Reviews for Prankster in Training
TheSpazzer77 chapter 5 . 7/28
I really hope you continue this, it's such a fun read, with the characters being exactly how they are in canon.
Great job:)
Tayha chapter 5 . 6/22/2019
Need more episodes
Fred's fanatic chapter 2 . 1/28/2019
Wow she's been well and truly played like the finest
Violin by the three greatest pranksters at hog warts
Whom out pranked the marauders redheads rule
Rightly so but no one ever knew the twins had
More brains than any gryffindor as they kept that
Hidden however this secret prankster should begin
To start looking over her shoulder .though she will
Never know unless she pranks what amazing fun it
Will be I love her yet she needed to have both Fred
And George in her life to spice things up after all
Lily had Fabian and Gideon prewett their uncles
But please do let the fun times start as the zany
Twins were master pranksters but as they left
In the fifth movie it wasn't my favourite yet I'm
Loving this magically blessed very humorous
Laughter packed captivating sizzling smoking
Hot twins work their infectious humor on a serious
Warm fun loving gorgeous student amid dreary
Umbridge days whom has a wickedly amusing
Sense of the ridiculousness however I'm utterly
Fascinated. By this complex thrilling lovably
Highly intriguing challenging unpredictable
Classy strong wonderfully warm hearted
Exceptional love story so thank you so
Very much Elizabeth skinner.
Fred's fanatic chapter 1 . 1/28/2019
Hallelujah finally someone whom could get their
Differences all the while keeping their love respect
Plus undying friendship that's rather brilliant for
A first year besides having these incorrigibly adorable
Mischievous twins could open her up to new exciting
Adventures I'm simply loving this exceedingly funny
Wondrous yet wickedly delightful outstanding
Lovely and long which I love by the way love story
Though it's a shame it's only five enthralling chapters
As when it concerns the twins and hermione the longer
Stories are extraordinarily magnificent as this one
Will be I'm sure but I'm a fremione tragic thankfully
But I'm hooked on your very imaginative colourful
Warm hearted spell binding beautiful love story
So thank you very much your a genius kalimera.
Love Elizabeth skinner
Sammy-Jay Potter chapter 5 . 6/13/2018
wish there was more
SeverusSnape'sLady chapter 5 . 12/17/2017
This is funny. Please continue.
Weasleys witch chapter 5 . 2/28/2017
I'm very pleased that your not going Down the
Dark road either when I think of the twins I've
Always thought happiness laughter gaiety Si
Much fun lightness there's nothing dark about
Them so why would you follow the canon to
The letter your keeping Fred alive and happy
Unlike jk Rowling whom killed Fred for no reason.
So when you've written the next chapter I'll read
It with bells on as I'd be Fred's number and one
Australian fan. Elizabeth skinner loloudplus
I'm loving the big events.
Weasleys witch chapter 4 . 2/28/2017
I've found out that the greatest way to start the day
Is with laughing like your a crazy person so it's
Not going to hurt hermione too loosen up and
Learn how to have such fun via the wonderful
Wesley twins whom make hog warts so enjoyable
To go to every year. I'd like the last chapter to
Have her ions realising that Fred's perfect for
Her flaws and all eons a very bad joke as a
Human being but not Fred no Wayne's ideally
Sensational loving skinnerloloud
Weasels witch chapter 3 . 2/28/2017
I'm absolutely enjoying this and I've always been
On the twins side they're uniqueness is only one
Thing making them special,her ions needs to lighten
Up she was brilliant enough with her schoolwork
Anyway it should be an honorary being Fred's
Guinea pig they're very popular nor would
Either of them ever be uptight she doesn't hate
Pranks at all however her destiny is linked with
Fred's life for an eternity and beyond til. Death
They do Elizabeth skinnerloloud
Weasels witch chapter 2 . 2/28/2017
Fred's got it bad if they're giving her two years
Grace before anything actually happens which
Makes me think they're up to something but
As its Fred and George I'm not certain what it
Could be unlike James and Sirius whom were
Very predictable indeed lily Evans and slithering.
I've always liked lee Jordan he's totally brilliant
And a exceptionally loyal friend to Fred and George
So I'm definitely looking forward to reading exactly
How this great story Elizabeth skinnerloloud
Wesleyan witch chapter 1 . 2/28/2017
This has so much of Fred and Georges sensationally
Wicked yet delightful sense of humour they were
My favourite weasleys by far I absolutely loved
Every sentence,the twins are to honest which makes
Them unique and neither would hurt anyone at all
Hermiones very lucky indeed that she was chosen
To be a big part of their lives most young witches
Would love to be in her shoes I'm loving everything
You've put down its inspirational plus impossible
To quit reading. skinnerloloud
FanFic Lover36 chapter 5 . 10/7/2016
Plzz update i need to know what happens next
Rubi-in-Rust chapter 5 . 7/7/2016
Is there a sequel? I needs da sequel.
Alytiger chapter 5 . 3/28/2016
I love this story so far! I can't wait for the next chapter :3
fanficti0naddict chapter 5 . 2/3/2016
it has been nearly a year since this was updated so i realize my hopes mau not come to fruition by following this. nonetheless, I am following this story in hopes you continue it as I am really enjoying the concept.
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