Reviews for The Big Game
Tear of Light chapter 1 . 8/6/2014
This was a very cute read! I loved it. :)
Go1dSwiggle chapter 1 . 7/20/2014
*heart explodes from cuteness*
Kenshin1340 chapter 1 . 7/20/2014
Very cute and I could see it- I love realistic fluff.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/19/2014
that was cool. interesting concept. to be honest when i read the title i thuoght it was going to be them chering for a football team like the last one i read, but nope, and it was just as good
elfenlied1012 chapter 1 . 7/20/2014
Yo's time for reviews!

So negatives on this side, watch the repetition. having three sentences with Blake in it one after the other is risky business, you can come up with plenty of clever ways around it.

Next, I do think the prose could be a tad bit atmospheric, I'm reading this a little exhausted, but I still almost completely missed the actual running into Weiss bit, only after it did I even noticed that it happened. Maybe thicken the text up, tell me a bit more about the sights sounds and environment especially in the big moment.

I've talked to you a bunch about how your dialogue got better, and this continues to do so, but in general the entire thing has adopted a better naturalness to it than before. Feels like an event that can happen, nit a machine designed simulation ya know? Feels a lot better and more natural, the RP practice helps huh?

I also like how quick a read it was and just a simple fun activity it was to have tonight. It was charming, Ruby trying to be swauve is funny and I walk away with a smile. Perfect attitude for a one shot and I'm happier for it.

Thanks so much for writing this A-rav, and for all the hard work! :D Love ya buddy!
xWasabi24 chapter 1 . 7/19/2014
Nicely done, thanks for the story. I hope you do a sequel for this!
sangheilitat117 chapter 1 . 7/19/2014
A basketball AU has got to be one of the strangest ideas I've ever seen, but this was pretty well done! I'd like to see a sequel no matter how short it is, but that's just cuz I'm a sucker for Whiterose. I liked Ruby's awkward way of asking Weiss out, and I can just see Weiss meeting her again and calling her a dolt for it while Ruby grins awkwardly.
angelsixtwofive chapter 1 . 7/19/2014
I really liked this AU. Reminded me of my days playing basketball... I sucked at it XD. Even though it was a one-shot, is there any chance we can see any more of this AU? Ya'know, just some nice fluff or something. It's a really goo
Snow-White-and-Little-Red chapter 1 . 7/19/2014
Eyyy Weiss plays my position, this was really great,ive thought about a basketball AU before, glad someone as talented as you wrote it!