Reviews for Tell Them
OneAutumnLief chapter 5 . 5/28
it was over too fast I want more!
NazgulBelserion chapter 5 . 2/17
This is really good like Nani I love how broken and dead he is we all know he's gonna die honestly I would of loved for him to just die in front of he's parents by Tom's hands where Tom would be like you already killed your son's heart I'm just giving you the rest Avada Kedavra as he's parents can't do anything but watch perfect scene right there
Green-Silver-Ravenclaw chapter 5 . 12/8/2019
I don't care if you think you sucked at writing, you were brilliant, And I will pay you, to continue this story, it's one of the most realistic WBWL ones I have found. For the other reviewers: if you like this, and since we know it's kinda abandoned, this might want to read "Antithesis". it is my favorite fanfiction and I have read it too many times to count. I'm not trying to flame or anything, just really disappointed this story was discontinued.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/13/2019
If you can’t spell slytherin correctly are you even a fan
cinthya chapter 5 . 10/20/2018
I think it was a amazing story to write, really ambitious, and all that
Guest chapter 5 . 8/1/2018
Your story was amazing while it lasted. May your life be grand and the phoenix be with you.
Guest chapter 1 . 8/3/2017
Fuck the feels mannnn
Guest chapter 2 . 7/21/2017
How could you put that sick joke about Fred dying in your story. I almost choked on my orange juice lol
WolfStar4Ev chapter 5 . 12/31/2016
I read your AN, but I was wondering what happened or Harry, so that he couldn't write anymore letters.
Phillies2 chapter 5 . 12/5/2016
I'm sad you decided to stop this fic, i was really starting to get into it. Like another person Holly started to grow on me even if they weren't going to be paired. #2 of ur reasons for stopping bugs me tho, it would have been better had I not known what was to come. I would ask to take your story on, but I know I'm too lazy to actually write 1
AMloverFF chapter 5 . 7/31/2016
Hi, so first off, just to not let the rest of the review come off wrong, I completely respect your decision to discontinue this fic. Do I wish there could be more? Hell yes. But I get that sometimes the spark just goes out.
Moving on though. I really adored the way you handled the Potter family; a lot of authors go the route of heartless, evil scumbags that abuse/abandon Harry for really no reason. Or even worse (no offence to anyone, just the trope) "_ bewitched them to be cruel and hateful". Not that James and Lily had a good reason to neglect and ignore/forget Harry (not that I think there are more than a few of those), but your story just really gets across that they're PEOPLE, people that royally fucked up, sure, but people all the same.
I also wanted to adress the "awful writing" comment; I think this is more of a "god my fucking voice" thing? Like, a master painter would still see the little strokes that were just a tad off, while the viewer will look at how beautifully the lake is depicted? Sure, it might not go through an editor without some changes, but I think you write on a high fanfiction level (like, God, some of the writing we've all seen on this (and others) site).
Uhm, so basically, I really enjoyed your story; kinda sucks that this is it for Harry Slithirin, but let's just say my next stop is your page to find some more goodies!
PS: also good luck on developing(?) your writing further!
Shinan7 chapter 5 . 7/31/2016
Even though you discontinued this, I will still favorite it because it really was good and I liked the direction you were going with this.
It is rather intriguing and caught my attention right off the bat.

roger9481 chapter 5 . 7/30/2016
You're wrong, this story is brilliant. I've read so many HP fanfics and this is one one of the few original fics that I actually enjoyed, don't think for one second that this is trash when there actually is trash stories that still continue. I encourage you to keep on writing and if you can come back to this
Helily chapter 5 . 7/30/2016
Okay, well, have fun with life. I am just off to pout in a corner somewhere...

(Soooo, what you really mean is that one day you will write another WBL fic, right?) :D
Kyuubi's Death chapter 5 . 7/30/2016
Thanks for letting me, and others, know officially that the story isn't gonna continue anymore. I did like this story and i wanted you to know that I've seen worse writing and yours isn't as bad as you think it is. But there's always room to improve yourself in everything you and everyone else. So good luck in life.
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