Reviews for Alchemist Spirit Knight Lucina
Paradigm of Writing chapter 78 . 1/24/2016
Best ending ever!
Hahaha, I kid. But, Jolt, I understand. We always have such things like this to happen, and it is perfectly okay. This story did keep me entertained very well.
Guest chapter 77 . 9/23/2015
It's nice to see this story again, it's one of my favorites. I am excited to hear about the rewrite as well.

For the rewrite, I'm sure you know this but I suggest making chapters correspond with one another. It's a simple mistake I noticed lots of authors do with writing chapter fics. Another one would be as much as I love the extra FE cast(consisting of the ones who aren't in the game), I would suggest doing the same for the other franchises as well! For instance throw in more Zelda and Kid Icarus characters that aren't in Smash for an example to balance out the extra FE stuff. It will allow for more people to die lol.

Other than that, everything you do is fantastic. Keep it up and hope to see the new project when it arrives.
AngeloHeroOfLight chapter 76 . 9/15/2015
I like Robin, though I think I like Grima more
AngeloHeroOfLight chapter 75 . 8/24/2015
FINALLY! I've been waiting for so long for this moment
Paradigm of Writing chapter 75 . 8/23/2015
When I read the chapter title, it sent shivers down my spine. I knew it was going to be amazing, and honestly it was very superb. I'll e cheap and say it flat, my favorite part of the story is a whole thing. I will not be able to give you a specific detail at the moment.

~ Paradigm
Guest chapter 74 . 8/16/2015
Glad to see you're going to try and finish this story! Though not perfect, it's still a very interesting read, so I've been coming back to this fic every now and then to catch up to new chapters. :D Hoping to see this story through to the end!
ProteamDeanna chapter 74 . 8/11/2015
I absolutely love this story to pieces. Fabulous job. You didn't rush into action or plot, and have had enough plot turns and cliffhangers to twist my stomach into knots. (Still waiting for Ike to admit his feelings by the way)
AngeloHeroOfLight chapter 74 . 8/9/2015
Owain!; this chapter was so good, I can see that your fire is rekindling
Guest chapter 55 . 8/1/2015
Please finish this! This is the best fanfic I have ever read. You are amazing!
Guest chapter 73 . 8/1/2015
I do want to salvage this entire fic, but it's all up to you!
None of us want this fic to update if it makes you unhappy, really.

Poor Ike, though. Maybe he and Marth will have the same relationship as before, but I'm doubting it will get to there based on Marth's condition ( or his condition at this point in the story. )
AngeloHeroOfLight chapter 73 . 7/31/2015
Well as much as it makes me sad to say I think it's time to wrap up this story, not the next chapter but soon
ImReallyShort chapter 73 . 7/31/2015
Nice chapter! Sort of short though. Really do hope you continue this, but it's your choice. :)
LeikoLauren chapter 73 . 7/31/2015
Salvage it? It doesn't need salvaging. It's fine just the way it is. I mean, yeah, sometimes the characters were a little out of character, but it's extremely difficult to write a character you didn't create flawlessly. Especially video game characters.

I say keep with it, you've come this far, don't give up! You're doing great, and while the waiting period grows painfully longer with each period, it's worth it in the end.

If I do recall correctly, you said this story is nearly finished, so please, continue it. Maybe after it's finished and you feel up to it, you could edit it. But it's entirely up to you.

Guest chapter 72 . 7/12/2015
I would have to say either Ike or Marth are my forward to the next chapter!
AngeloHeroOfLight chapter 72 . 7/3/2015
I think I like Zelda the best . . . Of course I'm kidding. I would have to agree with Pit
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