could have been such a nice, loving father and husband had there not been the Silmarils and the Darkening of Valinor...a great what-if story, without really being one. His protection for Janet is lovely, but the last chapter topped it all. It was amazing to see his struggle not to hurt Janet, not to return to Ungolianth and even though he turned into a mere spirit again she kept her hold on him. I wonder if what she grasped was his heart...

It is interesting to see the use of the holy water and the silver cross... makes one wonder if our God is indeed the same one as Iluvatar...
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