Reviews for Strangers in a Strange Land
Unknown chapter 3 . 9/19/2018
So is Vivi going to be a consistent character or only for this chapter. Also, can Rin and the fairy tail members meet by one of them accepting a job for a very difficult and dangerous monster they are struggling to beat and as they are trying to sneak up on it, they see a boy walking and the mo stern attacks (Rin) and they are too far away to stop it also they are injured from it and then Finn causually looks at it and jumps to beat it with one flame powered kick. The fairy tail members are shocked and they are still hiding (down wind so the monster and by association Rin can’t smell them) so they hear as Rin suddenly shouts “hey Yukio, do you think this thing is edible?” And have fun from there. Also, maybe have them be some weaker guild members but since natsu would have beaten the monster but still have them be strong like elfman or juvia to show that the monster was powerful and also big. It’s just an idea, have fun! :)
ShinyKyu chapter 3 . 1/10/2018
Damn it, why'd you have to end it there? TT_TT
It was really good though. Awesome job.
Vi-Violence chapter 3 . 9/21/2016
Why does it stop there?
MidnightRide129 chapter 3 . 9/7/2016
Please update this! I love it! I cant wait for him to get to the guild and meet team natsu and everyone else! Please write new chapter soon!
DeadX Zero chapter 3 . 7/12/2016
This story's awesome! Please update!
Hollzanime fan chapter 3 . 4/14/2016
I love this story.
Ms MJ chapter 3 . 1/14/2016
It is really well written, I have only seen the Anime of Blue Exorcist but I think that you did a great job picturing Rin. Yukio was done really well too, his inner thoughts got me grinning a few times. It was a nice addition.

I did start to question when they would finally get out of the forest or run into Natsu's and Happy's house, hehe.

I like your OC! Though I'm not so sure why she wouldn't be in a guild. You did leave the ending open with enough room for a sequel, the brothers kinda have already earned themselves some Jewels!

Anyways, I really enjoyed reading it and I hope the plot bunnies got you to write more of this which I will check later when I'm comfortably using a PC instead of trying to access and navigate your profile via a browser on my phone. I just had to leave a review now that I completed reading it. :)
Guest chapter 3 . 12/1/2015
Love the story I hope natsu will show up maybe save them from some valcans or something like that UPDATE soon
Book Soldier chapter 1 . 10/28/2015
Oh my goodness! You are a really good writer! I hope you continue writing!
Rosalind2013 chapter 3 . 10/27/2015
Aw. I was hoping there'd be more. The characterization was pretty good, and you have beautiful imagery. Nice job!

Kit chapter 3 . 8/25/2015
Nice, really hope you write a sequel, you can't just leave them in a forest in a strange world they've never heard of
YokaiAO3 chapter 1 . 8/25/2015
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo! More more more! This is really good, gah!
Primordial Goo chapter 3 . 6/7/2015
I think this is a good idea and a great start. I hope there will be a sequel!
Golden Bearded Dragon chapter 3 . 3/25/2015
I really hope you write more, it's pretty interesting, but you did take a long time explaining things, it was still good though. You had excellent grammar. :D
havarti2 chapter 3 . 1/28/2015
Please write more of this! IT'S REALLY GOOD!
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