Reviews for resistance
General Zod chapter 30 . 9/24/2016
I am so pissed at this ending.
AngeliqueBouchard1972 chapter 30 . 7/27/2016
I'm going to be honest with you - I hate this story. Not because it is poorly written but because the progression of Mai's life actually makes me want to throw up. In some odd way I would be much more happy to watch Azula murder and torture and plot than to think of Mai wasting her life away, doing nothing to stop her depression. You made me hate her character with this story, which is difficult because Mai is usually one of my favorites. I would really rather have read a Zutara fanfic than this one - despite the fact that you are my favorite author.

I hope this isn't offensive because you are amazing. But this story is so depressing that I actually can't enjoy it.
AngieB chapter 29 . 5/26/2016
You're an amazing author. No doubt about that. And I know that it might be a bit rude or strange of me to say this, but I hate this book. I hate it. Not that it's bad writing. It's great writing. But the implications are just so hopeless. Mai and Azula and Ozai, they all ruined their own lives by living their lives in a mask and refusing help when it was offered. And Mai's actions are so much worse in this than in Moltov. How could she continue on with Zuko if all of her love for him had been taken away by Azula's absence? How could she be so heartless to bring a child into the world that she had no intention of loving? I know that her depression was the main reason, but if she was so obviously depressed, why wouldn't Zuko do something about it? He's so jealous and attentive. He couldn't even stand Katara for being angry with him in the show even though she had every reason to be. Oh well. This book is somehow much more twisted and depressing than all the others. If this book had a theme it would be hopeless.
sarista wow chapter 30 . 4/14/2016
This was an impressive story, utterly heartbreaking and mindbogglingly painful, but filled with an incredible sense of depth and character, framed with excellently descriptions, great flow, immersive tone and really well handled time skips.
holmesfreak1412 chapter 30 . 9/6/2015
As you can see, I am marathoning your Maizula/Tyzula works. My heart broke reading this and I believe this story would be forever engraved in my heart. There ia no words on how emotional this made me. The tragedy of Azula's death and its aftereffects left a bitter afterthought. Thank you so much for sharing. And great work and a great end to such a heartwrenching ride.
SuperlustrousRainstorm chapter 30 . 6/9/2015
This story breaks my heart, but it is beautiful and well written.
TyzulaAddicts chapter 30 . 5/19/2015
This broke my heart, but every moment was beautiful. I loved it.
I'm a Lover not a Hater chapter 30 . 1/4/2015
This is awesome.
alyssialui chapter 30 . 1/3/2015
Amazing stories and the last few one shots were great. Excellent job
BifurcatingArborescence chapter 30 . 1/3/2015
I wasn't able to follow this as closely as I wanted, but I just binge read most of it. It's absolutely gorgeous. Incredibly dark, obviously, but good lord it's an emotional ride. Amazing work.
HeavenBesideYou13 chapter 30 . 1/3/2015
This was totally fantastic. I loved the whole thing.
electric gurrl chapter 30 . 1/3/2015
My heart sped up reading this. Brilliant, very brilliant. If you want to, you should completely write this ship again. You did it amazing justice. I'm now having lots of emotions. Great work.
FanfictionVillainess chapter 30 . 1/3/2015
That was a fantastic ending. Totally write this ship again, there's only one other story of it and now this one is over. But the climax of Ty Lee and emotion and ah. Wonderful, beautiful drabble series.
FanfictionVillainess chapter 29 . 1/3/2015
I don't know how I missed this. So IC and emotional. I don't even mind the Modern AU; it's very well done.
electric gurrl chapter 29 . 1/1/2015
That broke my little heart, sort of. Despite a modern AU, the character interactions are really perfect.
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