Reviews for Lady Luck Can Be Quite The Bitch
VampireInDistress chapter 7 . 5/1
Love the chapter. Hope to read more. Until than i'll keep on reading this over again. :)
James Oliver Wood chapter 7 . 12/21/2019
I want to know what happens!
KairisMoore chapter 7 . 11/23/2019
Poor Giant-san, he doesn’t even know lol.
sarahgri99 chapter 7 . 11/7/2017
I love love loved the chapter! This story you wrote is amazing! There's hardly any male ocs in the haikyuu fandom! Can't wait to read more!
Chibitan4 chapter 7 . 11/25/2016
this is awesome please do keep up the good work l. I'm loving this more and more.
Error Code 401 chapter 3 . 11/3/2015
Why does he keep 'giggling'? IDK. I'm sorry. I keep thinking of him as a girl and the giggling doesn't help! *wails and bangs head on desk*
Error Code 401 chapter 1 . 11/3/2015
No offense, but he seems like . . . well, if it wasn't for the male pronouns and such, I'd think that he was a girl. *cringes*
Hiro VP chapter 7 . 6/12/2015
Lester have to be the SEME! Onegai!
I beg you that Lester will be the Seme!
Nyarghh chapter 6 . 4/8/2015
I wonder if Tsukishima and Lester would ever get along... xD

I like this, it's very interesting. Hope to see more!
Seere Klein chapter 6 . 10/26/2014
If I may ask, is lester bisexual here? Haha mainly because he isn't proving to be showing any interest towards anyone. Mainly just respect for the senpais. I think it'd be great if lester will at least try to befriend someone. Weirdly in fact. In the american way. And the chosen person wouldnt even know what hit him. Personally I think lester is gonna be good buddies with either hinata or yamaguchi. But since yamaguchi is tsukki's lackey, that might not go well. XD you may be the first oc I saw that has a male oc in it. Thank you for that XD I do wish when lester wants to be vulgar he just mumbles to himself (but still be heard by the team hehe) instead of shouting. Mainly because there is already an abundance of energetic people in karasuno XD though I'm just suggesting so see you next chapter!
Seere Klein chapter 3 . 10/26/2014
Ahhhh I hope lester is the uke XD height doesnt matterrrrrr
Saturnspaz chapter 2 . 10/18/2014
Lol ding dong bing bong! XD that reminds me of Markiplier :3
Saturnspaz chapter 1 . 10/15/2014
Is this a yaoi story?! With an oc?! Yes! You never see those! (I'm supposing it is) your characters really interesting, and you seem to have his personality figured out pretty well. Not to mention that I just fell in love with him! I'm usually not a big fan of OCs because they're too perfect or they're just annoying, but Lester's really memorable and it shows that he has flaws. (Even though he has extreme luck.) plus, the name you chose for him is unique; your characters name is important because it has to suit the character, and you nailed that! I feel that this is going to be a great story to read. :)
I would love to see him paired with Oikawa by the way ;)
Not-Gonna-Update chapter 6 . 10/14/2014
Mm. This chapter was fun to read. It's kinda amusing that Lester giggles. He does not guffaw or cackle. He giggles.
Eh... That's cute? :3
Not-Gonna-Update chapter 4 . 10/14/2014
Heh. It's cute that Lester, Tobio, and Hinata-chibi are practicing... and failing in the most epic of ways.
This fanfic has been fun to read, so far! :3 I'm gonna go read the next few chapters now...
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