Reviews for Whispers in Shadows
andrewpine chapter 17 . 6/24
If Carlisle were a real coven leader he would have ripped fairy boy's head off before they took off running and kept him like that for a while to get the point across to him that he needed to back off with his bullshit if he wanted to keep his head. While telling his mate and insane daughter to not touch him until they got his permission. but this is Carlisle and none of that would ever happen.
andrewpine chapter 16 . 6/24
Fairy boy has to be the stupidest creature ever put on Earth.
andrewpine chapter 15 . 6/24
He can't let go because he is a doppelganger also and they are cursed to be drawn to each other for eternity no matter how much of a manipulative bitch she is.
Why does Charlie always want to complicate things by tagging along
andrewpine chapter 12 . 6/24
Will she be having Vicky come visit her so she can use her witchy powers to kill her and any babies she has made?
She doesn't seem to afraid of Nik?
That is a very good question Nik asked.
andrewpine chapter 11 . 6/24
I can't believe that there is nothing that Bonnie could not do to her to put her down until Damon could put a stake through her heart. he'll the next time she shows up around them Bonnie could give her an aneurysm never understood why they didn't do that instead of just whine about her.
If she is a vampire hunter she should have a gun that shoots wooden bullets soaked in vervain on her at all times.
Still asking that question ;why doesn't Bonnie do her witch mojo on her so Damon can stake her for good?
Mutleycosmo chapter 22 . 3/21
I don't think I've ever read a twilight / tvd fanfic where Bella is the sister to the originals quite as well written and as good as this one was , well done(i didn't want it to end but the ending was amazing)
celajwhitney chapter 13 . 3/7
edward is such a prick, always thinking he's smarter than everyone else.
Guest chapter 22 . 7/8/2019
Will-of-the-Night chapter 1 . 6/25/2019
I like the story but I think you muddled things up. I know that it is an AU but it does not mean that you should butcher the plot like this. I mean Caroline had become a vampire before Klaus, let alone the original family. So while I like the story, I think it needs fixing. In my opinion.
BellaAmorEterno chapter 22 . 5/2/2019
Loved this is there any chance of there being a sequel?:)
Tilty.bbb chapter 22 . 4/10/2019
This was a fantastic read well done
Riptide115 chapter 22 . 3/28/2019
It's a really good story
hotchinsharna chapter 22 . 3/19/2019
The ending to this was awesome please do some one shots or even a sequel
GeekOfManyForms chapter 22 . 3/4/2019
God I wish you would make a sequel!
Guest chapter 22 . 2/21/2019
Loved it, thank you for sharing
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