Reviews for Out of Step
Chronic Guardian chapter 1 . 7/30/2014
Perhaps not very psychologically stimulating, but definitely chuckle-worthy in its dizzying mix of references (Did I detect T-Sauce being referred to as an evil masterminds' society?!) and its unrelenting grasp of squirm worthy comedy. Yes, I've had those friends who are like "isn't it great?" (Heck, most of the time I probably am that friend) and you have to decide which is more trying on your skill: pointing out how it can be improved or searching for something to compliment about it.

Overall, it was a nice slice-of-life-gone-wrong that sort of fit the promptish enough that I didn't mind. Good job, and we look forward to reading and reviewing the rest of your work soon.

Airhead259 chapter 1 . 7/28/2014
I've been meaning to get into the Ace Attorney franchise, and I think reading this fic practically sealed the deal. Maya's drawings must be terrible - so terrible, in fact, that I can't even begin to imagine what they look like. So the Punishment aspect of this fic was Pheonix being forced to look at Maya's drawings, wasn't it? Because in that case, he was accused of being a jerk only after already being subjected to his punishment. It was a no-win situation for Phoenix...poor guy. Humourous as always - great job!
Amulet Misty chapter 1 . 7/28/2014
Oh dear, seems like Maya must have the worst art skills ever known to man. This was pretty funny, seeing as how Maya wanted to send this off the Edgeworth. He would have suffered quite a lot if that had been the case x3 I wouldn't want to see her drawing...

A pretty fun fic :D
ElementLegend chapter 1 . 7/27/2014
Hey, Phoenix? Maybe instead of paying for Maya to get burgers, maybe you should pay for her to get art lessons!

This was too hilarious for words, X. And now I have to wonder how bad those drawings were...Great take on the theme!
