Reviews for The Auror Method
Taora93 chapter 14 . 5/31
I know, a long time passed since you wrote this story, and usually i don't write comments to storys especially when they are writen such a long time ago. But if you still write storys and receive my comment, I want to let you know that I really really love your story! Almost from the beginning I was sure that Harry tricks Draco somehow (Harry would never be that stupid). And still, even kind of knowing what will happen, it was so well written that I couldn't stop reading (It's 1.45 am right now). Harrys thinking and preperation, in a way that reminded me so much of Dumbeldor, was so well written. Like I wrote, I love your story. And I hope you get this and I can make your day a bit better with it, because you made my day and probably some more days remembering this story in the future.

Thank you for writing and I wish you all the best!

p.s. sorry about my writing skills, I'm not a nativ english speeker, I just read a lot in english. (an other reason I don't write lots of comments ;D)
Skay Grey chapter 14 . 3/18
Que fc deliciosa! Draco ladrão foi demais! Kkkkkkk... É a cara do Harry colocar juízo na cabeça do loiro! Parabéns! Mais uma obra de arte!
Solchineko chapter 14 . 9/4/2018
First of all, I love the way you write this. It was a really great lecture and when you make the secret likes of Harry with his hair and how that provoque to all the fanfic.
I seriously love all the story.
Read you later.
MissMJS chapter 14 . 1/13/2017
Heh, I knew Harry wasn't a sucker... hehehe...
AnyankaEllie chapter 14 . 12/12/2016
That was an interesting one ) Never imagined Draco a genius thief )
Annie chapter 14 . 8/5/2016
Ha. I like that you wrote thus from Draco's POV. Poor Draco, he really did not have a single clue. I honestly don't understand why Harry would want to get together with him in the end, but I suppose this IS Drarry.
SlytherinIceFaery chapter 14 . 1/12/2016
This was great. Thanks for sharing it.
PowerOfSerenity chapter 1 . 9/30/2015
I really think this was one of my favorite Drarry fanfictions. The way they interacted was brilliant, Harry's character very true to Canon and to the fantiction itself, and Draco's growing desire positively enticing. I hope to read more fanfictions with this beautiful mix of levity and intrigue.
Articuno chapter 14 . 3/22/2015
Loved this! Harry is so sweet even though Draco totally didn't deserve it lol.
malfoyharry chapter 2 . 2/21/2015
Oh Draco. What are you planning? Poor Harry is going to get trapped in your game. Hopefully the two of them make it out okay. I liked the chapter. I like powerful, forceful Harry. Can't wait to read more!

Until next time,
malfoyharry chapter 1 . 2/20/2015
What is this mysterious plan of Draco's? And why can only Harry know? It's not like he can tell Harry the truth. I wonder what he will do. He can't commit crimes under Harry's watch. I like the plot. I can't wait to read more.

Until next time,
BlindieMac chapter 14 . 2/19/2015
Awesome way to end this.
BlindieMac chapter 13 . 2/19/2015
I knew it! I knew Draco was being too arrogant! I knew Harry was hiding something! This story is so great!
I know okay chapter 14 . 2/15/2015
That went far better than it could have.
I know okay chapter 13 . 2/15/2015
Awesome. I'm glad others were smarter than Draco.
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