Reviews for All Things Fanciful and Free
Hyoxjnn chapter 1 . 8/23/2014
Waiiit, did you just- 'fourth wall gpt shut down'- you can't just do that! XD

Well, that was... Not what I was expecting, but it was very craxy, and very fun to read X3
Good times, all 'round.

Good luck with your final Prompt :D
Chronic Guardian chapter 1 . 8/13/2014
Oh... my head. As a tribute to Anything That's Ordinary, this DEFINITELY hits it's mark. Awkwardness like Hao being the... "princess" and then it turning out to be Manta's fault somehow. Despite a horrendously large cast being involved, you do a decent job of slightly distinguishing most of them from each other and creating an enjoyably wacky/mishmashed fourth wall breaker that doesn't read like unseasoned oatmeal.

Anyway, because you set it up to not be taken seriously, you get away with a LOT, and I respect that you managed to do so. It's hard to set the right mood for a story so the reader knows what to expect, but you did well. Good luck with the last two weeks!
