Reviews for Markèd
Fatal Mars chapter 1 . 10/21/2019
so dark and I love the flashes to different scenes. after dealing with Orochi it's no wonder that anko is corrupted. the last seven gave me chills so freaking good!
Mdawg1425 chapter 1 . 2/5/2019
Beautifully written! It’s the perfect balance of being consumed by hate and being consumed by her desire for him. Perfectly captures Anko. Very good read!
Guest chapter 1 . 8/19/2018
Love this
Guest chapter 1 . 6/21/2016
This was very well written and seemed like it could quite accurately describe their relationship. Well done
Aquarius Galuxy chapter 1 . 4/22/2015
love love love the writing style - so descriptive and poignant. I love the short sentences and the intensity of Anko's interactions with Orochimaru - you characterized them wonderfully, thank you for that! ! ! love the little details like the limestone cave, and how Kakashi tries to get to know Anko better. Also appreciated the Raikiri reference.

thank you for the wonderful read!
narutofan96sasuke chapter 1 . 8/14/2014
I loved this. And the funny thing about stumbling soon this is that I had a dream similar to this last night!
Furihana Ioyasu chapter 1 . 8/9/2014
Nice writing style, and I like the story as well. I'm an OroAnko fan... KakaAnko is a big NO for me though . Also... I don't really like it how anko is portrayed as a whore in several fanfics, but I guess it just had to be done in a dark story like this. The sexual stuff isn't too detailed, which is good for a decent story.. I don't see oro as a pedophile in any way, so I like the fact that you made anko in her twenties before writing mature themes between her and oro. Being a pervert can be in Oro's character if it's anko he's dealing with. that's what I believe. LOL

In the end, I love the thing where anko was freed from the curse mark though she wouldn't really be free of orochimaru. The last line is a great way to end the story, it has very good impact, and it really summed up the main focus of your story (which is anko being marked as orochimaru's).

good job, I hope you make more oro/anko stories. :)
Callmemarmar chapter 1 . 8/8/2014
Wow that was really good! I love you writing style and I love that you chose to write about this couple! They are not appreciated as much as they should be!

Thank you for such a good story! I enjoyed reading it!
NinjaSheik chapter 1 . 8/8/2014
OH. MY. GOD! O _ O

THAT WAS THE BEST OROANKO FIC I'VE EVER IN, LIKE, FOREVER! :D BELIEVE IT! I've been a huge fan of this pairing for years, but unfortunately, the fans for this pair aren't very loyal and tend to drop their fics mid-way. Not all are like that, of course, but still... :(

By the way, I remember you! I reviewed for your Neji and Hinata fic a few weeks ago! :) Hello again!

LOVED, LOVED, LOVED THIS ONE-SHOT! :D I hope to see more from you in the future!
Christa Jaglal chapter 1 . 8/8/2014
This is one of the most interesting stories I have ever heard.I never thought that Orochimaru would be the type for raping teen girls,but really interesting story.I LOVE IT
ckncreme chapter 1 . 8/7/2014
I always wondered what Anko's backstory with Orochimaru was. This is an interesting take on it. I didn't think about him raping her, although it kinda fits in with his character. Thanks for giving Anko's chatacter depth, I never liked how other authors just made her an aggressive whore without explaining what made her that way. Also, No Kakashi No! Not Anko! Lol I'm a die hard kakasaku fan so that part didn't sit well with me. But that's ok, it fit with the story. Good job! I wouldn't mind waiting for more backstory if you decided to write it.
Athrna chapter 1 . 8/7/2014
This is really dark. Still, Orochimaru does strike me as a pedophelic old man. Anyway, I like your take on this complication between the two, ex-teacher and student.

Just wondering... Why is this fic written in present tense? It's a convention that story-telling should be in past tense under normal circumstances.
neko89 chapter 1 . 8/7/2014
Pretty freaky stuff, but I like it!