Reviews for Boggarts can be Memories too
UwUnator9000 chapter 1 . 4/21
Please, please PLEASE continue! The story has so much potential AND it ends on a cliffhanger!
OutsidersOfPercyJackson chapter 1 . 4/19
I really like how you did this one, would you ever write and second chapter? It would be really good in your writing style!
knigtingale chapter 1 . 8/18/2019
i would die for more of this plsss
piano.writer chapter 1 . 3/3/2018
I read that you said that you might touch up on this fan fic, but do you think you would do another chapter? If you were to I think you should either add on with the twins reaction or maybe do from where the twins wake up and on in their point of view. ex. how they get through the door, what they think when they wake up to screams and so on. thanks for writing.
Dawnbreak55 chapter 1 . 5/25/2017
Myra109 chapter 1 . 11/24/2016
Maybe you should do one in the twins' point of view. Even if you don't, though, I love your story and your writing in general.
Vanadesse Sadroniel chapter 1 . 7/4/2016
Hi. I liked this fic as it shows a different side of Percy, and the care of the twins really touched me. I was hoping maybe you could do a sequel, like when someone find them and when Percy's family finds out. Just a suggestion though!
The Miss America chapter 1 . 10/4/2015
I really want to know what happens next! Can you add another chapter please?
frozentears10 chapter 1 . 10/1/2015
I thought this was really well written - I'd be interested in seeing it from the twin's p.o.v/their reaction to Percy's trauma. They always have such a contentious relationship, it would be a great addition to see how this reveal affects them
chemical violets chapter 1 . 6/24/2015
Please write more! I loved it
SuffocatingRomano chapter 1 . 1/6/2015
This was really, really fucking good. I'm really glad you wrote it. Out of curiosity, for the memory, was it of a character already in the book, or just sort of a one-time OC of sorts? And also, do you ever plan to do more with the idea of this having happened to Percy?
In general, I LOVED how in character and quite tragic this was, and the way the twins reacted. Really depressing, and also very open ended-I wonder if they'll tell anyone, or if anyone already knows.
If you have any other Percy-themed stories, I'd love to read them! Off to your profile to see.
armysugakookie chapter 1 . 1/4/2015
so he's been raped!? oh gosh..i hope they comforted him after knowing that...
ChiffonShock chapter 1 . 12/14/2014
Wow, very deep! I'd like to know how the twins reacted, but I do like how you ended the story. Well done.
TinaMaki chapter 1 . 10/21/2014
Poor Percy!:(
However, this would be an awesome prologue. The beginning of Percy's wayx to heal and find love, or something like that...
Me chapter 1 . 9/25/2014
Hello, so let me start off with... Wow. Like, seriously, you have some pretty good stories but this just... MindExplosion. Which in normal words mean, this story is very epic. The idea and power behind it is powerful. I agree with you, it is slightly and I mean very slightly, choppy and you're ending is so abrupt. Actually it's more like I hate endings, especially to well written things. So it's good, if not a little rushed. If you do chose to continue this, I will be greatly pleased, nonetheless, one-shot or not, this story and plot line basis is very good. Also, I'm sorry if I sound very critical, I just don't do the whole, talking to people thing often.
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