Reviews for Looking In (On the Outside)
Guest chapter 1 . 7/25
Your grasp on Ino is so alarmingly similar to how I feel about her. I can't believe more poeple don't find the Yamanaka's a bit unnerving. I mean they can see into your mind. Woulnd't you feel weird and completely violated at that? Not just tha tbut wouldn't you be on edge an entire time being in their presence?
I can't tell you how much I loved what you did with Sasuke and how described ihs minds and his thoughts and how much he grieves ofr what he has done and the family he has lost and the ache in his heart that he feels when he sees people living a life. That moment with team 7 was brilliant. I love how you mentioned Sasuke visibly brightened as he saw naruto come around, like that melted my entire heart.

I don't think, however, Kakashi who is os seasoned wouldn't notice Ino just moving around through his mind or thoughts, so that was the one problem that I found. LMAO alongside Ino's feelings for him. I think maybe those were a reflection of how you felt about Kakashi and how he treated Sakura just I don't htink Sakura was that much of an afterthought to him... maybe she was..., i dont know i am undecided about that

Naruto's bit was confusing, it came out of nowhere though. how or why would Ino suddenly think of loving or dating him? Unless there was some interaction or some sort of chemistry with them from before.

But overall this was so incredibly well written I thoroughly enjoyed this
fan-nerd chapter 1 . 2/19/2016
This was a really fun exploration of team 7 from the outside looking in, and an excellent debriefing of Ino as a character as well! Wonderful job, enjoyable read. Thanks!
Andrien chapter 1 . 10/3/2014
My first thought at the ending was: Please do a sequel please do a sequel please do a sequel

Kind of because I love NaruIno (a lot) and want to see them kiss and stuff, but also because I love the way you wrote all of Ino's relationships. I felt like her friendship with Sakura was perfect-they don't necessarily always get along, but there's nothing Ino wouldn't do for her.

I also liked the bits with Team 10, because in a lot of fics people write about Shikamaru and Ino's relationship but pretty much leave out Chouji or barely mention him. (I will admit that part of this is because a lot of them are ShikaIno fics-but still.) Chouji is part of her heart, too, and I liked seeing him here. :)

And I really enjoyed the liberties you took with Ino's mind abilities! I think they're definitely plausible and they were very interesting to read and think about. And your characterization of Ino was spot on: clever, to the point, loyal, and confident, but with an edge.

I love all your Ino fics! I love your writing style and characterization, and I think you use the characters in really creative ways. Thanks for the fun read!
ygggdrasil chapter 1 . 8/2/2014
I CANNOT get over Ino's characterization in this fic. It is so greatly detailed in every single one of her words and actions that it is almost too much for my weak heart to handle. It really was 'minor' Ino/Naruto, since I found it hard to see how she started recognizing her feelings, I do wish more of what she liked in him was shown so it could be more understandable (but maybe it's just me?). Your writing is great, I practically binge-read half of your stories the other day.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/30/2014
This is really good...I feel like you could continue this if you wanted