Reviews for Kittens:Akatsuki-Book 1
IrokoZ chapter 20 . 3/20/2019
woaah at that ending. like finally. in other news, its been said that they're attending college but this seemed like highschool to me... maybe because of the mentions of hours, and how the teacher acts like a highschool teacher than a college onesince ya know you pay to go to class in college, and teachers there aren't as involved with students since they're teaching adults of various ages. just fyi xD i suk at constructive criticism srry.
RyuugiAzuma chapter 28 . 1/17/2019
"This doesn't cover up the fact that you guys did not try to tell me you were human, not even once"

Umm... May... did you not realize that the entire time they were cats, they didn't speak your language? And the moment Hidan changed back to a human, you didn't give him a chance to explain... your mistrust explanation is seriously invalid...
kenzie.parish chapter 1 . 12/21/2018
Can I punch everyone but May? Who the fuck, who THE ACTUAL FUCK, LETS GO OF THEIR FRIEND GETTING THE SHIT BEAT OUT OF THEM?! I don’t care how distant, hell, I don’t care if it’s a stranger, WHO JUST STANDS BY AND WATCHES SOME GUY BEATING ON A GIRL FOR ANY REASON?!
Yasumin J chapter 28 . 11/2/2018
eurk ! i don't like two people
Yasumin J chapter 12 . 11/2/2018
The best Akatsuki's Kitten fanfiction I have ever read, honestly. So much emotion.
Kilataia chapter 56 . 9/19/2018
Loved the story :)!
AstaStyx chapter 16 . 11/2/2017
i enjoy the story but you keep spelling hospital wrong.
Nanami-chan chapter 56 . 9/21/2017

The author's note changed! You made my frickin' heart jump!


Ah. Okay. I'm...I'm good.

What was I gonna say?

...yeah. So May kinda stole Naruto's job yanno? She like, changed their hearts and she didn't even have to punch any of them! ...or Rasengan! I can't wait to see what kind of misadventures our girl will get up to!

So, my critique? Kisame and Kakuzu's attraction to May. They didn't really get much screen time to show the blooming affection.

It was good towards the end for Kisame, love can come from respect, prime example is 'Pride and Prejudice' Elizabeth and . From what I remember Kisame abhors the lies, secrecy and treachery of Ninja villages. So I could see his attraction to her being like, bluntly honest. ...and suddenly I remember him blushing in the store! Sqee!

As for Kakuzu hmm...I don't know if you want to, but I think if you could put like, a little story in the rewritten one where May goes grocery shopping for the new men in her house and takes Kakuzu and whoever to help carry the groceries, while everyone else is like, trying to reach their chakra or whatever back at home.

This would give him a chance to see her act practical, watch her get the best deals, save money, ect. She is a college student, she should know how to get the most of her money. I think that could be a good/cute little bonding scenario.

Oh! Deidara and Kisame didn't get any one-on-one time with May~ I dunno if that's for book two or what but I blushed madly each time you did the other guys, you little minx-jinx!

Another thing, May's knowlege of Naruto! It was said that she basically watched all of Naruto and was about to start Shippuden, so she should know about Itachi...and that he's basically a guy who slaughtered his family, and not know why he did...

...You seein' my point? Yeah, I guess if she hadn't seen the...numerous... Sasuke flashback's in awhile, it could slip her mind. Or she could've resolved to judge the men she sees and not the characters in the show...that could work!

...I think that's all for now...

Wow, I don't think I've written so many reviews in so little time. Well, this story deserves it. I'm hooked!

Post! Damn you!

Wuv yew!

Nanami-chan chapter 56 . 9/21/2017

The author's note changed! You made my frickin' heart jump!


Ah. Okay. I'm...I'm good.

What was I gonna say?

...yeah. So May kinda stole Naruto's job yanno? She like, changed their hearts and she didn't even have to punch any of them! ...or Rasengan! I can't wait to see what kind of misadventures our girl will get up to!

So, my critique? Kisame and Kakuzu's attraction to May. They didn't really get much screen time to show the blooming affection.

It was good towards the end for Kisame, love can come from respect, prime example is 'Pride and Prejudice' Elizabeth and . From what I remember Kisame abhors the lies, secrecy and treachery of Ninja villages. So I could see his attraction to her being like, bluntly honest. ...and suddenly I remember him blushing in the store! Sqee!

As for Kakuzu hmm...I don't know if you want to, but I think if you could put like, a little story in the rewritten one where May goes grocery shopping for the new men in her house and takes Kakuzu and whoever to help carry the groceries, while everyone else is like, trying to reach their chakra or whatever back at home.

This would give him a chance to see her act practical, watch her get the best deals, save money, ect. She is a college student, she should know how to get the most of her money. I think that could be a good/cute little bonding scenario.

Oh! Deidara and Kisame didn't get any one-on-one time with May~ I dunno if that's for book two or what but I blushed madly each time you did the other guys, you little minx-jinx!

Another thing, May's knowlege of Naruto! It was said that she basically watched all of Naruto and was about to start Shippuden, so she should know about Itachi...and that he's basically a guy who slaughtered his family, and not know why he did...

...You seein' my point? Yeah, I guess if she hadn't seen the...numerous... Sasuke flashback's in awhile, it could slip her mind. Or she could've resolved to judge the men she sees and not the characters in the show...that could work!

...I think that's all for now...

Wow, I don't think I've written so many reviews in so little time. Well, this story deserves it. I'm hooked!

Wuv yew!

Nanami-chan chapter 55 . 9/21/2017
*Sniff, sniff*

This is a frickin' Naruto hallmark story. *Sniff*

I'll be sure to give a comprehensive review with my thoughts, criticism, and some ideas...after I get some tissues!

Nanami-chan chapter 51 . 9/21/2017
Okay, I have to say I found that chapter adorably cheesy and I loved every second of it.

And reading a Black Zetsu perspective was a new one for me! But I totally loved it! I think you wrote his mindset really well!

Aw, Sasori is adorable.

Wuv yew!

Nanami-chan chapter 48 . 9/20/2017

At first I was a bit thrown at Sasori's reaction to the bomb, 'coz, beeping bomb and he'd recognize it? I explained it away with Deidara, he'd talk to the puppet-master about his days as a bomber for hire.

The mafia?!

I gave a half-thought to more, fanciful and nonsensical reasons he'd disappeared and came back with...lime green hair.

Ah. That's fine too.

Eep! It's almost over!

Nanami-chan chapter 46 . 9/20/2017
Sqeeeee! *Fangirls*

Ohmigosh you did Obito soooooo gooooood! (-,-)

And what happened to Hidan was Karma. Pure and simple.

Oh my...I can't stop gushing over your Obito scene right now...*Blushes madly*

As for my thoughts on your story so far...hmm.

I love it.

It's not crack like pretty much every other Akat-kitty story out there, it has an actual plot-and a good one at that! I can't wait for the rewritten version!

Wuv yew...

Nanami-chan chapter 42 . 9/20/2017
Pffft! WHAT?!

His pants felt tight?!


Nanami-chan chapter 39 . 9/20/2017
He stole a kiss in his fevered state!?

Che, typical bishie move Nagato...for shame.

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